I forgot to mention a couples of new strips I’ve added to the links page. Both of these are new entries into the world of web comics, but their creators are as nice a lemonade on a hot summer day.
Why do I feel like whistling a jaunty tune?
Anyway, be sure make Go Eat A Spamwich and Scene Rascalin’ part of your weekly reads.
Also want to send a shout out to Mitch over at Nothing Nice To Say. He was cool enough to put a link to us in his blog and we’re seeing a flood of people coming in from his site. Thanks, Mitch!
Sidenote: I checked out Go Eat A Spamwich before posting this update and they’re currently down due to exceeding their bandwidth. But you should definitely bookmark them and check them out later. Great color penciled work.
This temporary stay is no doubt the Mitch’s handiwork. He also linked to G.E.A.S.
The power one man wields… scary…
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Sep 5, 2003 | MEET ME! |
Jun 1, 2005 | I NEVER KNEW! |
Oct 25, 2002 | LINKATUDE |
It’s always a real treat when another web comic links to your site from theirs. It’s a real validation to have your work recognized not only by fans, but by others in the industry who like what you do.
Imagine my utter pants-wetting glee when upon checking my counter logs, I was deluged by hits from the main page blogs of not one, not two, but three big web comics.
Many thanks to Troy’s Bucket, Nothing Nice to Say and, in a surprise revelation, Something Positive for giving me notice on their sites today.
A link back on my end is but a small gesture. One not truly indicative of my appreciation. Please check out all three sites and let them know their awesomeness is far-reaching.
And, as long as I’m directing traffic, everyone should be sure to check out LINKS
No Pants Tuesday. Zach finally got it together and purchased himself a fancy new domain. You can now find him at (appropriately) http://www.nopantstuesday.com. Be sure to pay him a visit and check out the new strip he put up today.
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Oct 26, 2005 | LINKIES! |
Nov 7, 2005 | MORE LINKS |
Apr 28, 2003 | MONDAYS SUCK |
Sep 5, 2003 | MEET ME! |
Apr 7, 2003 | I’VE MISSED YOU, BABY |
Drew better start listening to Floyd.
Whenever I think of The Wizard of Oz, I hear the Dark Side of the Moon. If you’ve never tried the whole sync thing, do it. I believe that it works. You can do it twice with the Dark Side of the Moon and the Wizard of Oz.
It is my opinion that this also works with the vinyl version of the Fragile and Taxi Driver. Trent Reznor mentioned in his 9-9-99 interview about the Fragile that he had been watching Taxi Driver a lot. I tried syncing both the vinyl and cd versions of the album (which are different) and only the vinyl version works out right. The movie and the album are exactly the same length. You just have to allow the appropriate amount of time to flip the album. This doesn’t have as many similarities as the Pink Floyd stuff, but the mood and the feel matches well.
For more syncing info, go here.
I worked on the documentary on Sunday and Monday, then took time out on Tuesday to watch movies. I finally watched 15 Minutes. I had heard that it was bad, but I enjoyed it. I also watched Platoon Leader, which I only enjoyed because of my interest in the Vietnam war. It is basically a low budget answer to Platoon.
I forgot to mention last week that I went to see The Rules of Attraction. I found the style interesting, but wouldn’t watch it again. Except maybe for the montage, which was a fast and cool account of some dudes trip to Europe. Patti hated this movie.
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Feb 17, 2006 | CONCERT REPORT |
Gots ta give a shout-out to a couple of new homies in the community who switched me up propah with some tasty linkocity!
My peeps need to get the 4-1-1 on The Daisy Cutter and Sara and David. Two strips definitely worth your time. Check out the links page for some more dope toons.
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Nov 7, 2005 | MORE LINKS |
Jan 30, 2003 | WEB COMIC PLUGGIN’ |
Sep 2, 2003 | SITE BUSINESS |
Sep 11, 2002 | ONE GOOD TURN… |
Since today has become “Publicly Announce Your Love For Everything” Day, I thought it would be fun to post another picture of my beagle Truman.
Some of you might remember the strip I did a while ago and the blog that featured a picture of him as a pup. Well, here he is. All grown up. A robust 8 months old.
Truman has an ear infection right now, so he’s a little cranky. I’m a little cranky too after paying the vet bill. But I would never ask for a handout. That would be tacky.
Some might accuse me to pandering to their cute receptors by publishing an adorable picture of my dog, but I say he’s deserved the recognition. He’s been very good this week and has stopped chewing on the couch. Truman is a pretty smart dog. Just look how discreetly he covers up his “business” in the picture above.
So, anyway. I love my dog! He’s cool!
Normally, a site like this one isn’t a place you visit to be confronted by issues, but because it’s Election Day, I’m making a special exception.
I’m not political by any means, but I’m voting today and strongly suggest you do, too.
If the campaigns in your state have been anything like ours here in Iowa (bitter, name-calling diatribes equivalent to 5th grade hair-pulling), you might be turned off to the concept of voting altogether. But in the face of the alternative, democracy is an institution worth taking a few moments out of your day for.
This year, each political seat is being hotly contested. I plan on voting for the corporate-sponsored whore who ran the less offensive campaign. For me, 9 times out of 10 it’s a Democrat. That’s not an endorsement, but in my experience, I can’t shake the stereotype that most Republicans are greedy, old white men who don’t live anywhere near the tax-bracket or planet I come from.
