Archive for July 27th, 2011
1 item.
To be clear, I have no interest in seeing this movie. That a trailer even exists for it 6 months out seems… ambitious at best, delusional at worst. This film is sitcom-level piffle that will be immediately forgotten two weeks after release. But humor me. Watch the trailer anyway…
These stunt-casting movies like New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day and Love, Actually that feature a cavalcade of celebrity cameos are almost becoming a genre unto themselves. They’re like the Laff-A-Lympics of cinema.
…and they must be stopped.
“Coming Spring of 2012… ARBOR DAY!“
Apr 29, 2011 | HP7.2 – “NYYYAHHHHHHH!” |
May 27, 2011 | CAN’T STOP. WON’T STOP. |