The joke in today’s comic about Skyline is kind of dependent on you having actually seeing the movie. And since the film came in 4th at the box office this weekend, I’m going to assume not a lot of you did.
That’s okay. If you watch the trailer you can pretty much get a sense of how ridiculous this movie gets with the lens flares and the blue lights. It’s like a K-Mart Blue Light Special up in here! HEY-O!
For an extra dash of ridiculousness, please enjoy this screen shoot of Eric Balfour from the trailer.

By the way, did anyone catch the trailer for Battle: Los Angeles that came out early last week. Looks suspiciously similar to Skyline, if you ask me. Funny how they released the trailer the same weekend Skyline hit theaters. Just sayin’…
So, like I said, no one bothered to see Skyline this weekend. I probably could have made fun of Megamind, which held on to the number one spot for a second weekend in a row. Or, at the very least, taken a shot at the Denzel Washington/Chris Pine out-of-control locomotive thriller Unstoppable. But, truthfully, Saturday Night Live got there first and did a better job of it.
I don’t want to alarm anyone, but I think I might have gone crazy with all the clip and image embedding. Fair warning.
Alright, alright. I’ll admit I don’t have anything interesting to say about Skyline. But maybe YOU do! If you happened to see this Independence Day knock-off or want to say something about it’s knock-off Battle: Los Angeles, leave your comments below. Similarly, let us know what you think if you saw Unstoppable. To me it looks like Speed except much more… linear. At least a bus with a bomb on it can run around town. There’s not much going on with that train unless you put something in front of it about 10 minutes in advance.
Leave your comments below!
But my partner recently saw J.J. Abrams relaunch of Star Trek and thinks he has a solution.
Remember when people complained about all the lens flares in Star Trek and how they couldn't see anything?
In our movie, aliens use a blinding blue light to immobilize humans.
If we crank up the lens flares, no one will be able to see how bad the movie is!
How was Skyline?
I have no idea.
Regarding Skyline and Battle: Los Angeles, there is some controversy there. From Wikipedia:
Sony Pictures Entertainment has been investigating the possibility of legal action against the filmmakers Greg and Colin Strause, who were hired to do visual effects work on Battle: Los Angeles through their special effects company Hydraulx. Sony Pictures suspects the Strause Brothers have created their own Los Angeles based alien invasion film Skyline, which will compete with Battle: Los Angeles release, by using resources they had gained while working on Battle: Los Angeles without the consent of Sony Pictures.[5] A spokesman for the Strauses has responded saying, “Any claims of impropriety are completely baseless. This is a blatant attempt by Sony to force these independent filmmakers to move a release date that has long been set by Universal and Relativity and is outside the filmmakers’ control.” [6]
So perhaps Skyline itself is the knock off? Hard to say but you never can tell with this sort of thing.
Thank you for posting that Skyline trailer. The trailers I saw on television didn’t help me figure out what the movie was about, aside from aliens who liked their blue lights. So now I sort of know! It also piqued my interest in the film. Lens flares don’t bother me. How was the movie otherwise?
I saw Unstoppable this weekend. It was rather Speed-esque, but I liked it anyway. Chris Pine was pretty bland (as per usual if you ask me), but I really liked Denzel and Rosario Dawson. I recommend it!
If you ask me, Unstoppable did itself a terrible disservice by not giving Rosario Dawson equal billing.
Skyline looks dumb and very linear in its storytelling. More of a War of the Worlds knock off if you ask me. Battle: LA looks more akin to District 9. It looks real, like it actually might be happening right now, and overall much more interesting.
I saw Morning Glory, as the girlfriend needed a laugh that night. It was actually a well done comedy drama whatchamacallit. Rachel McAdams is endearing, a bit ditzy, but overall loveable. Ford is great as the cranky old newsman who’s heart is 3 sizes too small. The mostly filled theater was laughing along most of the movie.
I’ve always loved Harrison Ford when he gives in to his inner crank instead of playing a traditional marquee hero. Now that he’s a little bit older, I hope to see more and more of that in roles that he chooses.
Skyline is an interesting concept that was not well thought out. I was on board because I’m an AVPR fan, but I can’t defend this movie. It simply is not that good.
Had it ended 5 mins earlier than it did it would have been just “ok”, but the ending jumps the shark while it is nuking the fridge that is in the water with the shark.
In other news, super excited for Harry Potter. Who’s seeing a midnight show?
I keep forgetting that Harry Potter is this weekend.
Aside from the HP faithful, I don’t know that very many people care about the franchise anymore, do they?
I mean, they’ll go because it’s an event and they feel like they have to. But are people still invested in it?
Not to be a wet blanket, but it’s been hard for me to care about any of the movies since the third one. Each of them seems darker and more dreary than the last.
I stupidly picked Skyline this weekend when I’d been looking forward to Unstoppable for months. Biggest regret of my movie going year so far. Completely implausible story, from both a physics aspect and a movie aspect. Big ass fighter jets don’t bounce over people when they crash on a roof like a car would in say Die Hard With A Vengeance. The story telling was just bad and I didn’t end up caring about a single person on screen. Waste of a flashback scene in the beginning, as it didn’t actually tell you anything about the people except why they flew into LA. Waste of a movie, and not worth even Netflixing it some day.
Like the poster above, my movie group went and saw Morning Glory this past weekend. Not a bad movie, but not that great either. I will say that I thought Diane Keaton did a great job.
From what I understand of Skyline, the whole phyical production part of the movie cost only $500,000. The estimated budget is somewhere between $10-20 mil. So… yeah.
Found this:
Skyline is a movie I don’t think is going to be any good until the Rifftrax comes out for it.
This is like a Chrysler Building of embedded clips and photos!
— uh, sorry. I panicked.
This comment is full of WIN.
It most certainly sucked. The exact moment it was about to get really good, it ended!
At least my next movie ticket is free.
My post was about Skyline. Unstoppable rocked.
Luke beat me to it, but yeah – they’ve been rumoured to have ripped off some of the effects from Battle: LA. This should be fun. I hope they’re punished for Skyline.
Thankfully, although I saw Skyline, Red got my money in the 2-for-1 movie watching experience. I swear, some days it’s just not worth it to theater hop.
Why is New York always getting attacked in these kinds of movies? Just…just why? It’s getting old!
Never saw Skyline, but it’s a must-rent for me. Unstoppable was good, but this SNL parody was HILARIOUS!! That black guy does Denzel REALLY well!