I don’t know what it is about The Muppets that has generated so much excitement in me. But I knew as soon as the first of November turned the corner that I had more than I couple of ideas comic-wise to approach the movie with. He’s the follow-up to last week’s strip with likely more Muppet goodness to come.
Did you guys happen to catch Saturday Night Live this weekend? Jason Segel was hosting and The Muppets were right there with him. In fact, I thought the opening monologue was pretty funny in that it cleverly anticipated the audience’s expectations to see The Muppets and (more than a little likely) their desire to see The Muppets host instead of Segel.
I mean, Segel’s a great guy. I like him a lot, don’t get me wrong. But nostalgia is going to win out every time, buddy. It’s just the nature of things.
I read a couple complaints that The Muppets were a little too bitter and cynical on Saturday Night Live. But to me, that was just them playing to the audience. I mean, The Muppets have always had a sarcastic edge to them. As much as we all love “The Rainbow Connection,” there’s a bitter, anti-authority streak in there.
Incidentally, I have been so-moved by this Muppet mayhem, that over the weekend, I decided to sit down at the ol’ drawin’ table and crank out a portrait of Kermit the Frog. I even made YouTube video out of it for your enjoyment!
Did you like it? Do you like the drawing? Guess what? YOU CAN OWN IT!
I’m auctioning off my drawing of Kermit on eBay and you can place a bid on it right here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160686601767#ht_500wt_1132

The drawing is in ink on an 11 x 14″ sheet of Bristol board. It will be mailed flat to prevent bending and has been signed and dated by yours truly.
Bidding starts at $25 and ends in 3 days. I also left a “Buy it Now” price out there for $75. If it sells for that much, I’ll be thrilled.
At any rate, feel free to bid away and good luck to the winner!
One last piece of news, I will be exhibiting at the Market Day Black Friday event this Friday from 9:00 – 2:00 PM at the Kirkwood building in downtown Des Moines. So, if you’re a local and are looking to find some really cool, creative and hand-made items, this is the show you need to come to. Why fight the crowds for a Blu-ray when you can buy some original art for way, way less! Your family will love you for it.
That’s all for now. If you’re celebrating Thanksgiving this week, have a safe and happy holiday!