As some of you know, I’m in the middle of pursuing my Master’s degree. Y’know, because a full-time job, a two year-old and a comic I’m updating three times a week isn’t enough to keep me busy.
As part of my degree, I am taking a research class. For our final paper, we can write about any subject that we find interesting so long as we support it with research.
I’m writing a paper about the decline of print publication and the rise of online news sources – specifically as it pertains to film criticism. Within that larger topic, I am trying to uncover the value opinion leaders place on film criticism – do they turn to it as a resource and how to they regard print versus online?
The survey is 4 pages and about 30 questions long. Mostly “yes” or “no” questions. Nothing complicated.
It would really mean a lot to me if you would participate in this survey. I’m hoping to use you guys as a resource, not only as opinion leaders but as the means to wow my professor with by returning big numbers in the survey results.
If you’d like to take the survey, you can do so by clicking here.
To provide you with incentive, I will be choosing one survey participant at random to win a FREE t-shirt and FREE book. All you have to do is submit your e-mail address at the end if you want a chance to win. If you don’t want to give me your e-mail address. That’s fine, too. It’s totally voluntary and you can remain anonymous if you wish.
What’s important to me is that you take five minutes to fill it out. I would be very grateful.
Thank you.
Dude, I had a problem with section 3. Critics, question 6. Critics. It was strictly a yes or no question. Well, I don’t know if a critic in print has been fired or not. So, I had to answer No. But, I’m telling you. I just don’t know.
Hi there! In the Critics section, one question asks if we follow any critics regularly- I said no. But the next question asks how MANY we follow. I chose the smallest answer, but it suggests 1-3, not zero. Same problem on number six, too.
Mark, if you’re not aware of any print critics that have been fired, than “no” is an acceptable answer. I’ll toss in a “Not sure” for future respondants, though.
Jessica, I forgot to put logic on the question you talked about to skip over some of the other ones depending on your answer. I’ll put that in now, I think.
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I’ll try to tweak things a little bit to make things more clear.
Hmm…the possible answers were very specific. I check the Rotten Tomatoes percentage, which includes online and print critics. And I check the one-line blurbs they have for each critic, and I’ll click the blurb to read the full review if it’s a critic whose opinion I’ve come to like over time.