I’ll be back later in the morning with a more thought-out blog. Right now, after having finished the comic and watching the Chicago Cubs botch their World Series clincher, I’ve just… I’ve just gotta sleep…
More soon. I promise.
I’ll be back later in the morning with a more thought-out blog. Right now, after having finished the comic and watching the Chicago Cubs botch their World Series clincher, I’ve just… I’ve just gotta sleep…
More soon. I promise.
Just thought I would mention that fellow Dayfree Press member White Ninja Comics are celebrating their one year anniversary today.
If you haven’t seen their particular brand of surreal comedy, now’s a great time to investigate. Their latest strip – “White Ninja gets a kiwi” – is a shining example of their inspired, bizarre, but ultimately charming sense of humor.
Dec 12, 2003 | GO GET SOME COFFEE |
Mar 18, 2004 | MORE ANNIVERSARIES! |
Oct 3, 2005 | ALL ABOARD! |
As long as we’re pointing out milestones, I want to call everyone’s attention to Life of Convenience. Our good friend J Clark is celebrating his 50th strip with a FULL WEEK of “Convenient” action. LIVE action as it were. These strips are all being made with photographs featuring the real-life stars of the strip. It’s a really cool idea and you need to check it out!
Nov 17, 2004 | EVEN MORE! |
Nov 14, 2003 | 200 STRIPPERS |
If you read Friday’s blog, you know that Cami was actually out of town all this weekend. You think it would have afforded me the time to watch all the crazy movies I would otherwise have to wait and see.
Unfortunately, I spent the weekend cleaning out my sock drawers.
FORTUNATELY, when Cami came back on Sunday, we were able to make it to an evening showing of Kill Bill. Thank goodness, because if there is any movie out there right now that serves as water cooler fodder, this has got to be it.
I don’t know how I depth I can go in my review because I think everyone needs to see it. Don’t let what you’ve heard about the gore stop you. Yeah, there’s a lot of blood – but it’s much less disturbing than you think. It’s more comic and over the top.
Uma Thurman was bad-ass. I’ve always admired her detached cool and it’s played to brilliant effect here. I think Uma Thurman is to Quentin Tarantino as Grace Kelly was to Alfred Hitchcock. Props to QT for giving Sonny Chiba a cameo!
The cinematography in this film is breathtaking and it makes Kill Bill easily one of the most stylish films of the year. I was particularly impressed with the work with miniatures (the jumbo jet and downtown Tokyo cityscapes). Why is no one talking about this? Detail, I suppose.
What surprised me the most is how much Cami enjoyed the film. We would look at each other during some of the more abrupt instances of violence (beheadings, and whatnot) and she would cringe most distastefully – an expression I’m sure I mirrored. But it led me to believe she didn
Greetings all.
I think you’ll all be interested to know that the forums are now up and running.
Unfortunately, if we signed up before, you’ll have to sign up again. Oh, and I lost all the previous threads. Sorry.
I’m still trying to figure out where I screwed up, but it looks like they’re lost of good.
But hey. All the special features I included like the Quick Reply box and the Statistics mod are still there – so I guess there’s a silver lining!
So, Arnold Schwarzenegger is now the new governor of California. Good work, left-coasters. You’ve now supplanted Florida and that whole “hanging chad” debacle as our nations greatest embarassment.
I think voting a former Austrian bodybuilder into the highest office of your state probably wasn’t the wisest move, but it’ll make for some great late-nite fodder for the rest of us.
Some might view the Schwarzenegger election as a triumph of the openness of American politics. I view it for what it is – a big, freaky circus greased with the money of special interests who thought they could win over the worlds 5th largest economy with a little star power. Looks like their bet paid off.
In less scandalous news, Cami and I are finally getting around to seeing School of Rock tonight after work. I missed it over the weekend since I was at that convention, but I’ve heard nothing but good things.
Frankly, I don’t see how it could fail. I’m a big Jack Black fan and you know that director Richard Linklater will do it right. I’ve enjoyed all of his movies immensely.
Dec 15, 2011 | TRAILER – THE EXPENDABLES 2 |
In my rush to post a comic today for the one I missed on Monday, I totally neglected to post a blog recapping my experience at the Minnesota FallCon comic book convention this weekend.
