Just because it’s impossible to do a comic about Nicholas Cage without referencing it, here it is once again…
The best scenes from The Wicker Man.
“How’d it get burned? HOW’D IT GET BURNED! HOWDITGETBURNED?!!”
Just because it’s impossible to do a comic about Nicholas Cage without referencing it, here it is once again…
The best scenes from The Wicker Man.
“How’d it get burned? HOW’D IT GET BURNED! HOWDITGETBURNED?!!”
Jan 11, 2012 | AN EXPOSED NERVE |
Apr 25, 2005 | BACK FOR MORE |
Jan 22, 2007 | AHH THE BEES!! NOT THE BEES!! |
Does anyone out there have a website that uses ad networks? Ever since I redesign the site back in January, I’ve been trying to tweak my ad set up. Right now I have a couple of networks I serve ads from and I use OpenX to deliver the ads through the site. But I need some help refining things. If you have any experience, please leave your comments below or send me an e-mail at theaterhopper@hotmail.com.
Incidentally, individual advertisers can have their ads placed on Theater Hopper ahead of the network advertisers by purchasing ad space based on impressions. Click here to learn more about advertising with Theater Hopper.
Jan 31, 2005 | AND ONE MORE THING!… |
Nov 1, 2004 | LINKITY-LINK |
Jan 3, 2005 | IT’S AWESOME |
Jul 28, 2004 | TRAFFIC PATTERNS |
I just wanted to take a moment and send kudos to Paul Southworth whose comic Ugly Hill ends today after 3 years of tearing it up on the interwebs.
Paul is a standup guy and one of the more consistently funny people I know. If you haven’t read Ugly Hill before, you’d do yourself a favor to start at the beginning and read through his archives. It’s well worth your time.
Can you guys help me out?
I’m in a Research class for my Master’s program and our professor put us on the spot to come up with some survey questions she wanted us to ask around campus.
We were supposed to do it tonight, but she’s sick with the flu. Only downside is she still wants survey results for next week to keep us on track! So I came up with the idea to do a Survey Monkey poll.
Can you take 2 minutes to fill out this 4 question survey about Twitter? We’re pretty much looking for a level of awareness. Nothing complicated. No essay questions.
It would really blow her mind if we got a lot of respondents on this. Plus, it’ll make me look good. It won’t take much time, I promise.
And I appreciate your help!
May 15, 2009 | MY RESEARCH PAPER |
Feb 16, 2009 | OLD PRO |
Yesterday afternoon it was cold and crummy outside and everyone in the house was asleep taking an afternoon nap.
I, on the other hand, am incapable of sleep. So I decided to whip up a quick t-shirt design and wanted to get your thoughts on it. You probably recognize the logo.
It’s the logo that appears on Eve’s chest when she acquires the plant in Wall-E.
I made it for a couple of reasons. One, because I just like the design. It’s simple and effective. Two, because I looked everywhere online for a similar shirt and couldn’t find one. So I thought, “I should make one for myself. If there’s enough interest, I’ll sell them on the site.”
So what do you think? Do I have any kindred spirits out there? Do you like the larger design that puts the logo in the center of the chest or the smaller design that is off-center and placed on the chest similar to where it was on Eve? What about shirt color?
White like Eve or black (because I know that black is the best-selling t-shirt color on the planet)?
Leave your me your feedback! I’m curious to find out what you think!
Aug 17, 2009 | FORUM FUTURE |
Apr 20, 2009 | NEW SHIRT PRE-ORDER |
So I just got a new web cam after going a few years without. For the most part, it’ll be handing when I want to take a quick snapshot to update my Facebook profile with.
But I also got the cam with the idea to start streaming video of me working on the comic three nights a week through Ustream. Not just because all the popular web comic artists are doing it, but because I think it’ll be a good way to keep me honest, focused and working on the comic instead of staying up until 2 in the morning screwing around on Facebook (see the vicious cycle?)
