This was actually supposed to be the comic you guys were get on Friday and the Live Free or Die Hard comic was the one you were supposed to get last Wednesday. Of course, since my computer completely melted down last Wednesday, the order is all screwed up.
I’m sure it makes no difference to you, but I enjoy being timely with the comics. It’s one advantage the web has over digital media. So, for me, it would have been a lot more fun if I could have gotten the LFoDH comic up on Wednesday when the movie started playing in theaters and having this Ratatouille comic up on Friday before the latest Pixar film was proven a success with a near $50 million opening weekend.
There has been so much crap written about Ratatouille and these concerns that it wouldn’t connect with audiences. Rats in a kitchen? Yech! French cuisine? Double yech! So what? If the story is good, the audience will be there. And I think word of mouth is only going to improve on this thing, from what I’ve been reading.
Marketing aside, the only red flag that came up for me is that the original director Jan Pinkava was replaced by Brad Bird. But then, that’s like having Nolan Ryan come in to finish out a pitching session for a rookie’s first time on the mound. Everything is going to be fine.
Shamefully, I didn’t get to see ANY movies this weekend due to my overwhelming computer issues. What a pain in the ass. I finally got a hold of a new hard drive Friday night and it pretty much took me the rest of the weekend off and on to get Windows XP and the rest of my software loaded back onto it. I didn’t really suffer any significant data loss, but it just takes SO MUCH TIME. Like, HOURS at a stretch, it seems. I don’t really have that kind of free time with Henry in the house. I pretty much stuck him with Cami all day Sunday. Father of the year, over here, gang.
At this point, my concern is falling behind. In addition to Ratatouille, both Cami and I want to see Sicko. But it’s a matter of finding the time and getting someone to babysit Henry. My radar is up for Transformers on Wednesday. Begrudgingly, I think I have to go to this one. Not particularly because I think it’s going to be a good movie (I certainly don’t respect the direction they went in regards to the robot designs) but because I feel like this is the movie everyone is going to be talking about.
In a way, Michael Bay and company were right to wait until the July 4 weekend. It seems like Spider-Man 3, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End and Shrek the Third all kind of blew their wad by landing in theaters back in May. No one is really talking about them now because I think they all kind of canceled each other out. I’m looking at the upcoming release schedule and I’m not really seeing anything that is going to challenge Transformers dominance. I mean, Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix will probably steal some of it’s thunder, but that’s the fifth movie in the franchise and – truthfully – haven’t we seen it all before?
I never thought I would find myself in the position of defending Bay or Transformers, but I really think it’s going to be the blockbuster to beat this summer. It’s going to show us something new. Or at least a big-screen version of a concept we’ve been waiting to see for the last 20 years.
However, unlike Sicko and Ratatouille, Transformers is a movie Cami has no interest in seeing. So I might be able to sneak out of the house Wednesday night after Henry is asleep and check it out for myself. I kind of hate that it’s come to this – me seeing these movies by myself. I used to really like dragging Cami along with me. But I’m kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. I kind of have to see these bigger movies as part of my "job," but with a baby, you can’t drop what you’re doing and go see everything you want. I feel like I’m being selfish going by myself. But for the immediate future, this looks like the best solution for us.
Oh, well. What about the rest of you? Have you finally started to give in to the Transformers hype
A few things I forgot to mention in the first post:
- A few people were congratulating me last Friday for reaching my 700th comic. Actually, that was a typo because I accidentally counted Wendesday’s “Boo hoo! My computer is FUBAR!” messages as an comic. I’ve made the correct and TODAY’S comic is my 700th – which is mind-numbing to think about.
I think the last time I celebrated the number of comics I posted was 400 or probably 500. But anymore, I think I’m just into celebrating anniversaries. You’ll hear from me again about it on August 5.
- Don’t forget to call in and listen to The Triple Feature talkcast tonight at 9:00 PM CST over at Talkshoe. I pretty much plan on giving the floor to Joe to talk about Live Free or Die Hard because it sounds like he had a blast at that movie and I want him to tell us all about it.
