I think when we first saw images of Liam Neeson as Zeus from the set of the movie, very few of us were impressed…

…but I think we can agree that Neeson’s delivery of “RELEASE THE KRAKEN” is a classic.
That said, the REAL joke in today’s comic is the Craklin Oat Bran in the third panel. Man, what a great cereal. So much fiber. I’m pooping myself just thinking about it!
I didn’t get a chance to see Clash of the Titans like I thought I would this weekend and that doesn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. I was looking forward to a bit of dumb cinema until I realized that lining up for that kind of abuse was, well, also dumb.
That didn’t seem to stop most people, though. Clash of the Titans made over $60 million at the box office this weekend.
Usually when a film makes that much in it’s first weekend, people start talking about filming a sequel. But I was momentarily emboldened when I thought to myself “Mythology doesn’t have a sequel does it?”
Not so fast. Director Louis Leterrier recently said that he envisioned a TRILOGY of films and Clash of the Titans writers Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi confirmed it. So be on the lookout for that one, I suppose.
I don’t have much more to say about the film, but I’m curious if anyone here saw it. If so, what did you think? Did anyone see it in 3D? Reportedly, the 3D effects are horrendous. I’d like to know if it’s as bad as the critics say it is. Leave your comments below.
In the meantime, I’m getting ready for C2E2 next week in Chicago. I’ve been working on a new booth banner and some exclusive merchandise. If you follow Theater Hopper on Facebook, I’ll be posting some images soon. Including a series of 1″ badges I’ll be selling as well as artwork from an exclusive print I hope to sell at the show as well.
That’s all for me. Thanks for swinging by and have a great day!
I still think it should have been played by Michael Palin as Pontius Pilate.
“Wewease…da KWAAKEN!!”
This is a comic de force! Good one Tom, now if you excuse me I have to go and RELEASE THE KRAKEN! lol
At work, that phrase has become synonymous with letting a fart fly in a crowded room. Sheesh.
I gotta say, that was one of the funniest movies I’ve seen in a long time. I didn’t see it in 3D, but it had the obvious 3D gimmicks (whoa, claw in the face!). Wait until it’s been out for a while when you can get an empty theater and mock it openly. Can’t wait for the RiffTrax
oooo. empty theater movie mocking. LOVE those times.
may go see the movie in a month now just for that!
I heard teh 3d was done in post, and the film wasn’t filmed in 3d.
also, you should make a link to the forum discussion of the movie
I saw the 3D version, and it was a grand disappointment. Avatar used 3D to give depth to the environment; to make you feel as though you were actually there. Clash of the Titans, by contrast, only used the effects for a few minor shots, such as a coin being thrown towards the fourth wall (audience), otherwise it was either unused or poorly executed.
My dad and I are going to see in it 3D, even though a lot of people dis the film. I mean, there are a lot of films that I love that most people hate.
That Cracklin’ Oat Bran really was a nice touch.
hahaha i haven’t seen the movie but the comic made me laugh out loud, keep up the good work!
My wife and I enjoyed it.. I guess we both have a horrable taste in movies. oh, good comic by the way.
We went to see the movie this weekend and I was very unimpressed. I was unimpressed with the acting, the script, the direction… it was just bad. Everyone who was with us yesterday when we saw it thought it was utter trash and felt like it was a waste. Well except for my 9yr old son and 7yr old daughter – they enjoyed the popcorn. Rent the original – much better.
Cracklin Oat Bran FTW!
A Perseus trilogy? First thought was, “What are you, NUTS?”
Then a little research later, I came across the Perseides, the descendants of Perseus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseus#Descendants_of_Perseus), amongst whom could be counted Heracles, the subject of films even more ridiculous than either version of CLASH OF THE TITANS.
And you know, a Perseus versus Heracles actually sounds for a brief moment like it might work. As long as they don’t graft some cheesy 3D on in post…
Kraken toast Grommit!
The last frame had me kraken up.
Always nice to see Truman back in the strip, even if it’s just for one panel
Yeah, save the $3-$5 and just watch the 2D version. Better yet, wait for the DVD and add it to yer Netflix queue. It really didn’t live up to the original.
The film did take place in Argos, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for the next sequel to be an adaptation of Jason and the Argonauts.
