As you may have guessed from the image above, I have some wonderful news to share with everyone!
Yesterday, at 11:07 AM, Cami delivered our little baby girl into the world. She weighed 7lbs, 11oz and measured 19.5″ inches long.
We named her Pearl Eveyln Brazelton.
Pearl joined us a little sooner than we expected – her original due date was the 16th and her C-section was scheduled for the 10th – but we’re thrilled to have her with us.
Things went much more smoothly with Pearl than they did with Henry. Basically because we knew a natural childbirth was off the table from the get-go. Since having a c-section was always our plan, it was just a mater of being taken into surgery once Cami was admitted to the hospital.
I first had a sense that something was up about 5:30 yesterday morning. Stirring from my sleep and barely awake, Cami tells me “I think I’m having contractions, but I’m not sure. It’s no big deal.”
“That’s kind of heavy to lay on someone first thing in the morning, honey,” I replied, still hazy.
But we went about our morning, getting Henry out of bed, dressed and preparing to take him to day care.
Funnily enough, Cami and I were supposed to meet with our doctor yesterday morning to discuss the C-section that was scheduled for one week later. Cami and I had planned on carpooling to work and dropping Henry off at daycare. But Cami’s contractions didn’t ebb and she sent me and Henry out the door without her. Our plan had morphed slightly. I would take Henry to day care, work a couple of hours and then meet her at the doctors office at 9:00 AM.
After dropping Henry off, I got a call at my desk from Cami. “I’m not going to make it to 9:00 o’clock,” she said. I rushed home to get her.
Bags packed, we headed to the hospital. We arrived at 8:30 and they quickly confirmed that Cami was in labor.
Long story short, they took her into the operating room and Pearl was born at 11:07 AM!
Since we didn’t have our parents waiting around in the lobby like we did when Henry was born, Cami and I were able to relax a little bit and enjoy our time with Pearl before we started to welcome visitors.
I cradled my daughter in my arms. Bundled tightly in her blankets, she chirped and cooed. Snow flurries swirled outside our window overlooking the hospital’s garden. And I knew peace. It was a wonderful feeling.
There will be more information later. But for now I wanted to share the good news and thank everyone who has already sent message of support. We appreciate your kind words.
Look for a series of guest comics in this space starting Monday. Until then, have a great weekend!
Congradulations, I am very happy for you and your wife. I hope that Pearl grows up to be sweet, healthy and happy.
Congratulations! Enjoy this time while you can because she’ll be all grown before you know it!
Hello Tom! Congradulations on having your daughter being born, and Pearl is a beautiful name!
Congratulations! I hope she is happy and healthy, but above all I hope Pearl likes comics. Better start her early and give her a Snoopy blanket or something.
Congratdulations to you!
Congrats. Made me happy to see your good news!
Congratulations Tom!
congrats tom.may she learn to love movies as much as you do or at least give them a chance.
Congratulations, babies are so much fun!!!!
Congratulations on your baby daughter! May all your diaper-changings be joyous.
Congrats on number 2!
Congrats! My second daughter is 4 months old now….my 6yo little girl is having a blast!
Mazel Tov! Pearl’s a lovely name, and I hope she and the rest of the family are doing well.
Congrats to you, Cami, and Henry!
It’s great news, man. Congrats to both of you guys. I’m thrilled for you. I really am.
Congrats Tom. Wish your whole clan the best!
Congrats! I take it Cami and Pearl are doing fine (since you didn’t say otherwise). A good friend of mine is going to have his first (a girl) in the next couple of weeks. And my wife and I are going to have our second (another girl) in January, so I’m really into the whole baby thing right now.
Yes, yes. Both Mom and baby are doing great. Very healthy. No complications. I was up late (and a little shell shocked) last night when I put put together the post@
Thanks to everyone who have sent your words of support. We greatly appreciate it!
Pearl probably won’t take too much time away from the blog. I still plan on writing new posts when I publish the guest strips that were so generously provided to me.
We’re going into award season. Easy to come up with opinions in that arena!
Congrats Tom! It’s probably a horrible thing to say, but I hope this new baby won’t take too much time away from your blog, but we’ll all understand if it does!
Congrats, Tom! Best of luck to your family and your newest addition!
Ok, the post was so sweet, it brought tears of joy to a mommy’s eyes. Congratulations to the family!
Congratulations to you & your family on your new addition!
Congrats Tom! Make sure you share even more movies with this one. Start plannning what her first movie will be
Congratulations Tom, Cami, and Henry. You planned it this way to keep the Kickstart $1500 Monsters Inc artwork winner announcement a longer suspense didn’t you? (just kidding)
Congratulations to you and your whole family, which just got a little bit bigger.
Congrats to you sir as well as your family. It seems like everyone I know ( or as in your case…”know”) is having a baby this month.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! New Baby…New Job…Life’s Good.
Congratulations! There’s nothing like the feeling of being a dad. It never gets old, does it? And…this is essential for the last few paragraphs… Aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww!
Yay baby! Yay job! Congrats all around!
Congrats on the newest edition to your family, Tom!
Congratulations! Hope it all goes well for you i.e. you get some sleep!
Mazal Tov!
Have an excellent weekend
Congrats to you and your growing family!! You and Cami picked a beautiful name, and I wish Pearl Eveyln Brazelton many, many more happy birthdays!
Oh, I guess I never really talked about my job before, did I? Kind of let that one slip.
It’s kind of a unique situation. I’m actually working for a company on a 90 day contract. So it’s not a full-time gig yet.
It’s supposed to be temp-to-hire – and I’m optimistic – but we haven’t had that discussion yet.
I really like the place I work right now, though. The environment is perfect. I hope it works out. Just have to wait and see!
Gratz to the both of you, man!
Congrats! Best wishes to all!
Kudos to her and your family on the new baby, hope she has an awesome, movie loving life.
Tom and Family,
Congratulations, this news made my day when i read it, and made me even more excited as i have a little over a week till the due date of my second child. It sounds like a extremely peaceful and contented post-birth moment, and hope mines goes as well……also side note oddly enough got the first snow of the year today, noticed it was snowing as i was reading your post making my even more content. Hope your Christmas is a happy event this year as I know it probably will be.
Pretty name
Congratulations all the way, Tom!
Congratulations!!!! Now just think of what kind of cool advanced weaponry you can get in the future when you need to threaten boys, before you know it you’ll be repulsor blasting them and laughing maniacally. Another great thing; you now get more cake every year.
Congratulations, Cami and Tom (and Henry)!
I fully expect a Christmas card next year.
Congrats on the baby to both of you!
Congratulations to you and your family. I’m sure Henry will be a wonderful brother to his new baby sister.
Such sweetness… congratulations on the new addition to your happy family. :)))
Congrats dude!!
Congratu-freakin’-lations Tom! That’s terrific news. How has Henry reacted to his new sister?
I must say, this line “And I knew peace. It was a wonderful feeling.” is beautiful and heartwarming.
What brilliant news, congratulations
Congratulations Tom! That is wonderful news
Congratulations Tom and best wishes to your family
A thousand congratulations Tom, glad everyone is healthy. Enjoy some well deserved time with your family, if your parenting is half as good as your comic then you’ll raise a great daughter