Anyway, I just found out that in order to stream what’s on my desktop, I need to buy a program called WebCamMax and I kind of bristle at the idea of having to shell out more money without totally knowing what I’m getting into.
Who among you follow the streams of other web comic artists? What do you like about it? If Theater Hopper were to have it’s own stream where you can watch me work on the comic and maybe fire off a question or two in chat field, would you check it out?
Just trying to measure interest a little bit.
Mar 27, 2009 | VS. EVERYONE |
Mar 12, 2007 | CAN YOU TELL ME WHO THIS IS? |
Aug 17, 2009 | FORUM FUTURE |
Feb 12, 2007 | DESIGN FEEDBACK |
People really seemed to take a shine to yesterday’s comic. Specifically, the punch line. So I decided to strike while the iron was hot and whip up a t-shirt design…
What do you guys think? Leave me your comments. If there is enough good will to pursue it, I’ll see about printing them up in the next few weeks!
May 17, 2004 | PROOF OF SUCCESS |
Sep 17, 2007 | EXPLOSION! |
I have a design question for you guys.
Where do you think would be the most prominent place for me to put a StumbleUpon button? I’m thinking of removing the one I have now and putting it even closer to the comic navigation.
Bonus question: If the StumbleUpon button goes closer to the comic navigation, where should the site bookmarking tool go? You know, the one that keeps your place if you’re combing through the archives.
Leave your thoughts in the comments below!
Feb 11, 2008 | DUGG-GONE IT! |
Jan 18, 2010 | |
Feb 24, 2006 | NEW AD SCHEME |
I am nervous because later this morning I am seeing a doctor for my first physical in almost 15 years.
It was something I meant to do last year after I turned 30. Plus, now that we have Henry, monitoring my health more closely is the responsible thing to do.
I didn’t make the appointment, though partially because I didn’t have a doctor and didn’t know how to go about looking for one. But I didn’t exactly make it a priority to find one because I am deathly afraid of needles.
I’ve been worrying about it since yesterday. I know they’re going to have to take blood. I wish there was a way they could gas me and knock me out to do it, though.
My fear of needles has only gotten worse as I’ve gotten older. Last year I went to a health screening provided by my employer and got all tense when I found out they were going to use the little finger prick thing to take a small blood sample.
It’s not just blood removal, either. I don’t like injections. Getting a flu shot fills me with anxiety.
Incidentally, I should mention I never had a flu shot until Henry was born.
The things I do for this kid. Seriously.
Okay, here’s that second post I was talking about.
First, a little background…
As part of WordPress and the ComicPress theme running behind the scene and managing the archives, I have the ability to go back and add transcripts to nearly 7 years worth of comics. Transcripts, of course, being the written dialogue from each strips typed out and captured for posterity.
The advantage of submitting transcripts to the database is that it makes the archives easier to search. So if someone wanted to find out if I made fun of Back to the Future in any of my comics, the search functionality of the site won’t have to rely exclusively on key words in the blog posts and that individual gets more accurate results.
Here’s the problem: 7 YEARS OF COMICS!
So I was thinking that I would solicit you guys for a little help. Here’s how it works:
I’ve created a new page that lists each month since August 2002. Also on that page is a list of items I will trade you in compensation for transcribing comics. Everything from shirts and books to promotional DVDs and original artwork. It’s a good mix of stuff. Different items are worth different amounts. A shirt is equal to 3 months of transcriptions, a DVD might be worth 5 months.
If you’re up to the challenge, e-mail me at theaterhopper@hotmail.com and let me know what item you want to trade for and I will assign you the months to transcribe. We can work out the details from there. Availability on certain items is first come, first serve. So don’t wait if you see something you want.
With any luck, we can put this little chore to bed in short order and improve functionality across the site that everyone can enjoy!
Jun 27, 2007 | MORE INFO |
Oct 1, 2007 | MY CONTESTS ARE GREAT! |