As promise, Fox released the trailer for X-Men: First Class on Facebook yesterday. Although, considering the speed at which it proliferated the internet, I feel a little dirty and used for agreeing to “Like” the movie on Facebook in the first place.
Oh, 20th Century Fox. Will you still respect me in the morning?
If you haven’t yet seen it, here’s the trailer for your eyeball consumption.
Here’s my take… The trailer is very well crafted. I like the fact that they’re staging the action within the context of the 1960’s and the Cuban Missile Crisis. I think they’re doing the right thing by placing the focus on the ideological differences between Professor X and Magneto. In other words, this trailer was very effective at making me anticipate the movie much more so than I have been previously.
But I still can’t help but feel like there is something sinister lurking in the background – something they’re not showing us. The fact that January Jones shows up as Emma Frost when she was presented as a teenager in X-Men Origins: Wolverine trouble me. That Beast shows up in full furball mode is another glaring continuity error.
If the movie can keep these characters in the background, then I can overlook them. But Fox has always had a problem when it comes to anticipating what it is that fans of the comic books are actually looking for. In their minds, the more mutants, the merrier. Because by the law of averages, your BOUND to include a character that happens to be someones favorite. In my opinion, too many mutants ruin the broth. I’m still very much wait-and-see on this one.
What was your reaction to the X-Men: First Class trailer? Leave your comments below!
It looks great. Better than any of the other three even. Did you not notice the dude grimacing in pain as his leg swoled up and grew blue fur? Why even count the Wolverine movie as canon anyway since 1) it was butt 2) they didn’t respect the canon themselves. I try and pretend it never existed.
The only reason I mention X-Men Origins: Wolverine at all is precisely because it was 1.) butt and 2.) because they didn’t respect the cannon. I see Fox making exactly the same mistakes with X-Men: First Class.
I should have remembered this is Fox. “I get up early, and I don’t go to bed until I’ve made some very bad decisions.”
Yeah… I enjoyed the trailer when I watched it, but I can’t like this. I just can’t. When will Marvel Productions get the reigns of X-Men so that it can begin weaving it into the much better, more-continuity driven age of Marvel Comics movies?
I agree that Wolverine was crap, but the problem is that you can’t just throw THAT movie out when considering this one. You have to consider it! You have to consider it because it’s just mucking everything up…
The problem is that the most prolific X-Men were the first X-Men. And we already saw them. You know, in the other three movies that Fox doesn’t seem like they care they made.
Justin – Yes, we saw Beast changing, but that doesn’t take away the fact that in X2 he was in human form (like 40-something years later). But it also doesn’t account for the fact that in the very next film (The Last Stand), Beast was fully fur-ball…
I just think Fox is making it up. They like the “idea” of X-Men and some of the characters, so they’re just making it up as they see fit. It’s actually very annoying, especially when all the newer Marvel movies that are produced by Marvel are actually following the story (i.e. the new Spiderman reboot), or at least blending some together to form a coherent one. I guess with all of the Avengers taking shape and being in the same universe and everything, it’s hard to look past just blatant disregard for some essence of continuity…
I take this one of two ways…
1) Each movie takes place in a different dimension or alternate timeline where there are subtle (and sometimes overt) differences. Events are the same, but characters might or might not exist in certain forms at certain times.
2) A WIZARD DID IT!!! (lol if you ref)
Just to toot my own horn ….sort of, the company I work for provided the JFK footage in the trailer.
Did you pause the trailer and take a good look at beast’s face? I don’t like it. I think it looks horrible.
Agreed. He looks like a cat/monkey hybrid. I’d say Kelsey Grammar’s make-up in X-Men 3 looked more plausible even though it didn’t look much like Beast from the comics at all.