We’ll probably be talking about Transformers, too – if you’re interested. Join in and talk to us live!
- It’s kind of a long story about how it came into my possession, but I’m auctioning off an 8GB iPhone on eBay and the auction ends around 10:00 PM tonight. So if you’re interested or know someone that might be interested, bid away!
For the love of God, PLEASE bid. The longer this thing stays in my house, the more I want to love it in unnatural ways.
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You’d have to be living under a rock not to be aware of The Simpsons Movie coming out on June 27, but have you guys checked out their recently revamped web site? You should really check it out. There are a bunch of new interactive elements and games, wallpaper, buddy icons, the whole digital marketing gumbo. Even ring tones!
The thing I like the most is The Simpsons avatar creator. So if you ever wondered what you would look like if you lived in Springfiled, now you can make a version of yourself Simpsons-style.
Here’s another bit of Simpsons goodness you’ll only get here: Check out the recently redesigned Simpsons Online Store and enter the word “HOMER” at checkout to get 10% off your total purchase. Don’t say I never did anything for you! I think I’m going to buy the Season 8 DVDs. I’m falling behind in my collection.
This movie has been in production for so long, it’s like I can’t believe it’s coming out. Almost like I don’t want to get my hopes up until it’s ACTUALLY in theaters. But there’s a good chance once it’s out there that I’ll be seeing it, oh, ABOUT A BILLION TIMES!!!
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Hey, guys. Sorry that this comic was late. As you can see, it was inspired by The Fourth of July and I meant for it to go up yesterday.
My plan was to take the oddly placed vacation day here in the middle of the week to do something extra fun for you. It didn’t work out like I planned because I’m still having computer problems. Maybe you can help.
As you know, my computer crapped out on me last week. So, last weekend I installed a new 320GB HD in my machine. I put Windows XP on it and the computer is booting up fine.
The only problem is, now the computer things that the old 20GB HD I was using to store Theater Hopper stuff is the C:/ drive and it identifies my new 320GB HD as the G:/ drive.
Is there anyway I can get the computer to recognize the new HD as C:/ so I can remove the old 20GB?
I’m sure your first response will be “Just remove the 20GB HD, ya dummy!” But when I attempted to do that, Windows wouldn’t start up. The computer thinks it needs it to make it run.
I’ve talked to Dell customer service. They’re useless. They want me to reinstall the operating system and all the drivers. After everything I’ve been through this week, I’m not enthused with that option. So I’m turning to you guys for help.
I talked to a friend who told me to buy a program called “Ghost” that will take a snapshot of the 320GB HD, then he instructed me remove the 20GB HD, reformat the 320GB HD and run Ghost. He said I would be back to normal in 15 minutes.
Does anyone here have thoughts or suggestions? It pretty much seems like another reinstall is my only option, but I don’t wanna.
For the time being, my computer is working fine. I’m able to scan in, color and upload comics. It’s just not working to my complete satisfaction. The 20GB drive is old. It came from the computer before last. It’s also very loud when it’s running. Plus, I’m afraid if the thing ever does fail, it’ll be inevetable that I’ll have to do a complete reinstall on the new drive. So if I’m already digging around in there, maybe now is the time to do it. I just want the most effective solution.
So, let me know!
Sorry that today’s post doesn’t have all that much to do with movies. Between these computer problems, the holiday and everything else, I’m really disjointed.
I was hoping to see Transformers last night, but the computer issues put the kibosh on that one. I think Cami and I might try to see it this weekend. Originally, neither of us were interested, but I felt compelled to go because I knew it would be the movie everyone would be talking about. Cami has since read some reviews and I think she’s more open to seeing it. So, that’s an option.
Incidentally, there will be a third (!!!) comic for Friday about Transformers – so you have that to look foward to!
Talk to you soon!
