As promised yesterday, here is a BRAND NEW comic celebrating Valentine’s Day. Yeah, so what if I’m a day late. It doesn’t mean I love you any less…
Actually, this is a bit of a milestone because I can’t remember the last time I did two comics in one week – let alone back to back. I think this is the first time I’ve produced two comics in one week since I made the announcement of going to a once-a-week schedule last summer.
So, fingers crossed… hopefully it will be the start of a new trend?
I really don’t have anything to say about Justin Bieber: Never Say Never except that I’m glad that it wasn’t number one at the box office this weekend. It did come close, however. It was a million bucks short following Adam Sandler’s Just Go With It. So, y’know. Look out.
You might be surprised to learn that I really don’t have that much animosity toward Justin Bieber. Quite truthfully, I spend very little to any time thinking about him. But from what I’ve seen, he appears to be a competent performer who has a sense of humor about himself not unlike, say, Justin Timberlake.
People used to really, really, REALLY hate Justin Timberlake, too. But that turned out okay, I guess?
Incidentally, I didn’t mention that I saw Just Go With It on Friday night. That might be worth revisiting in a review later on. Keep an eye on the Bonus Materials blog for something like that in the future.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed today’s comic and had a fantastic Valentine’s Day. If not? Well, there’s always President’s Day!
A roll of tickets for Justin Bieber: Never Say Never?
And a can of gasoline!
Aww! You're the best!
Was the end of “Just Go With It” as predictable as I’m assuming it is?
I like this comic because it’s simpler, closer to your comics a couple years ago. Yay! My favorite comic of yours…. lol, I still laugh just thinking about it…. was the Puppy Kicker one. hahahaha GOLD.
That’s an intriguing comment.
My comics used to be simpler? I’m curious what that means. I’m not defensive about it. I’m just wondering what change you’ve seen in my work?