Perhaps it was a foregone conclusion that if Tom was destined to return as Cardboard Iron Man a Cardboard War Machine wouldn’t be far behind. Really, can you blame me? It’s friggin’ War Machine. I don’t even care that the comic character was created in the mid-90’s to make Iron Man darker and more “extreme.” HIS NAME IS WAR MACHINE. It’s literal AND fun to say. Instant win, right there.
The first Iron Man did a good job hinting at War Machine’s inclusion in the franchise after Terrence Howard looked at the Mark II suit in Tony Stark’s garage and said “Next time, baby.”
Of course, now that the sequel is here, it isn’t Howard that will be in the suit. After contract negotiations fell through, Howard has been replaced by Don Cheadle.
For the sake of consistency, I would have preferred Howard kept the role. But it’s hard to complain about Don Cheadle stepping into his shoes. That’s like going to a restaurant and having the waiter take away your hamburger while you’re eating. Then, five minutes later, he comes back with a replacement burger that has cheese and bacon on it.
I’m a little mad you took away my burger while I was eating it. But you gave me cheese and bacon on this new burger. I’m starting to forget about the first burger altogether. Damn, this is a tasty burger!
What I’m saying is that Don Cheadle is awesome.
And a major contributor to heart disease.
That’s all I have for today’s blog. Be sure to check back on Friday for more Iron Man 2 related goodies! Who will show up in costume next? Will the briefcase armor make an appearance? Stay tuned!
In the meantime, why don’t you add your two cents to the conversation about Terrance Howard being replaced by Don Cheadle in the comments section? Good decision? Bad decision? YOU MAKE THE CALL!
Tom. WAIT.
You don't have to do this alone.
To me, Terrance Howard will always be Jackie Jackson.
Don Cheadle is a superior actor to Terrance Howard in every conceivable way… but I’m still concerned about him looking the part. Howard was bulkier and had a look that fit what I expected Rhodie to look like. Cheadle doesn’t. It’s hard for me to get ignore that.
Then again, I’m sure once I actually watch the movie he will charm his way into my heart, and I’ll completely forget about Howard.
Wow. When I first saw the last panel, I thought it was Cami for a second. XD Then I saw the shirt and realized it was Jared.
I’m sad to admit that I haven’t seen the first Iron Man. I think I should go watch that and then see this movie.
@John, so if Jared’s in the War Machine armor, does that mean Cami’s going to don-
-No, won’t go there; nope; sorry, that’s gonna get me slapped if I finish that thought…
I’m never a fan of replacing actors…it’s like they think we won’t notice. I understand that he didn’t want to do it (though I don’t really understand WHY he didn’t want to do it) but really. It’s like the X-Men series – that character that can walk through walls? She changed IN EVERY SINGLE MOVIE!! Different actress, different hair color, different ages even!! What, they think we wouldn’t notice? OK, so maybe I’m the only one who did. But something like this, it’s like “Yeah they’re both African-American.” Other than that they don’t look a whole lot alike. I’m not sure who Don Cheadle is but I did think that Terence’s acting in Iron Man was a little stiff, so maybe it’s a change for the better.
I forgot to mention…
Don Cheadle’s Mockney accent in the Ocean Eleven series of films was shockingly bad. Not relevant but just sayin’. I also think he’s a little weedy to play War Machine (i.e. I agree with Jacob) but I’m prepared to reserve final judgement until this Friday. When I see the film. In the morning.
“that character that can walk through walls?”

Who’s Don Cheadle?
Just kidding. Actually, I think I put in my two cents in an earlier comment months ago (probably when the trailer was released), but I’m in the camp of “hate when actors get replaced, but it’s friggin’ Don Cheadle”. Also, “hate when actors get replaced, but who cares? It’s Iron Man 2!”
I’m probably going to get flak for this, but I don’t mind so much when a secondary character gets replaced in a film. Granted Rhodes skirts that line, but it would be more jarring if Tony was different. Plus if you go through the deleted scenes (if I remember correctly) most of that was Howard with a weak delivery. So from that sense, I’m not sad to see him go.
I think that Cheadle being in the role is great only, if only for the fact that it (indirectly) led you to say that Don Cheadle is a major contributor to heart disease.
Good on ya, Tom. Good on ya.
It chafes me a little that an actor is being replaced, but come on, people. It’s Don Cheadle. While I agree with those who say that he may not look the part as much as Howard did, I’m fairly confident that most people will be all right with the change once we see the movie. Besides. He’s War Machine. Who frakkin’ CARES who’s in the suit?!
Also, it did bother me a little that Kitty Pryde was replaced in each X-Men movie, but she was so secondary until the third movie that it didn’t matter too much. They replaced Jubilee between the first and second movies, too. I think the thing that bothered me the most between the X-Men movies was Storm’s constantly morphing hair.
Tom, I’m seriously hoping for a side-by-side action pose for either Friday or Monday.
OMG! TOM! THIS GAVE ME THE BIGGEST NERDGASM I’VE HAD IN MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JARED WAR MACHINE ARMOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!! Thank you, Tom. Thank you soooooooooo much.
@Lance J. M.,
I will take your compliment to the bank, sir! Thank you!
I’m totally on board for the switch. I’m hoping Cheadle will give the character a little more oomph. Howard is fine and all (and my wife thinks he’s like the hottest thing alive), but he’s just very soft spoken and didn’t really fit Rhodey, IMO. Cheadle has a harder-edge look to him and fits the character better.
So when is the Iron Man 2 Parody poster coming out
It would look really awesome with Cardboard Man and War Box on it!
The first Iron Man parody poster didn’t sell great, so I probably won’t do a second.
Actually, I was thinking about running a promotion where I would GIVE AWAY the Iron Man parody poster if you buy something else in the store.
Is there any interest in that, guys?
I hope Cami is going to be Black Widow, only because cardboard 5 inch heels won’t work. And that is the only thing that matter now about Pepper Potts, Paltrow in stilettos.
Someone told me that Terrence got paid 8 MILLION DOLLARS for the first film, and then for the second they wanted to pay him 2 million, and his agent was like, dudes, this is a sequel, that’s not how this works. But Don was willing to do it for 2 million because who wouldn’t want in on Iron Man? I’d do it for 2 million. They could put the Tropic Thunder black-up on me and everything, I’m cool with that.
All I’d ask for as payment would be I get to keep the suit.
@Tom: You should still draw an “Iron Man 2” parody poster and post it online. You don’t have to sell any ((though you should print out like 25, just in case))
Awesome, Tom. Can’t wait to see where you take this.
Saw it last night (advance staff preview thing (I work in a cinema)) it is AWESOME.
Cheadle outdoes Howard in every way, he just seems more Rhodey in general. And it is MEGA-AWESOME! The post credits bit had me actually squeaking.
Just came back from it. LOVED it! Agree with bamfurlong about the post-credity goodness.
The Australian release had a teaser trailer for “Tomorrow, When the War Began” which is based off a series of young adult novels that I love. The trailer is very well done and I’m interested to see how that film goes. Curious as to whether or not any Americans/rest of the worlders have heard of the series or about the upcoming film?