Hey! Three comics in one week! It’s been a while since something like that happened! Maybe there was something good to come out of my computer problems after all!
About that – my computer problems – I’m still having them. In fact, be sure to hit the little “BACK” link and check out the comic I posted Thursday and read the blog post that describes them. Originally it was my plan to post a special Fourth of July comic using my day off to accomplish the task, but I posted it late because of… well, computer problems.
Today’s comic was based around my reaction to the redesigned robots of Transfomers when my opinion of them was less favorable. I’ve since eased back from my position, mostly because I’ve bought into the hype. But you can’t deny that when those first images of the movie version of Megatron started showing up on the internet, people had a hard time making heads or tails of it.
I’m not of the opinion that Megatron needs to retain the aluminum mullet look from the original cartoon show. There have been probably a half-dozen iterations of the Transformers franchise in cartoon shows over the years and Megatron has been everything from a tank to a Tyrannasaurus Rex. Altering the look of the Transformers to suit their environment isn’t the problem. In fact, that’s the whole point – they’re robots in disguise!
But take a look at this guy and tell me he doesn’t look like his designer had a conniption fit while illustrating him. Shards of twisted metal? What the hell is he?
As I said before, I’ve softened on my opinion of the designs. This is mostly due to the overwhelming positive response given to my by friends who have already seen the movie. They’re convinced that Transformers does something no Hollywood picture has done in a while – and that’s show us something new that astonishes us. I’m down for that and I’m really looking forward to seeing the movie tonight. I’ve even got Cami talked into going! She wants to see what all the noise is about.
As much as I’m psyched for Transformers, I’m afraid I’m falling behind on other movies I want to see equally as bad. A small indie theater in town just picked up the Irish musical Once, which I’ve been dying to see since I saw a trailer for it on IFC a month ago. Of course, there is still Sicko and Ratatouille to contend with. And these are all movies Cami wants to see, too. So it’s not like I can sneak out of the house under the guise of not wanting to waste her time.
I feel like I’m reaching for the low-hanging fruit by going to see Transformers first for the simple fact that it’s the movie that everyone is talking about. It’s like there’s this weird peer pressure to see it. If not peer pressure, at least some kind of need to prove we’re still tied to pop culture in some way. I feel guilty that we’re giving it priority when a movie like Once probably won’t be around for another two weeks.
But what can I say except “the squeaky wheel gets the grease?” Or, I suppose in this case, the movie with the most explosions and makes the most noise gets the grease?
At any rate, that’s pretty much all I’ve got. I should be back on Monday with a review of Transformers. See you then!
Watching the live-action adaptation of Transformers, one sits and wonders if Michael Bay will deliver on the franchise’s famous promise of being “more than meets the eye.” In many ways, the film delivers. But in others, it feels like it’s all been done before.
Even though it feels like you’re a third of the way through the movie before you get a chance to get a good look at one of them, the three-story robotic monstrosities known as the Transformers are a marvel of visual effects work. Hats off to Industrial Light and Magic for their innovations in kinematics that allow for the explosive unfolding and reassembling of complicated machinery into the heroes and villians we’ve grown up with.
No detail is spared in the transformations. Several close-up shots demonstrate the complex but true-to-form physics of displaced joints and appendages. You literally see the gears turning. And, of course, they sell it by adding the infamous “chh-chh-chh-chh!” noise that countless little boys made themselves when playing with the toys growing up. Good call.
Bonus points as well go to giving the role of Optimus Prime to Peter Cullen (who originated the character in the cartoons). Hearing his rich baritone deliver Optimus Prime’s lines just feels right – like an old pair of slippers (even if Cullen had to audition twice (!!!) to get the role).
As a side-note, there was some fan outrage when the role of Megatron was turned over to Hugo Weaving, but it’s a non-issue. Weaving does some interesting things with the tight-lipped Aussie snarl he perfected as Agent Smith in The Matrix Trilogy. You won’t even recognize him until he’s on screen for a good 10 or 15 minutes. No disrespect to Earl Hammond (who originated the role of Megatron in the cartoons), but his addition probably would have put the film over the top in terms of cartoonishness.
