I have to say right now that the response to the last few comics has been phenomenal and I really wanted to thank you guys for the comments and suggestions you’ve been leaving.
A lot of you have been trying to guess where the story line might be going and I LOVE that. It tells me you’re invested in what’s going to happen next. That’s good, because this week was pretty much all exposition – getting all of the characters “in costume,” so to speak, so we can kick the action into high gear next week.
Someone wrote me on Twitter the other day asking if Cami would show up wearing a cardboard Black Widow costume. And while I think the visual gag would have been hilarious (if somewhat difficult to pull off), I decided to play it straight and put Cami in the sexy catsuit instead. I honestly believe this is one of the best renderings of her I’ve ever drawn.
Besides, I think the contrast of a hot babe running around with a couple of dorks in cardboard costumes is still an effective visual gag. It gives you some eye candy, at least!
I was writing on Facebook about how much I’ve been enjoying this story line. Both in terms of what I’ve already accomplished as well as what is lying in store for the weeks ahead. I’m feeling really enthusiastic about it and I hope that enthusiasm is translating for you guys.
I think it boils down to authenticity. I’m a crazy Iron Man fan in real life, so now it’s working it’s way into the comic. I actually consider it a point of pride that I’ve haphazardly “branded” myself as the crazy Iron Man fan. It seems like there isn’t a week that goes by that I’m not talking about Iron Man to someone on Twitter, trying to convince them to pick up Matt Fraction’s recent run on Invincible Iron Man.
When the first movie came out, things were so crazy because people were sending me Iron Man cups from 7-11, stickers, theatrical posters… One guy even sent me a full-sized Iron Man theater standee! It was wild!
All I’m saying is that I appreciate all that stuff but what I appreciate more is that you guys are zeroing in on my passion for the character and are echoing that same enthusiasm. It’s personally very satisfying for me. So, thank you.
As a side note, I’ll mention that a few of you living outside of the United States have already seen the movie and are talking about it. That’s fine, but I’m in total lockdown mode now. I’m not reading any reviews and I’m not watching any more clips. I saw a clip with the briefcase armor and I felt like I had already seen too much. I don’t want to accidentally ruin something else.
That said, I do know some things about the general consensus regarding the film as a bi-product of simply being online and absorbing things. I’ve seen a few headlines raving about it and a few headlines saying its a disappointment.
In my mind, that brings me back to an even keel. It’s not important to me that the critics or blogosphere unanimously love the movie. What is important to me is that I control my expectations walking into the theater and – for once – just enjoy the film while freezing out all of the hype.
I don’t do this very often because, typically, I find the marketing of a film as interesting as the movie itself. But this one is for me to savor. I am greatly looking forward to it.
Not much more for me to say at the moment. If you have thoughts or reactions about today’s strip or the developing story line, feel free to leave them in the comments section. I always welcome your feedback!
Have a great day and enjoy the weekend!
Well, it's a sequel, so the sidekick gets a more prominent role!
What about the love interest?
WHOA! Hot stuff, coming through!
Okay, settle down. That's my wife you're talking about.
Tom, this is by far the single best issue of your comic. Many in the past have contained excellent humour, stunning wit, and even touching drama. However, nothing beats the mighty power of Fanservice!
I beg to differ with Raz. “Buddy Box” was your best issue. Though, that’s only because I’m a huge War Machine fan. Anyway….I, too, am going on lock-down mode. I don’t want to kill the hype that I have, but I don’t want to build anymore hype. OH! This was a great drawing of Cami. The character has never looked better, and it’s not because of the detail of her cleavage, as one might expect. The positioning of her mouth makes her face look very significant. Ya know?
…So I guess I’m not getting slapped, then…?
This last week has been great with your comics, the best so far this year.
I started picking up Matt Fraction’s run on Invincible Iron Man as of late and am loving it. I haven’t been into comics for years and this is starting to get me back into them. I thank you Tom for helping fill that void in my life.
Keep up the great work, I’m really looking forward to seeing how awesome next week is going to be!
This has been one of my favorite runs, yet. I love Tom in costume and when everyone joins in… Good stuff. And the mental visual of a cardboard Black Widow costume will keep me chuckling all weekend.
I agree, I’ve been on lockdown mode about this movie since about a month ago. I can’t stand the internet journalism community’s penchant for spoiling things. Do they get off on knowing what’s going to happen before it happens? This past week, all the headlines were “Spoiler for how the movie ends!!!”
Very nice, Tom!
Saw Iron Man 2 this morning (it’s been out in the UK since yesterday). Verdict…. Scarlett Johansonn looks v good in black!
“I’m a crazy Iron Man fan in real life…”
You don’t say! I had NO IDEA!
In all seriousness, though, I’m really enjoying this storyline. I don’t remember how I stumbled upon your comic (it wasn’t using StumbleUpon; I know that much), but you’ve made a follower of me ever since. Keep up the good work!
amazing comic today Tom. love the center panel (the background like that is a nice touch), really I like all of it. keep it up!
hehe the best part of this week’s comics for me has been the fact that having seen you in person at C2E2, I can easily picture you sitting around the livingroom floor, constructing yourself an Iron Man costume out of cardboard boxes and wearing in in public LOL
IMAX drive of Iron Man 2 arrives at my theatre tomorrow…. aghhhhh i can’t wait!!!
It was a movie of awesome plated entirely in a gold-titanium alloy of kick ass. How do we get Iron Man 2 on this side of the atlantic first?
Sweet. Love the new website design man. Best one yet. Also, are those all Hitchcock movies in the buttons with the exception of the THORUM?
Yup, they’re all Hitchcock movies. But I thought I would be funny about the last one…
Ya know, that pic of Cami is so hot, you should do a pin-up style poster of her. I think people’d buy it!