First off, apologies for the lateness of today’s comic. I was having all kind of issues with my internet provider over the weekend. Of course, we had a huge blizzard here in Iowa that probably had something to do with it, so I can’t get too mad with them.
Good thing I was a home when things got turned back on so I could post to the site.
But, waitaminute. Shouldn’t I be at work? What am I doing at home on a Monday morning? You can thank this guy.
That’s my boy Henry and he’s one year-old today! Both Cami and I took the day off to celebrate with him.
I wish I had something more profound to say about my experiences in the last year, but the entire process of fatherhood is so completely transformative, I’m not sure I recognize the person I was before Henry came into my life – so it’s difficult to pinpoint what’s different.
In many ways I feel like Henry has always been here with us. I can’t really remember the days where Cami and I would simply lay around on a Saturday and watch an I Love the 80’s marathon on VH1 anymore. (That’s probably for the best.)
Certainly Henry is much different than the little sleepy lump we brought home from the hospital a year ago. Watching him develop has been an everyday miracle. I know most parents feel this way, but I felt like we really lucked out with Henry. He has a great temperment and a sense of humor. Loves to laugh and smile. Very verbal. He’s already identifying things like blocks, books and ball. In the last week, he’s been standing himself up. He’s *this* close to walking now. It’s amazing.
I don’t post many pictures of Henry in this space and that’s been by design. Partially to protect him and partially because of relevance. I mean, this is a web comic about movies, you know?
But I was looking over all of the wonderful e-mails of support readers sent a year ago when Henry was born and thought you guys would appreciate seeing how far the little guy has come. One day I’m going to show him those e-mails and explain to him how so many people welcomed him into the world without ever knowing him. There are good people in the world. You guys are some of the best.
Part of me wondered if I would have to set Theater Hopper aside after Henry was born. It’s been a bumpy ride over the last year, but I think we’ve found a way to make it work. A large part of that is because of your patience and support. Thanks for continuing to read Theater Hopper, thank you for your encouragement and thanks for supporting me and my family.
I’ll be back with more news later in the day. Big news, actually, that will affect the future of Theater Hopper in a really good way. But for now, I have to help decorate a birthday cake!
See you soon!
Well, we just wrapped up Henry’s first birthday party and put him to be. All things equal, I would say he had a great time. It was great to spend time with the family. Smiles all around.
So what about that big news that’s going to change the direction of Theater Hopper that I was talking about earlier?…
Starting today, Theater Hopper has entered into an exclusive partnership with the movies news, review and interview blog Theater Hopper comics will now be mirrored on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
It’s a real thrill for me to announce this exclusive partnership with First Showing. There’s is a blog I’ve been following for a while and it speaks directly to my sensibilities. These guys do a great job not only discussing upcoming projects, but reviewing what’s in theaters, too with humor, sometimes caution, sometimes utter fanboy adulation. Believe me, they cover all the angles.
It doesn’t hurt that they have a soft spot for comic book properties like yours truly, either.
So if you haven’t visited before, be sure to add them to your bookmarks now. Hopefully this is a relationship that we’ll be able to develop further in the months to come and find new ways to work together and deliver a unique movie-related online experience for everyone involved.
Thanks again to Alex Billington and look for continued updates as we move forward!
For more insight into this exclusive partnership, please be sure to listen to The Triple Feature talkcast at tonight at 9:00 PM CST. Feel free to call in or submit questions! We’ll see you there!
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