Not that Bay doesn’t do a good job of that on his own. Carrying his signature style (sweaty and grimy heroes walking in slow-motion against back-lit scenery) the action sequences deliver full-throttle excitement. There is always something awe inspiring to look at. If you would have flipped on the lights during the Optimus Prime/Bonecrusher fight over the Los Angeles freeway, I’m sure you would have seen a sea of slack-jawed amazement. Sometimes it’s almost impossible to soak it all in as Bay brings the battle in close for a robot-on-robot death match. Speed, fluidity, and explosive force are all hallmarks of his trade and there isn’t a movie better than Transformers for Bay to use his entire bag of tricks.
However, for everything that the movie does right, there are areas that come up short. Specifically, the screenplay. Five writers had their hands in this thing and it shows. Anytime a character speaks, they really shouldn’t because most of what they say are melodramatic cliches.
As far as the performances are concerned, Shia LaBeouf as the lead knows his role is to act as our witness – to allow the story of the Transformers be told through his eyes. At times his delivery comes off like a spastic Vaudeville routine. A lot of fast talking and stumbling over his words. But he holds his own.
Megan Fox as his romantic interest offers little than a sweaty midriff to look at. She looks half-asleep through most of the movie. Her background as the daughter of a grease monkey felon is inconsequential and only inserted to mask the fact that she’s only along for the ride as arm candy.
Josh Duhamel is serviceable as an Army Ranger who’s squad first encounters the Transformers in the desert of Quatar (ooo, topical!), but he’s no Timothy Olyphant. Tyrese Gibson as his war-buddy is pretty much there to taunt the evil Transformers after calling in an air strike with the summer’s newest non-catchphrase “Bring the rain!”
There’s a curious amount of military involvement in the film, which felt odd at first for a science-fiction movie about giant robots. But considering this is an alien invasion of sorts, the response is appropriate. Maybe it just feels odd since the original cartoons never really addressed the human response to Transformers being on Earth. They carried out their war in our backyards pretty much undisturbed. But if you’re applying real-world logic to the film, the government would be on this pretty quick.
Seeing all of the tanks, jets and helicopters made available to Bay by The Department of Defense, it’s easy to see why Bay has a strong following among the NASCAR set. He makes the soldiers out to be more quick-witted, heroic and ass-kicking than Rambo. I’m not saying we couldn’t use a little positive representation of our men in uniform, but I was surprised at the level of American gung-ho spirit in a movie whose source material comes from Japanese robots.
That said, there’s almost too much military action. There’s so much at the beginning, we’re not introduced to Shia’s character until almost 40 minutes in. By the third act of the movie when John Tuturro and his secret government agency that smells like a Men In Black rip-off shows up, the film veers dangerously close to plagiarizing Independence Day when it’s revealed how much the government knew and when they knew it.
If I could express any other complaint about the movie, it would have to be the amount of product placement that Bay can’t seem to divorce himself from in his films. From eBay to Burger King to each of the good-guy Transformers depicted as GMC vehicles, the stamp of marketing executives are all over this film. At one point, there is a convoy of all the vehicles that looks like a commercial I’d see while watching The Office. Lens flares, close-ups of the GMC logo, swooping overhead shots from a helicopter. I leaned over to Cami and whispered “The all-new 2008 Bumblebee with 0% financing and factory rebate!” Hell, even a Nokia phone and a Mountain Dew vending machine transform into robots! Of course, the movie itself is a gigantic commercial to sell toys. It pretty much tells you as much in the opening credits when it reads “In partnership with Hasbro.”
