Fast & Furious, Vin Diesel, tagline, New Model, Original Parts, Ford Mustang, Model-T, horsepower, navigation system

Discussion (13) ¬

  1. Shawn Robare

    I know I’d buy GPS with Vin Disel’s voice to guide me. I’m still thinking about picking up the Knight Rider branded GPS because it’s got the voice of William Daniels!

    • Tom

      Oh my goodness.

      That’s a real thing?!

  2. Torin

    Been a fan of the comic for a while, first comment, and I hate for it to be a negative, but I don’t really like the overdone lighting on Tom and Jared in this one. Panel 1 is fine, but 2-4 seem a little intense, like they are in front of one of those deer lights my in-laws got for x-mas. Just a little distracting.

    • Tom

      That’s a negative comment I think I can manage. 😀

      They’re supposed to be standing in front of the poster with the lighted frame around it. But, yeah… Maybe it’s a little overdone.

      Thanks for the feedback!

  3. Lawrence

    Gotta agree with everything in your news post pretty much. (the first, have not read the second yet) I’m also excited to see them “returning to formula” so to speak. And yeah, after a tank full of blowful movies (please don’t tell my friends that I think DEBS sucked, they’re scary lesbians and they’ll likely lynch me) Hopefully this can get the careers of a few underrated talents back on track.

    and LOVED the vote incentive…. And please enjoy ECCC; not all of us Iowans get to go ya know.

  4. Tracy

    Tom – if you have time to explore and like to eat, Seattle has THE BEST food. It’s the little hole in the walls that are to die for. So much to choose from. The Caribbean & Latin American places I ate at were absolutely to die for. It’s a beautiful city.

  5. Manda

    LoL! Tokyo Drift was the only one of the Fast & Furious movies I DID like!
    But I’m glad Michelle Rodrigues is back- haven’t really seen much from her since they killed off her character on LOST, and that’s a shame.

  6. Josh

    I may be at ECCC this weekend. I’d like to say “hey” if I can manage it.

  7. alkaline-kiwi

    Have fun at the convention Tom! One day I hope to get over to the US and check out some of these conventions so I can meet people who create the webcomics I enjoy.

  8. Steve

    Since it’s your first time in Seattle, make sure you get down to the Pike Place Market, it’s kind of like the Farmers Market in downtown Des Moines, but much larger and much better IMHO.

    • Tom

      Is that the place where they throw the fish? I’d like to go, but I’m worried I won’t have time.

      I think I’ll have some time Friday night, maybe Sunday night to kick around and I’d really like to see the Space Needle.

      There’s some talk of some of the other web comic creators going to the Space Needle Saturday night, but nothing confirmed. I think this weekend I’m going to have to play it by ear.

      If nothing else, I can do a little recon for when Cami and I come back and vacation there on our own. I’ve been dying to explore Seattle for years!

  9. Tracy

    Pike Place Market is the place where they throw the fish. It’s fun and something everyone who goes to Seattle needs to experience. There is a restaurant at the top of the Space Needle. It revolves so you get a 360 degree view while you dine. It’s pricey but good. Or you can just check out the observation deck. I hope you have some good weather so you can get the full effect of the view.

  10. caffeine head

    i still don’t understand what is the appeal of Vin Diesel — it’s gotta be either his gravelly voice or his cool name

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