Jennifer’s Body comes out today and it is Diablo Cody’s follow up to 2007’s indie sensation Juno.
Everything I’ve read about the movie insists that it’s some kind of horror/comedy. But the advertisements for this film leave me with the impression that it’s not very effective in either genre.
It doesn’t help that Diablo Cody’s “too clever by half” reputation as a screenwriter kind of labeled her a one-hit wonder after Juno. Personally, I’m kind of on the fence in regard to how she writes dialogue.
For as many things as Juno gets right, there is no teenager on Earth that would use the phrase “Honest to blog.” That kind of ridiculous phrasing sounds like something an ad executive would come up with for a McDonald’s commercial in an effort to sound hip.
Limp-noodle catchphrases aside, the biggest strike against this film for me is Megan Fox. I’ve never liked her. I didn’t like her in either of the Transformers movies and she has an incredible knack for saying some of the most stupid things in public. She comes off as shallow and self-centered in interviews, she cakes on more makeup than Charro and she does that parting of the mouth thing that makes her look like a porn star.
I know if you’re a 15 year-old boy, you don’t care about any of these things because she’s hot, right? But take it from me – she’s not attractive. I’m talking about more than the superficial exterior.
I just get a bad vibe from her. All she has going for her are her looks – which I find harsh to begin with. Once those fade (along with the most ridiculous tattoos I’ve ever seen), what’s left? Where’s her substance? She seems completely humorless and – worst of all – lacking in intellectual curiosity. She has nothing of value to say. Nothing artistic to contribute. In other words, she’s boring.
So go ahead, Megan. Vamp it up in Jennifer’s Body. Because by the time you turn 25, it’s all going to be over.
QUICK REMINDER: The Theater Hopper Fire Sale is still going on in the store and I’ve posted a little reminder at the top of the page so you don’t forget that prices go back to normal at midnight, Sunday, September 18.
If you want to buy a shirt for $7.99, now is the time to do it. And if you want to pre-order Theater Hopper: Year Three, this is the last time you’re ever going to see a deal like this.
Sales have been good, but I would like to finish strong. So be sure to tell everyone you know about the big sale. Talk about it on Twitter or Facebook. Help me spread the word. Funds raised from this sale will go toward the production of pre-order Theater Hopper: Year Three and I need every dime I can scrape together.
Many thanks to those of you who have lent your support and taken advantage of these great deals. I sincerely appreciate it!
In the meantime, are you planning on seeing Jennifer’s Body this weekend? What’s your motivation? Diablo Cody’s script? Megan Fox’s assets? Are you some kind of horror junkie? What’s the appeal?
If you’re not going, why are you staying away? Is there something else coming out this weekend that looks better to you or are you a contentious Megan Fox objector like myself?
Leave your comments below and have a great weekend!
I was reading a tweet from Joel Watson – creator of HijiNKS Ensue – and he was talking about how he enjoyed watching new readers plow through the archives, commenting in reverse as they go.
It got me thinking about how that’s not something you can do on Theater Hopper because, in a fit of paranoia, I instructed WordPress to shut off the commenting feature after 14 days. I guess I don’t remember what I was afraid of. Probably spammers. But truth be told, we haven’t had a problem with spammers in months (knock on wood). So I decided it was time to let go of the leash.
Starting today, anyone can comment on any comic in the archive. That might not appealing to those of you who have been with the site for a while. But who knows?
I guess I’d rather leave the option open for conversation rather than put a cap on it before it can start.
Just thought I would let you know!
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Back in 2004, I created a comic that introduced an alter ego for Tom who went by the name “Pimp Tom.” Reaction to the character was so positive, I created a shirt in his honor.
As part of the massive fire sale I have going on now in the store, I sold the very last shirt christened with his image. It seems unlikely to me that I will ever produce another Pimp Tom shirt again.
I was thinking about the character, though and I don’t know why I haven’t used him more often. I break out Jared’s alter ego “Goth Jared” usually two or three times a year. He even has his own entry on the Cast page!
I don’t know. I don’t have anything especially insightful to say. Maybe I’m just feeling a little nostalgic. I could bring back Pimp Tom any time I suppose. Maybe have Pimp Tom meet Goth Jared! Who knows?
I’m just making observations, I suppose.
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