As you are probably aware, Iron Man comes out on DVD this Tuesday and as you are probably even more KEENLY AWARE… I am a huge Iron Man fan. So expect lots of Iron Man goodness in the next week or so. That’s including a review of the 2-disc special edition, which I was lucky enough to obtain an advance copy of. I’ve already roped Cami into watching the movie with me AGAIN this evening. Whether or not she’ll take the deep dive with me into the DVD’s FOUR HOURS of special features… time will tell.

The interesting thing about professing my love for all things Iron Man is that it has brought out some unique support from the readership. You won’t believe some of the things fans of the comic have sent me related to Iron Man. Some pretty amazing stuff. And, since I will have nothing to talk about for the next week or so BUT Iron Man, I plan on sharing those with you here in the blog next week.

One of the gifts that was sent my way I’m a little intimidated by. It’s a full-blown theater standee that is so large, I can’t assemble it in my house. I plan on putting it together this weekend and taking pictures for posterity. But it is no exaggeration when I say that Iron Man’s head on this cardboard monstrosity is four times larger than real life. It’s immense. Should be fun.

I haven’t really been very blog-crazy these last few days. Probably because I’m all typed out after having to put together my first presentation for my Mass Communications Theory class on Wednesday. I’m only taking one class this semester to kind of ramp up into the Masters of Communication Leadership degree that I’m pursuing, but they want you to take two classes a week to graduate the program in two years. I’m having a great time learning, but I don’t know if I can keep up with that kind of workload.

Truthfully, my interests in marketing could probably allow me to sleepwalk through the program. But I’m so into what I’m reading right now, I’m being crazy thorough about it. I’m talking highlighting passages in the book with notes in the sidebar kind of thorough.

Maybe you don’t find this very interesting. Sorry. Just keying you in to what’s going on in my life right now.

I keep promising to make an announcement about the donation drive, but I keep putting it off. I think it’s because I’m looking to put together the right words and show the appropriate level of enthusiasm and appreciation for everyone’s support. I don’t want to leave anything out. I’ve actually written a few drafts of the blog post to make then announcement (and you can probably guess what it is by this point), but I want it to be perfect – for posterity.

I’ll leave that for you to ponder and close here.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!

↓ Transcript
Nice helmet.

Yeah. Marvel sent me a replica of the Iron Man armor when their tracking revealed I saw the movie enough times to account for 12% of it’s box office.

Why aren’t you wearing the full costume?

I didn’t want to fall into the cliché of the over-excited fanboy who is immobilized by the weight of his Iron Man outfit.

Good thinking.

Hey, we’d better get going if we want to reserve a place in line for the Iron Man DVD release!


I’ll be with you in a minute.