I find the attachment of the Christian-right to the Republican party particularly scary. I’m often offended that Republicans use “family values” as an issue when attacking their rivals. I can’t tell you how many ads I’ve seen where an ominous voice-over declares “Candidate X doesn’t represent Iowa values”. As if we all shared the same brain, or something. I know what’s good for my own family, thank you. I don’t need your mandate to make these choices for me. I can’t find myself voting for a party that believes we should all behave like some homogenized 1950’s nuclear family. Life is more complex than that.
Not that the Democrats don’t have their share of faults. More often than not, they seem to think throwing money at a problem will make it go away. It usually makes it more difficult for those who really need help to actually get any.
In the end, it all comes down to money. I guess the Democratic attitude towards it just offends me less.
I’m not trying to piss off anyone who is a die-hard, card-carrying member of either party. I’m just extolling a preference. So please redirect any energy you would misspend sending me hate mail and use it for getting your lazy 20-something brethren to go out and vote. That was the point of this blog all along.
I don’t vote because I believe in the candidates. I vote because I believe in the system the allowed these chuckleheads to get into power in the first place. If you cast aside your right to vote, you run the risk of losing it altogether. The best you can do is to mark your ballot and hope the guy you picked won’t screw as hard as the other guy would have.
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Dec 4, 2003 | I HATE TO TROUBLE YOU |
Apr 27, 2009 | RANKING |
Apr 30, 2003 | PUTTING OUT THE CALL |
Oct 17, 2003 | BUZZ COMIX |
I have a habit of checking out the oddities page on Canada.com. Today I was surprised to find my home county in the news! Apparently we have a rat problem.
I went to 8-Mile on Saturday and was entertained. The main thing I didn’t like was the ending. I don’t think I am spoiling too much to say that this could have ended so much better than it did. What, did the writer inspire himself so much that he had to go be a rapper right this very second – before he could even finish the script? I enjoyed the rap battles and would have been okay seeing more. The sex scene however, was plenty long. Now I know what gratuitous means.
If you had planned on seeing 8-Mile, by all means go. But if you are just a casual movie goer, my advice is to wait for the rental.
Enough was this weekend’s rental. Though it received bad reviews I really enjoyed this movie. Watch this one with your sweetie.
Jared found Maximum Overdrive to be “very enjoyable”? Now does everyone understand why he takes the brunt of the violence in the strip?
Still, I gotta give him props on that rap. Most of mine went more like:
My name is Tom
and I’m here to say
I can get funky
almost every day!
See what I’m talkin’ about? Ahhh, you kids don’t know nuthin’! Why, I my day, we didn’t rap about killing your Mom or smoking blunts! We rapped about sneakers and people who talk too much!
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Yo my name is Jared and I can’t rap
every time I try it just sounds like crap
some would say I’m doin’ it right
but if I were bread I’d sure be white!
Peace Outside Y’all
Okay, I must apologize for that. I just read Tom’s blog and decided to give the 8-Mile fans a little turd to put in their pockets and enjoy. Again, I’m sorry.
Last night my buddy Eric came over and we watched the wonderful meshing of Stephen King, Emilio Estevez, and AC/DC that is Maximum Overdrive. Angry Trucks!? Very enjoyable. Not good, but very enjoyable.
I have never met the guys from Troy’s Bucket, or really even communicated with them, but I saw them around town the other day. Where? Well, that’s the big mystery isn’t it? SHICK Shick shick AHH Ahh ahh.
On a different note, Video Update raised their prices! Now the 2 for 99 cents deal has been altered to 2 for $1.49! Don’t they understand my financial situation and my lusty desire to watch cheap movies! The deal has been altered and I’m praying like Lando that they don’t alter it any further.
Of course, movie rentals are free at the library. Oh well.
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Nov 13, 2002 | THE MORE YOU KNOW… |
Well, I’m back. I promised more news, and I’ve got more news. Ironically, this won’t be a mega-post like I originally envisioned.
I just wanted to make it public that Theater Hopper has been nominated for a couple of awards by the good folks sponsoring the Webcomic Choice Awards. We’re nominated in the categories of Best Hand-Drawn Comic and Best Webdesign.
Of course I couldn’t be more thrilled. I’m just happy for the recognition, so many thanks to those who filled in my name on the nomination ballot.
Voting for the general public won’t begin until all the nominees have been contacted and they verify the honor. I’m imagining it’ll be near the end of the month before things get into full-swing.
I’m not going to vote-whore, but I intend on promoting the WCA during the voting period. Once things get rolling, please think of us when casting your ballot. It would make me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Things are really shaping up for the big five-oh milestone on Friday. Geeze. 50 comics. I can’t believe it. I just started this up to see if I could do it. And now it looks like I’ve got an average of a couple hundred readers telling me to keep it up. You guys are the best. Seriously. If it weren’t for you, I’d quit. There’s no reason to throw all this creative effort into a void. I’m glad there is someone on the other side to provide a soft pillow for it to land on.
To celebrate this chapter of Theater Hopper history, I’ve made some plans for next week. There are going to be a few changes around the site. I’m going to be deleting a few things, adding some more cool things to replace them and… well… something big is planned for next week, so you gotta be sure to come back and check it out.
Lastly, I want to give a shout-out to Butah over at Hot Buttered Funk. He was kind enough to add me to his ever-growing cam-pic army. You can find me on page 8. Do some scrolling. You’ll find me at the bottom.
Butah was also cool enough to hook Theater Hopper up with a permanent link on his links page. I’m returning the favor by slapping this big ass banner here.
I strongly suggest you visit the site and sign up for the forums. They’ve got a great crew of regulars over there and some of the most intelligent and inventive topics I’ve seen on the Internet in a long time.
Hmm… I guess this post ended up being longer than I thought. Nuthin’ wrong with that!
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