For the record, this isn’t the first time Jimmy has changed the name of a movie on the marquee. Being a reformed troublemaker, Jimmy’s moral pendulum has swung a little too far to the other side. In these scenarios, I feel like I am having him channel Ken the NBC page from 30 Rock. Too wholesome for his own good.
If you were to ask me where I came up with the idea whose head is literally composed of feces… I couldn’t tell you. A Pringle fever dream? The by-product of accidentally huffing cleaning fluids while scrubbing the toilet? Hard to say.
Why does he have a eye patch and a scar? Why, because he’s “not-so-nice.” Therefore, layering the impact of the joke by strengthening his offense to Jimmy’s name change.
This joke works on many levels, you see.
Did I mention it’s very late? SUBJECT CHANGE!
Inglourious Basterds comes out this weekend and I find most every Quentin Tarantino – bad or good – a reason to celebrate. I realize that Death Proof was only a few years ago, but at the pace this guy works, it’s amazing we see any product from him at all.
My passion for film really began around the time that Pulp Fiction was making waves, so despite his idiosyncrasies, I still admire him as a filmmaker. Kevin Smith falls into this category as well.
I’m starting to become worried, however, that Tarantino is become a slave to genre and it wasn’t until Grindhouse that this racked into focus for me.
He has his caper movie, his blaxploitation movie, his kung-fu movie, his car chase movie and now his “trapped behind enemy lines” World War II movie. I’m concerned that his interests are focused less on creating memorable characters and whip-smart dialogue. But rather watching obscure genre films and regurgitating them in front of unsuspecting audiences.
I have no doubt that the man loves movies. He’s practically a walking encyclopedia of movie knowledge. But I wonder how long before all of that knowledge starts to bleed together and creativity has been choked from his creations?
I guess we’ll find out this weekend when I catch a matinee of Inglourious Basterds on my own. Cami has no interest in this one. She claims the violence is a turn off and I see where she’s coming from.
But, like I said, I feel like I’ve grown up with Tarantino. So it’s nice to check in with him once in a while to see what he’s up to…
Back in the day, something we used to do in the THorum every Friday was play a game called The Friday Five. The game was introduced to us by the LiveJournal community of the same name and the goal of the game was simple – to learn more about each other.
I was Twittering the other day, and someone who used to frequent the THorum reminded me of the fun they had playing The Friday Five. So I decided to introduce it to the blog.
The way it works is simple. I ask you 5 questions and you answer them! Since this is on the home page, I’ll ask that everyone keep their answers clean of language. But you guys do a really good job of that anyway, so I’m not too worried.
Anyway, since Inglourious Basterds is in theater this weekend, I thought we’d play a Tarantino-themed version of The Friday Five. Here are your questions!
- What’s the first Tarantino movie you ever saw?
- How old were you when you saw this movie?
- Tarantino has a resuscitated the career of several Hollywood actors. What down-and-out actor would you like to see him cast in his next movie?
- What’s your favorite line of Tarantino dialogue? (keep it clean, if you can)
- What’s your favorite Tarantino film?
There you go! Leave your answers in the comments!
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