WHOA! Didn’t see that one coming, did you? Well, maybe you did. But I like to think you didn’t. Who knew that Jimmy and Charlie’s past intersected so much earlier than we thought? And, by the way, in case you aren’t familiar with Charlie’s backstory or why she’s important, you can read her origin story here (hey, just closin’ the loop for the new readers!)
I know introducing Charlie as the “woman who changed everything” for Jimmy raises all sorts of questions. For example, if Jimmy and Charlie used to be together, why haven’t we heard anything until now? Why hasn’t Jimmy tried to approach Charlie when she’s visited the theater? Don’t worry! We’re going to get to all of that in the next couple of weeks.
I would say this is about the half-way point for the storyline and I’m really excited to tell the rest. What’s been revealed at this point could be a game-changer in the future and redefine some of the relationships in the comic. This is the point where we start to pick up speed!
I think I’d better stop while I’m ahead so I don’t reveal too much more!
As for this weekend’s movies, I want to try and see Clive Owen in The International because I’m really interested in seeing that shoot-out they filmed inside the Guggenheim. But it’s going to be pretty difficult for me to get away. Not only because Saturday is Valentine’s Day, but Sunday we’re having everyone over to celebrate Henry’s second birthday! Henry’s actual birthday is the 18th (and I’ll be talking more about him then.) But for the celebration, it’s just easier to get everyone together on Sunday. As such, not a lot of free time for movies. We gotta scrub down the house and get things ready!
That’s all for me today. So, what do you think about the big reveal? Are you excited to learn more? Where will things go from here? Share your thoughts in the comments and I’ll see you back here on Monday!
What's up with the hat?
This tramples my theory in a good way. 😀
Can’t wait to see what happened.
Duuuuuude! Was NOT expecting that! Awesome 😀
Dramatic music crescendo! Cut to commercial!
I didn’t see it coming, but I try not to think ahead, so I’m pretty easy. I like it!
Interesting that when we first learned about Jimmy’s bathroom fear, back in January 2005, it was because Charlie was locked in the ladies’ room with Cami. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.
I KNEW IT! Hurray! I’m more proud of myself then I should be.
I never saw that coming!! Wow, how awkward for him now that she’s back…
Saw it coming (still, cool irony). By the way, International isn’t a really good movie. Not a lot of shocks and then it just ends. (The shootout is awesome though)
I should have seen it coming. Jimmy revealed his fear at the same time Cami and Charlie are trapped in the same bathroom. I KNEW there was a clue there.
It’s brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT I tell you! Genius I say!
Bonfires + Davenport = Me saving my drunk family members from falling into the fire. This can’t end well.
Woot! Eastern Iowa!
I love it that there are people from/around Davenport showing up in the comments!
Heh. Not from Davenport (from Marshalltown actually, but up at UNI currently), but a large portion of my dad’s family is from the area.
I guess your characters are more used to Davenport than I am, though, as I usually have a look on my face that something smells horrible. Usually, it’s from the river.
*Dude, she totaly has a flat butt.Remeinds me of Jessica Simpson in those mom jeans.
*sad Face 🙁
You have no idea how long I agonized over how curvy to draw her butt. Trust me – originally, it was much larger. Then I took a step back and looked at it, said to myself “Who let R. Crumb in here?” and went with the more conservative approach.