@Dustin B., Oh dear God… Please, don’t send in your request for a remake of JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS. They start connecting the dots and rediscover some of the ancient evils of the past, we’re going to end up with Robert Zemeckis wanting to redo THE THREE STOOGES MEET HERCULES if we’re not careful…
I actually didn’t think the movie was nearly as bad as people have been saying. In fact, a sa movie by itelf, I probably would have given it a 7.5/10. Its biggest drawback for me personally was the fact that it wasn’t just a movie by itself, it was a remake, and the original clash of the titans(alogn with ghostbusters and Willow) was one of my favorite mvoies as a kid. When comparing it to the old movie is where it really fallas behind, some of the added parts(the two hunters/brothers who were basically put in as comic relief IMO)/changes hurt the movie because you automatically put it up against the original. i will also say, the total removal of Archimedes(with the exception of a 5 second secene where he’s tossed away) was a big letdown for me. Alll in all, an OK movie, but nothing to get overly excited over.
Doesn’t Kraken come out from behind?
I saw the 3D version at a midnight show… It literally made the movie worse. My biggest complaint was the 3D. It was absolutely abhorrent.
Went to see the movie in 2D last night, I really enjoyed it. I found the special effects to be really well-done. The sheer size of the Kraken was impressive. I thought Sam was pretty good in it, but his role felt a little similar to his role in Avatar… he’s the chosen one, he has to save everyone, only him can mount the pegasus (as opposed to the big dragon in Avatar), etc, etc. If anything, I found that Liam Neeson did the worst job in the movie, he really wasn’t convincing as Zeus; I thought he looked stupid in his shiny armor. At least, Fiennes’s Hades had great special effects surrounding him, his entrances and exits looked great, and he really seemed commited to making his character work. To me, Neeson really mailed it in on this one and didn’t seem interested whatsoever…
I’ll try to track down a copy of the original to see how it compares, but I usually have a really tough time with 20+ year old movies that rely on special effects… we’ll see.
But yeah, the “RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!” line was great and I’ll remember it for a long time. It had a “THIS IS SPARTA!!!” ring to it.
This was one of the stupidest movies I’ve seen. Dumb people doing dumb things for dumb reasons when they bothered to have one at all. Characters who were almost not discernible from each other and served no purpose – not even comedic in some cases even though you could see a draft of the movie where they CLEARLY were comic.
CGI was fine (didnt see 3d, so glad I didnt bother) Worthington is a snore and the rest of the cast was…. eh.
Yeah this was a pretty disappointing flick. Given my low expectations, that’s a real achievement.
@THUNDERINGBLURB, and I suppose the characters and overall story were that much better in the much-acclaimed 300? Give me a break. They’re very similar. Only difference really is 300 is stylized to the point where the rest of the movie didn’t matter very much, it just looked that good. Take away that layer of style and they’re similar movies.
I agree with THUNDERINGBLURB in that it wasn’t a great movie. The CGI and special effects were awesome; however, they lacked character development and even though a plot was present it did not seem to get about it in a powerful manner.
Many of the characters did not seem to interact very realistically considering everyone in Argos hated the gods and then when Perseus arrives they only seem to show distrust for a small amount time until he is immediately deemed a warrior without any real training and the once hostile Argos soldiers are just pals around a campfire.
The action scenes seemed dull in comparison to the rest of the film. By that I mean most of the movie was the protagonists traveling whether it be by walking, scorpion, or boat ride so you would think the action scenes would be better to counter this; however, I felt they were not so dire as it seemed. Sure in the scorpion fight scene people were dying, but where was the comradeship that was once present? where was the need to kill the beasts quickly and without loses? Finally, the Medusa fight being the final fight? Sure it was the best fight scene, but seriously just because people are dying does not make it better once again. Also I thought the final fight scene was going to be the Kraken which apparently killed the makers of everything who were more powerful then the Gods, but instead we are left with some crap chase scene with some rodent monsters through the city just screaming “we just threw this in there because we have no idea what to put here for the next 20 minutes of the film.”
Basically what I am seeing throughout this whole film is that the writers were paid less then the CGI artists and the writing team didn’t have much time to work with at all so they had to throw in scenes just to add time to the movie.
Nice one Tom/ Releasing the Kraken at the urinal, THAT’S a classic!