Even if a Twinkie turned your tongue black and made you cry, I’d still eat it.
See what I’m talking about when you vote for Theater Hopper at Top Web Comics.
Land of the Lost comes out this weekend and I could sincerely not care less. Hey, don’t get me wrong – I love Will Ferrell. That much of the comic wasn’t a lie. But I’m getting a distinct Bewitched vibe from this movie. If you didn’t see Ferrell in that catastrophic misfire, consider yourself lucky. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice… won’t get fooled again.
Here’s what I want to know: Was there any authentic demand for a Land of the Lost movie? A big screen version of an obscure Saturday morning live action program whose retro, ironic shelf-life probably expired around the time Paramount produced A Very Brady Sequel?
Perhaps a bored executive over at Universal was watching Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and it finally dawned on him that Ferrell’s idiot Federal Wildlife employee Marshal Willenholly was a riff on Marshal, Will and Holly Marshall – the main characters of the old Land of the Lost TV show. “Dude! I totally know who to cast for this thing!”
I realize that Ferrell is a divisive character in comedy. I’m aware that a lot of people find him loud, overbearing and, well, not funny. I’m not one of those guys. I love the way he reads lines and don’t mind that he can only seem to find success playing boorish louts in obscure sports comedies.
But that doesn’t mean I’m going to buy a ticket for Land of the Lost.
If this thing turns a profit – especially in direct competition with The Hangover (which is getting way more buzz) – then I’ll be shocked. At this point, people are probably more interested in watching the dinosaur from the trailer for two hours than experience Land of the Lost as a “Will Ferrell Movie.”
Let’s just hope the inevitable failure of this thing puts Anchorman 2 on the fast track. Ferrell dropped hints about it last week and that, my friends, is a movie long overdue.
What’s your opinion of Land of the Lost? Any interest? Is there anyone here who grew up in the 70s that thinks this remake looks good? Leave your comments below!
I just wanted to collect some feedback on something site-related I’m toying with.
Under the comic, there is a link to the ShareThis! application that, on rollover, reveals dozens of links to different social bookmarking sites.
The other day I stumbled onto the Sociable plugin and really liked the way that it displayed the icons of the social bookmarking sites I choose.
My main problem with their plugin is the coding. Specifically the CSS. I want to put text around it to kind of explain what all these little images are doing there (“Bookmark this comic!”) but the way the code is written, it won’t let me.
At this point, I’m afraid I’m overthinking it.
So let me as you this: Does there need to be any text on the page explaining what those icons are for? Twitter, StumbleUpon, Reddit and the like? Or is it safe to assume that if people see those icons and the like the comic enough to bookmark it, they will?
I’m trying to get a sense of how you guys use these social bookmarking plugins (if it all) because I want to make it as easy for you as possible to help share Theater Hopper with others.
Right now I have a sneaking suspicion that the ShareThis! plugin I’m currently using is forcing you to jump through hoops by clicking on the link, then hunting for the social bookmarking service you want versus seeing the icon for that service front and center, clicking on it and getting it done.
What do you think? I could really use your perspective.
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