You didn’t think you were going to get away with a week of me talking about Viggo Mortensen’s wang without an appearance from Victor, did you? I mean, Mortensen’s character is Russian in Eastern Promises, after all. And, well, Victor is from the Ukraine, which is kind of like Russia and… maybe gay?
I swear, any more when I use Victor, his behavior gets more and more extreme while Tom’s reaction to it becomes more and more blind. I suppose I only have one person to thank for this – Brandon J. Carr. He’s the dude who came up with the Victor subplot in a guest strip way back in March of ’06. Guess what? Now he’s got his OWN comic to do that in!
You might have remembered Brandon wrote and drew the excellent Kenmore. His new comic is called Weird Adventures in Unemployment. Show him your support and get in on his comic early on. I know it’s already found a snuggly spot in MY bookmarks!
Tell you what – it’s the end of the week and I’m feelin’ kind of randy. This works out perfect because I’m also feeling generous.
I have three copies of The Sarah Silverman Program: Season One on DVD to giveaway. If you didn’t catch it earlier this year on Comedy Central, than you missed out. It was everything I like about Sarah Silverman packed neatly into 22 minute episodes. Because – let’s face it – sometimes a little bit of Sarah will go a long way.
But if your into off-color humor – you know, sort of like today’s comic! – you’ll get a kick out of this. The DVD just came out in stores this Tuesday. So if you win one, you might be the coolest kid on the block
I’m going to make this contest kind of hard on you. It has to do with the title of today’s comic – “PALOMINO.” If you can figure out the reference of the title within the context of today’s strip and e-mail it to me at, then all of the correct answers will be thrown into a hat and three winners will be chosen at random.
Up to the challenge? Then get crackin’! It beats doing REAL work, that’s for sure!
Good luck and have a great weekend!
I just had to leave a quick post to say that it’s been very entertaining reading some of the guesses for The Sarah Silverman Program: Season One contest giveaway. Some of you guys have guessed correctly and a few of you are hilariously off base – but God bless ya for trying!
Keep ’em coming, guys!
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