Ghostbusters, Bill Murray, Blu ray, acne scars, scary

Discussion (15) ¬

  1. Heather H
    Heather H

    I agree that Blu-ray has it’s ups and downs. Some make a movie that is visually stunning just that much more so. However I feel most of those movies have to be digital to begin with in order to transfer so well. What broke me against Blu-ray (besides re-purchasing dvds for twice the amount I paid for them) was Batman the movie (1966) Cesar Romero’s pancake makeup covered mustache in high-def made the silly hokey movie I love unbearable to watch. The only reason I might purchase the blu-ray is if I think that the extra features are worth the cost.

  2. Chris C.

    My general rule for Blu-ray is if I already own the DVD, I’ll only buy it if I see it on sale somewhere. And since you mentioned the game as well, if you are a gamer in an shape or form you must purchase this game. It really is Ghostbusters 3 from design to presentation and it’s just kick ass to bust ghosts with all of the original gang. I’ve been having a blast with the game since I picked it up last night (however, I’ve heard the PC version is a bit buggy so be weary).

  3. bryan

    I follow a similar rule with blue ray. Films before the advent of the high definition cameras are fine on DVD. There are only so many neck wrinkles and errant hairs that I want to see in my “movie reality”. I have high definition eyes and can see that stuff on everyday people.

  4. Relaxing Dragon
    Relaxing Dragon

    Blu-Ray just doesn’t seem that attractive to me right now. Beyond the little things like the higher price (I can get up to four regular DVDs for the price of the Blu-Ray), a bunch of special features on the regular DVDs not on Blu-Ray (Memento anyone?), and my lack of a player (I’ll get a PS3 eventually), I just don’t like how they look. High Definition is nice and everything, but it gives it all this strange, way-too-crisp look. Almost makes it all look like dusty CGI (yeah, I’ve got no good way to describe it).

    Example: I was watching Transformers Blu-Ray in Blockbuster the other day, and at first I thought it was a cuscene for a video game (albeit a really nice cutscene). The way the characters were moving in front of the background, it didn’t seem natural. And that’s from a movie that Blu-Ray was practically designed for.

  5. Ann

    Oh, wow, the game finally came out? Cool! :)`

    I know what you mean about the pros and cons of high def; my hubby got me the Matrix trilogy on Blu-Ray for my birthday, and while overall it looked awesome, in the scene where Neo’s mouth sealed shut I actually noticed the make-up a little bit, rather than it looking totally real like it did to me in the theater and on DVD. I can imagine in movies with less elaborate effects that they would be even more obvious, so yeah, I completely understand how you feel.

    I haven’t seen Ghostbusters in ages, though every now and then something reminds me of it and I think how I’d like to see it again. I think you’ve finally nudged me into doing so 🙂

  6. Plater

    When I click the buttons to view the previous comics, none of them show up. Just the news posts associated with them. Is anyone else having that trouble? I’m on FF3

  7. Tom


    I’m having the exact same problem as you and, what’s worse, I can’t seem to make any changes from the admin area.

    This last upgrade to WordPress 2.8 has really fouled things up for me.

  8. MotherPusBucket

    I love the Blu-Ray format. I find it to be a great addition to the Entertainment market simply because of the drastic improvements and the near quantum leap this format made from DVD. I can remember my father purchasing a VHS player when they first arrived on the scene and how awesome it was going to be to watch movies at the comfort of our own home. I was I kid I didn’t care about quality; but VHS tapes had obvious clarity issues. Anywho; I purchased my first Blu-Ray player last year and I haven’t looked back since.

    I did purchase Ghostbusters on BD and I was a bit disappointed at the quality. It does look good, especially in the sound and the flesh tones; however, I judge it by the “Patton” rule. Patton is a wonderful movie by itself but if anyone has watched it on Blu-Ray then you would judge any “older” movie by this one. It is wonderful remastered, the sound is great and it is quite clear (i.e. no grain). If a movie that was made in 1970 can look as good as Patton does then companies shouldn’t have a problem recreating original quality If you haven’t seen the movie on Blu-Ray then I have simply one thing to say…….. go to blockbuster and rent it.

  9. TheDudeAbides

    Yeah, from what I’ve read on the GB Blu Ray it’s not great, guess it looks REALLY grainy, may want to skip it, especially if you have the DVD already. As a side note, are you much of a gamer Tom? Because the game really worth playing, it`s basicly GhostBusters 3 seeing as it was written by Akroyd and Ramis, check it out if you can.

  10. random?

    as far as blue ray transfers go, since the early 80’s movies have actually been filmed at a higher resolution that even blue ray provides. this is because of the size of movie screens, anything that isn’t super high quality seems streched and blurry. when videos were put on tapes or dvds (and even with blue ray) the signal is shrunk to fit the media. so if the studio “upconverts” an exisiting copy blue ray won’t look good like you imagine, but if they “downconvert” the original film, it will still look better. best thing to do is convince a friend to buy it and see if its clear or not

  11. Alexander Burns

    I’m still waiting for BluRay to drop in price.

    I should own Ghostbusters, because it’s one of my all time favorites as well. The only problem is that it seems the only way to get it is to buy the two pack that includes the sequel. Every time I happen to spot GB I get all excited until I remember the second one is attached, too. It’s ridiculous, but it just seems to hang me up every time.

  12. Albert

    While I agree that some movies look iffy in HD, it makes a huge difference in others. The Road Warrior for instance is so clear and crisp, that watching the “original theatrical trailer” in the extras is almost laughable. The difference is extraordinary! However, I felt that (sorry Tom!) Iron Man had a grainy weird look to it, and that should look like one of the best HD movies ever.
    I love blu-ray anyway, and though most people don’t think it’s worth it, I feel like the difference between BD and DVD is as huge as DVD and VHS!

  13. R.E.L.

    When Ghostbusters came out, I was 4 and my parents wouldn’t let me see it with my older cousins, fearing it would eternally scar me.
    I only plucked up enough courage to see it at after the age of 12, but didn’t really “get it” until seeing it for the 10th time when I was about 21.
    I love it so much that I quoted it in my thesis in a chapter on the pros and cons of privatisation…
    (100 points for anyone who can guess the quote!)

  14. Mr. Casual
    Mr. Casual

    I’d be interested in seeing the Blu-Ray version of GB, but alas, I don’t yet have a player for it.

    I think a lot of people are missing out on another avenue of BD technology, though. All the emphasis is on high-def and remastered quality, but like a lot of people are saying, there’s only so much you can do with older films. What I think should be more focused on is the space. BD has the capacity to store tons more information, and if the high-def content isn’t that spectacular, why not use all that space for better purposes? Namely, bonus features.

    Cram everything you can think of in there. Deleted scenes, featurettes, retrospectives, cast interviews, outtakes, storyboards, behind-the-scenes footage, trivia games, and anything else you can sweep out from under the rug. One of the things I look for in DVD’s is the bonus feature proportion, and the thought of having as much bonus content on a disc as the move itself takes up just makes me tingle.

    It does.

  15. MegaHentai

    My basic rule on Blu-Ray is this: if I own it on DVD, I don’t bother buying Blu. If I don’t own it, or I only own it on VHS, and a Blu-Ray version is available or forthcoming, that’s what I buy. This has meant that I’ve plunked extra money on things I knew wouldn’t really benefit from hi-def, such as Expelled and George Carlin: It’s Bad For Ya, but it does work out in most cases. In the case of David Gilmour: Remember That Night, the Blu-Ray actually ended up being cheaper.

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