I was sitting around and thinking a little bit and want to get your feedback. I’m curious as to your thoughts about the Theater Hopper “community” and if I’m doing enough to promote it or make it more visible.
Long-time readers remember the THorum community. I’ve tried to relaunch it a couple of times, but I’ve decided to give up the ghost. You can’t put lightning in a bottle twice.
That’s not to say that I’ve given up on community-building altogether. We have a stable of regular posters who leave their thoughts and opinions in the comments section of the blog. I just wonder if I’m doing enough to promote that? Maybe someone who doesn’t read the blog has an opinion about the comic, but no outlet to express it. Maybe they’re not seeing the “COMMENT” link at the bottom of each blog post.
I don’t know. I just wanted to do a little brainstorming, kick around a few ideas and see what you guys thought.
What can I do to attract more people to the comments section and are there additional avenues toward community-building that I haven’t explored?
I’d be interested in a forum of some sort… especially on your facebook site. I’ve been a long time reader of the site, but I’ve only posted once or twice on here.
I think the Facebook things works best. It’s easier to have things related to the comic show up in our Facebook feed, which we are more likely to keep an eye on, rather than checking a website we may or may not frequent daily.
I would be wary of the Facebook thing, if for no other reason the comments will get posted there, not on your site. This has been my experience anyway.
I like using Facebook as a means of reminding people of when a comic has posted. My problem with Facebook right now is that the people who have becomed fans of the Theater Hopper Facebook page seems to have plateaued. Whenever I try to promote the Facebook page on the main Theater Hopper site, I don’t see a very big jump in activity.
I don’t think I would host a forum there for the exact reason Roger stated. I would rather the conversation took place here. Ultimately, all social media tools should drive visitors back to the site.
I’ve used phpBB in the past, but both times I’ve used it, the forum has been subverted by spambots. So I don’t know if it’s better for forego the forum and drive the comments section on the home page or if there is an alternate solution.