It occured to me that Jimmy needed some kind of souvenir from his wilder days – and not something easily faked – because even though we know modern day Jimmy as forthright and kind, there needed to be some evidence to back up his claims as a womanizer. A poorly thought through series of tattoos seemed like the appropriate solution.
I imagine a lot of women will probably look at this comic and be really, really turned off by the idea of a guy sporting a sleeve of crossed out names permanently etched into his arm. But there’s something to be said about the appeal of a bad boy, too, right? Oh! But who could hope to tame him?
There’s not much more for me to talk about today and I feel conspicuous cutting today’s blog short. But at the same time, I stayed up WAY too late last night working on the comic after my night class and I’m pretty sure my eyes are focusing in two different directions.
So enjoy the comic and be sure to come back bright and early on Friday for another BIG REVEAL from Jimmy’s sorrid past! Wanna take a guess as to what the big reveal might be? Leave your comments and we’ll see who is right!
Since I don’t have a lot to discuss regarding the comic, I thought I might take this opportunity to promote a feature of the site that may have gone otherwise unexplored.
Under the Links heading, I have a Link Exchange page. Nothing fancy. You link me, I link you. If you have a web site and you’d like a little more networking, let’s trade! Either leave a link to your web site in the comments or send me an e-mail where we can discuss things privately.
Incidentally, if you want to grab a banner for your site, I have a bunch of banners available now, too.
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