Today’s comic is a continuation of last Monday’s and it’s a little bit weird to attempt a storyline now that I’m only updating once a week. We’ll have to see if I can’t expedite things a little bit. Stay tuned.
I guess I had always planned on doing a follow-up comic for Tron: Legacy (considering it comes out this week) but aping the movie’s plot device wasn’t originally in the cards. The suggestion to receive correspondence from the cardboard factory actually came from Phil “Frumph” Hofer on Twitter last week.
You probably don’t know Phil, but you should. Phil is the programmer that took over development of the comic archiving system ComicPress about a year ago and he’s been rocking the code ever since. He’s helped organize the back end of Theater Hopper in ways I can’t even describe. In fact, he made some changes to the site yesterday while we were IM’ing each other and I’m pretty sure he’s a wizard.
You may have already noticed it, but it was Phil who added the handy Facebook “Like” button you see to the right of the comic’s navigation. I’ve been looking for something like this that I could integrate into the site for weeks, but I could never get it to look right. Phil took care of it in about 15 minutes.
Incidentally, I hope the button’s placement of that button results in more people “liking” the comic so it can be shared with others on their Facebook profile pages. It would be a great way to help spread the word about Theater Hopper. Let’s face it: You’re already on Facebook 12 hours a day anyway. Is clicking my “like” button really taking that much skin off your back?
I should also mention that the Theater Hopper fan page is within striking distance of 900 followers. So if you’re not already a fan, check us out over there. I keep the account fairly active, share movie news and trailers there as well.
Last night, I tried something a little different and posted a video thanking a fan for the generosity they showed me recently. Reaction to the video seemed to be positive. I might post more videos there in the future if they appears to be an interest in that kind of thing.
Anyway, I got sidetracked. Bringing the conversation back to Phil for a minute, the man is doing fantastic work behind-the-scenes for the webcomics community and I wanted to make sure that he gets the recognition he deserves. Phil is a fantastic resource that is raising the level of professionalism for everyone. Even if you don’t have a comic of your own, you probably owe him thanks for helping to improve the interface of the comics you read.
Incidentally, coding development takes time and money. So if you want to help Phil out by donating, I’m sure he would appreciate it.
Anyway, not much more to add to today’s post. But stay tuned this week for extra comics. I’m going to see if I can’t kick things up a notch to help move this storyline along before the glut of holiday films start filling up theaters.
So you guys know there’s an alternate ending to that new Yogi Bear movie, right? The movie doesn’t come out until the 17th, so this is spoiler territory. But, still, you should watch. It’s a real killer.
Johnny Depp’s performance as Captain Jack Sparrow has become a cultural touchstone and the casting of Ian McShane as the pirate Blackbeard is inspired.
Yet, I can’t seem to muster up the enthusiasm needed to properly anticipate the fourth chapter of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.
Maybe I’m still experiencing burnout from the back-to-back wallop of POTC: Dead Man’s Chest and POTC: At World’s End from a few years back. But I think I’m mostly cool to POTC: On Stranger Tides because it looks like such a blatant money grab, it fails to inspire.
If anything, it makes me want to go back and watch POTC: The Curse of The Black Pearl – a perfectly satisfying adventure film that was less concerned about establishing a perfunctory mythology that the characters could inhabit.
At any rate, here’s the new trailer. What are your thoughts?
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