I had been geared up for the event all last week. As I was making final preparations, I could hardly contain myself. I started having trouble sleeping Thursday night before we were to make the 4 hour drive to Minneapolis on Friday. By the time the first day of the convention rolled around on Saturday, I couldn’t sit down.
Being as amped up as I was (and also trying to navigation an unfamiliar city), I decided to head out to the convention center early. I was there to greet everyone when the doors opened. I met Zach from No Pants Tuesday first, then Mitch from Nothing Nice to Say arrive and finally, Carrington from Movie Punks . Suffice to say, they were all really cool.
It was weird to meet these guys in person after corresponding with all of them in one form or another over the last year. I knew what they looked like, I knew their sense of humor, but it’s like they weren’t real people until they were right there in front of you.
Conversation flowed like wine and we were all getting along great. Sometimes, we’d be so deep in conversation, we’d ignore people checking out our booth! Whoops!
But I’m glad things turned out that way and not the other. It would have really sucked if we were all just sitting there, staring off into space with nothing to say to one another.
In terms of people who came to check us out, I’d say the turn out was pretty good. True, the majority of people who stopped by didn’t know who we were or what our comics were about. And when we told them they were on the web and that we update multiple times a week, we got some interesting reactions.
But I’d say most of those reactions were positive! A lot of people promised to check out the site. And if you’re one of those people and you’re reading this right now – I love you!
Carrington and I would sometimes have some odd overlap when were explaining our sites to people. People would ask one of us what it was about, and we would say “Well, it’s a comic that makes fun of movies and it’s updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.” Then they would turn to the other and we’d say “Ditto.” We had fun playing around with people and charge that one was ripping off the other. Good times.
The biggest treat of the convention was meeting the people who were already familiar with the site. The crew from Still Untitled came to visit and we chatted them up for a good while. They were really cool. BobaBen from the forums also said hello and it was good to see him.
All in all, it was a great experience and it was great to sit around and talk shop with the other creators. I had so much fun, I’m thinking about heading out to another convention in Kansas City this November. Theater Hopper Tour ’03!
Be sure to keep checking the site because I’ll be offering TWO posters that were on sale at the convention. I have a new one for Theater Hopper and a SPECIAL EDITION poster created by the four of us who shared a booth together. It’ll be a trip!
Jun 1, 2005 | I NEVER KNEW! |
May 9, 2003 | WOO HOO |
Jul 23, 2003 | GUESS WHO’S BACK? |
May 2, 2003 | SO TRUE |
Sep 26, 2003 | CONVENTION NEWS |
Greetings! I am pumped for the convention this weekend. I have prepared copies of the Theater Hopper documentary for this event, with special cover art by Tom. I hope to see as many of you as possible this weekend.
To increase production in the “special projects” area, I have been slacking in the “tell you about some movie I saw and tell you how I found it to be ‘enjoyable’” area. Sorry. I have watched several movies, but I’ll have to talk about them later. Or, since I’m heading up north, I’ll tell you aboot them later.
Feb 15, 2005 | ART AUCTION |
Apr 21, 2010 | C2E2 RECAP |
Sep 5, 2003 | MEET ME! |
I was gathering up all of my materials today to take up to FallCon and it occured to me that I didn’t thank some of you for helping me choose which Theater Hopper comics would be included in a sample binder I was taking with me.
A lot of you responded and I apologize for not thanking you personally. But, as you can imagine, things are hectic.
It was really interesting to get your feedback and find out what strips struck a chord with which readers. I noticed a definate “old school” vs. “new school” vibe in the e-mails – if that’s even possible for a comic that’s been around a little over a year.
But, yeah. Some of you picked the older comics while some of you were picking the most recent material. A lot of you picked comics that followed a story line – which is making me think that I need to be doing more story-telling rather than hit and miss one-liners.
Either way, I really appreciate the feedback. Thanks!
I think FallCon is going to be a blast. I’m nervous as hell, but it’s going to be a great learning experience.
Be sure to check back here on Monday for the full recap. There’ll even be a new comic to boot! I plan on taking a lot of photos, so once I get those back, I’ll post them to the site.
Have a great weeekend, everyone!
Aug 8, 2005 | THE BLOG CONTINUES |
Feb 15, 2005 | ART AUCTION |
Mar 27, 2009 | VS. EVERYONE |