27 Dresses comes out this weekend and I’m probably going to end up seeing it. The film has been on Cami’s radar for a while.
I actually remember kind of being excited about it when I frist heard about it sometimes last fall. At that point, Katherine Heigl could do no wrong. I thought she was awesome in Knocked Up and I was looking forward to seeing her in another movie.
Of course, since then, she’s been talking a lot of smack and saying stupid things like how Knocked Up was sexist and how her character on Grey’s Anatomy has been written so poorly this season (yours and everyone else’s, sister!) It all comes off like a bunch of whining to me. It’s not professional and it makes me kind of dislike her. I know that’s superficial, but when you only have so much time over any given weekend and only so much money in your wallet, you’ll leverage any decision making you can wrap your mind around. I mean, what actress wouldn’t kill to trade places with her at this stage in her career.
I guess it will be interesting to see if she can carry a picture by herself. She may have been the female lead in Knocked Up, but that movie was most certainly not about her. I guess even if she sucks, I’m looking forward to seeing James Marsden on screen again so soon after knocking it out of the park in Enchanted. That dude was the best thing about that movie.
I’ve always liked Marsden even if he comes off like the thinking-man’s Casper Van Dien. I don’t particularly hold him accountable to the fact that he’s always the guy being dumped in movies. After all, there are actors who seemingly die in every other role they take. It’s just jarring to see him in this different context. I hope it pans out for him. He deserves more.
Actually, the fact that he’s always getting dumped in the movies might be the one great thing that will instantly draw audiences to him – sympathize with him. I mean, for once, shouldn’t the guy get the girl?
On thing’s for sure – they’ve been running advanaced screenings of this movie for a while now trying to build word of mouth. I think it screened once in December before the holidays and it was screened again for general audiences last Saturday. My sister-in-law went and she said she liked it. My good friend Joe Dunn from Joe Loves Crappy Movies saw it and liked it, too.
Joe made the point that the movie was formulaic, but that it didn’t count as a strike against it because it’s been very compitently arranged. Not every movie has to deliver a brand new experience. Some films take a tried and true formula and do great things with it by telling a story in simple terms. There’s nothing wrong with it. In fact, that’s what makes these formulas tried and true to begin with. Done right, they simply work.
27 Dresses has that vernier going into the film. I’ll be eager to see if it delivers on that promise.
That’s it for me today. I’m sneaking out of the house later tonight to see Cloverfiled. Actually, all three members of The Triple Feature are planning on seeing Cloverfield this weekend, so we’ll have plenty to talk about on next Monday’s show.
Have a great weekend and I’ll see you here on Monday!
It’s been a while since we’ve seen Charlie in a comic, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to reintroduce to the strip.
Y’know, for a while I’ve wanted to get back to telling longer story arcs and I’m sitting on a doozy that focuses on the ancillary players of the Theater Hopper universe. One of these days I’m going to have to get around to telling it and tighten things up a little bit in terms of how everyone relates to each other.
Just like in the comic, both Cami and I have the day off today because of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Being the whitest white guy who every whited, I always felt a little guilty for being given the day off. What am I supposed to do with it? Practice my speech-writing skills? Participate in a sit-in of some kind?
I don’t mean to diminish Martin Luther King, Jr. or his accomplishments in any way. But getting the day off for his birthday is something new to me. The corporation I work for only recently enacted a policy giving employees time off for it. So I’m kind of at a loss.
I’m probably dating myself a little bit here, but I’m reminded of a skit from Saturday Night Live in the early to mid-90’s with Tim Meadows and Ellen Cleghorn as two office workers exchanging gifts on Marting Luther King, Jr. day. All of the white people in the office start to get very worried and start to ask each other “Were we supposed to get them gifts?” Eventually the two parties end up in conflict over the matter and all the white people scurry to get the African American co-workers gifts. When they leave the break room, Meadows and Cleghorn laugh about it all being a scam. I dunno. I guess I’m saying I relate to that confusion.
I didn’t get a chance to see 27 Dresses this weekend. Just didn’t shake out that way. But I did see Cloverfield on Friday night. Very intense film, but it lived up to the hype for me. I loved it and apparently so did a lot of you. The film broke all box office records for January.
It’s been interesting to monitor the reaction to this film. I’ve talked to some people who absolutely hated it and thought it was dumb. A lingering taste of Blair Witch still left in their mouths? The couple next to me at the showing I attended left with about 20 minutes to go. I have no idea what set them off.
At any rate, I’ll reserve the majority of my comments in this space and instead encourage you to tune in to The Triple Feature podcast being recorded LIVE at 9:00 PM CST this evening over at TalkShoe. I know that both Joe and Gordon saw the film and I’m positive there will be some strong opinions about it from all three of us.
If you saw the movie this weekend, I strongly encourage you to call in with your questions or leave your comments in the real-time chat filed during the broadcast. I’d love to gather a little more concensus around the film. I honestly think it’ll be a film people will still be talking about 5 years from now.
That’s all from me. Enjoy the day off if you’ve been lucky enough to have been granted it so. Otherwise, I hope this l’il old comic will help get you over the Monday blah’s.
Talk to you soon!