Ultimately, Transformers is a big, dumb Hollywood action movie that brings the fireworks for the Fourth of July holiday. It doesn’t disservice the characters I grew up with and loved as a child, but it really doesn’t bring anything new to them other than the amazing photo-realistic transformations in the effects work. If you like Bay’s other action movies, you’ll love this one. If you’re not already a fan, there’s nothing here that will convert you. Take Transformers with a grain of salt and you’ll have a rollicking good time at the movies.
Comic Tom’s reaction to the current Transformers movie is a little more judgemental than the movie review I posted Monday. So I don’t want there to be any confusion about which opinion is more accurate. Today’s comic was pretty much an excuse to share a story from my real life.
Back in the day, when the original animated Transformers movie was in theaters, I begged and pleaded my Dad to take me. Just as I said in the comic, my Dad tried to use peer pressure to talk me out of it. Honest to goodness, he dismissively said “Transformers are SO over” – as if liking them made me uncool.
This has always stuck with me because I think it was the first time I can recall my Dad editorializing my interests. There would be many more dumb fads I would follow in the coming years (dying your hair green, anyone?) but this was the first my Dad really seemed to have an opinion on.
I was ten years-old at the time, so it might have been his attempt to steer me away from childish pursuits. Or maybe he was just tired of buying the damn toys. More than likely he didn’t want to sit through an animated movie about shape-changing robots.
A few years ago I picked up Transformers: The Movie on DVD. Watching it, I think my Dad was onto something. That movie is an incomprehensible mess. Even MORE SO than the live-action version! I know there were all kinds of problems during production and that’s why it’s edited together kind of weird. But the casting alone should have been a heads-up. Judd Nelson, Eric Idle, Leonard Nemoy and Orson Welles? WTF?
Watching the movie as an adult, I can appreciate what makes the movie terrible. Because I love the characters so much, I’m willing to kick my feet back and ignore some of the worse aspects. But I think, had I cajoled my Dad into taking me to that movie when it was in theaters we probably wouldn’t be speaking to each other ever again.
I didn’t mention it on Monday, but you guys should check out Monday’s broadcast of The Triple Feature talkcast. You can download it from TalkShoe. In it, Gordon McAlpin from Multiplex and I talk about our reactions to Transformers before spending the latter half of the episode talking about the two-year anniversary of Multiplex – which happens to be today!
So download the show and then swing by Multiplex to extend your words of encouragement to Gordon.
That’s pretty much all I have for today. My sister-in-law went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and The Order of the Pheonix. I’m interested to hear what she things. The movie has been getting some middle of the road reviews. But I’ve also heard it’s a lot darker than the previous movies, which is exactly what I think the franchise needs at this point.
Be sure to come back Friday for a comic all about Harry Potter! See you then!
I suppose if I took time to think about it, I should have done a comic to commemorate that today is Friday the 13th. But who needs a bummer like that? Screw superstition, right?
I don’t think today’s comic says anything intelligent about Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix, but I’m not losing sleep over it. I wanted to do something vaguely self-aware and very much over the top and hammy. I’m typically not very good at coming up with cut away jokes like the one in the third panel, but I saw the “Glue Eaters! UNITE!” poster design in my head and I had to run with it.
Did you guys see that The Order of The Phoenix did something like $12 million in box office just from Tuesday’s midnight showings alone? That’s something like $5,000 per screen – which is a pretty amazing figure. You’ve probably already seen that the movie broke the record with the best Wednesday debut ever – $44 million in one day (that’s including the midnight showings.)
This film is going to be huge this weekend. I think the fan base has been whipped into a frenzy with the impending release of the seventh (and possibly last) book in the Harry Potter franchise in two weeks. Anything with Harry Potter on it is going to get people excited. Whether or not the movie is any good artistically, more or less faithful to the book or anything else measurable against the other films, I predict it’s going to be the most profitable due to it’s proximity to the final book.
I’m sure when they get around to making the sixth and seventh movies, people will still come out in droves to see it. But not like they will for Order of The Phoenix. That’s my theory, anyway.
