September 17th, 2007 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(9 votes, average: 7.78 out of 10)
Here’s the thing: If you have a web comic and Ryan Estrada one day contacts you and says “Hey, I want to do a guest strip for you!” you’re answer will be an ethusiastic "Okay!’
So there you have it. Kind of random but no less welcome. Gotta give him props for the reference to The Gods Must Be Crazy. Dig that zany sight gag in the background of the first panel, too. Ryan, you scamp!
Be sure to show Ryan your appreciation by checking out his blog site as well as new site, Cartoon Commune. The later is a very interesting project that he’s working on. Well worth your time.
Thanks, Ryan!
Not much to report from the movie front this weekend. It looks like The Brave One grabbed the top spot, but a few hard hits from critics low-balled it’s box office take by about $5 million. Early estimates put it around $20 million.
I stayed at home for the most part. Cami went with friends to see Finding Jane (the fictionalized upbringing of Jane Austen starring Anne Hathaway) and hated it. She couldn’t even quantify her distaste for it except to say that the recent remake of Pride & Prejudice with Keira Nightley was better. Uh… okay.
Meanwhile, I was at home with Henry this weekend and, after putting him to bed, I sat down to watch Army of Darkness and Accepted.
Army of Darkness needs no introduction. Most people are on the same page with me there. But it’s a weird movie for me because it’s kind of an echo of an echo after Evil Dead 1 and Evil Dead 2. It’s also the kind of movie where the action pieces are so indelible everything else seems mundane. As such, I tend to forget the boring parts and somehow trick myself into thinking I haven’t seen the movie for a while. I dunno it’s hard to explain. All the same, Bruce Campbell rocks my world. They need to get him in a movie with Kurt Russell quick.
Accepted was that dumb "let’s invent a fake college" movie with Justin Long that came out last year. I kind of wanted to see it when it was in theaters, but I’m glad I didn’t. It was awful. Long pretty much spends the entire movie immidating Vince Vaughn and Jonah Hill as his sidekick is stuck playing it at about a 5 when I want to see him play it at a 10. I kept wanting to see their roles reversed. I think Long is much funnier when he’s kind of stumbling around and self-concious, not Mr. Cool Lookitme. It’s the same reason I don’t like him in those Mac Vs. PC ads. And I’m sorry, but after seeing Hill in Superbad and Knocked Up – that’s prettty much how I want him to play every character all the time from here on out.
These are issues I will likely address in this weeks Triple Feature broadcast. Since we’re pretty much stuck in a post-summer slow down at the theater, Joe, Gordon, Brian and I agreed to open up the topic of conversation to the movies we’re watching on TV and DVD as well. I mean, why not? You can’t be topical all the time. And besides, the strength of our show is that it’s basically a bunch of friends mouthing off about movies like any other group of friends would. It’s not serious film criticism. It’s fun!
If it sounds like your kind of fun, swing on over to our page over at Talkshoe about 8:45 PM CST tonight and listen in. It’s always a good time!
That’s all I have for the time being. Although I’m, like 85% complete with a t-shirt design based off the poster design I made for the fake movie "EXPLOSIONS!" from last Wednesday strip. I might be back soon with another post to show it off. If the reponse is encouraging, expect a pre-sale on new shirts this week!
Talk to you soon!
Okay, as promised. Here’s the t-shirt design I came up with based off the fake poster in Wednesday’s comic…

I’m looking for some honest feedback, guys. So what’s your opinion? Do you like it? Would you wear it if it were on a t-shirt? What needs to be tweaked?
E-mail me at with your opinions. If there’s a demand, I’ll hopefully set up a pre-order for them this week!
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