For what it’s worth, yes, I did eat glue as a tot. Hey! It’s non-toxic! Goodness knows what was going through my mind or why I thought this was a sufficient meal replacement. Maybe it’s because the cap looked like a piece of candy corn. Regardless, I credit off the wall comics like these to the good people at Elmer’s.
Elmer’s – Rewarding America’s youth with creative powers since 1947. Seriously, what’s in that stuff?
(man, a lot of real-life stuff has worked it’s way into the comics this week)
Not much else to say except I’ve had a hellish week at work and it’s not over yet. I probably have to go into the office over the weekend, which is never fun. So think of me while you’re having picnics with your family and riding in hot air balloons this weekend.
Thanks for letting me indulge my silliness with today’s comic. I needed the release.
See you Monday!
Hey, guys. Sorry – no big blog post today. I stayed up late Saturday night getting a comic ready for later this week since I will be out of town for a few days on a business trip.
I’ll try to come back and write some more tonight. But between packing and our weekly broadcast of The Triple Feature talk cast tonight at 9:00 PM CST, I probably won’t have time. So check out the show tonight if you want my opinions on this week’s big release – Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix. I’m sure Joe and Gordon will have opinions, too. “PING!”
I know my sketch of Harry sucks gillyweed, but I think I can get a pass on my Snape. He’s the most interesting character in the series to me anyway. I don’t care if they’re drawing back his screen time from movie to movie. Alan Rickman should have his own reality show where he reads the phone book or the menu at Chinese take-out places. I could listen to him talk for hours.
I might be able to drop more of a note once I’m holed up in my hotel room after all-day meetings, bored out of my skull and missing Cami and Henry terribly. But for now, this is what I can spare.
Apologies for the lack of content. Hopefully thing will level out soon!
Hairspray opens this weekend and I’m ambivalent about it. I’m trying to understand Hollywood’s new predilection toward taking movies that were turned into splashy Broadway musicals BACK into movies for a new generation. They did it once with The Producers with marginal success. But I don’t think anyone watched that movie and thought it was better than the Broadway production. Or better than the Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder original, for that matter.
Not to say that it isn’t encouraging to see properties created by Mel Brooks and John Waters receive wider recognition, but one has to assume that the Law of Diminishing Returns will take hold at some point. How good can a movie based on a play, based on a movie really be? I mean, who is it supposed to appeal to? Fans of the Broadway musical? Because that’s probably the closest iteration. But how many people have actually seen the show in New York or it’s traveling tour? Certainly they’re not trying to capture the imagination of fans of the John Waters original. It’s a completely different monster.
According to the reviews assembled so far over at Rotten Tomatoes, Hairspray is absolutely perfect with a 100% rating. I don’t want to take away from anyone who has seen previews of the movie and enjoyed it. but that 100% makes me suspicious.
Maybe it’s just me.
Incidentally, if you want to get a sense of what John Waters is all about, go rent Pink Flamingos to see the infamous scene Tom refers to in today’s comic. It’s mind-bending – particularly within the context of some of Waters later films – Hairspray and Cry-Baby among them. It makes you realize how particularly subversive his brand of comedy is when compared to the depravity of his roots. It’s all great stuff – even when he plays it straight. Check it out.
As a side note, I’m writing today’s blog courtesy of the magic of Wi-Fi from Columbus, Ohio. I’m in town for three days for a conference sponsored by the company I work for in my 9 to 5. It’s cool traveling on someone else’s dime even when it really isn’t a vacation because it kind of makes you feel like a big shot. I don’t get the opportunity to travel in this capacity very often, so there’s a bit of a rush traveling on the corporate jet and staying in your own hotel room. I don’t know if one might consider that provincial thinking or not. “I flew in an air-eeo-plane!”
I can’t see business travel being very fulfilling long-term. I don’t like the idea of being away from Cami or Henry this long. It’s a little lonely, I guess. And I’m beat. I’m going to iron a few shirts and go to bed. How exciting is that?
See all of you again soon!