Apologies to Joe Dunn for not publishing his guest strip earlier. The reason for which is two-fold:
1.) Uhh… having a newborn is time consuming. I have recently learned this.
2. Tycho from Penny Arcade linked to the site on Monday and TH was on the receiving end of a proper”wanging.” I’m not complaining. It’s a good problem to have. Service is spotty right now and we’re looking at opening up a little more bandwidth, but I’m kind of on the periphery of those changes at the moment.
Be that as it may, I wanted to get Joe’s comic in front of the new influx of readers because his web comic Joe Loves Crappy Movies is quite wonderful and I want all of you to know about it.
It may have been the lack of sleep, but when Joe sent me his comic not long after Henry had been born, I teared up a little. I found it to be very personal and touching, which is always appreciated. Love that Iron Man reference, Joe!
Thanks also to Tycho for his link. Not for what it means for the site, but so I could share my joy not only with my readers but with Penny Arcade’s readers as well. What a privilege. Not everyone can say they can share the news of their son’s birth around the globe to tens of thousands of people. It sounds like a cool story to tell him when he’s older. “They celebrated your birth around the planet, little guy.”
At any rate, if you’re new to the site, WELCOME! I hope you keep us in your bookmarks and come back to visit us when things have settled down a little.
Thanks to everyone who left their well wishes in the comments section of Monday’s blog before the site went ker-flooey. I read all of them to Cami in the hospital. Both she and Henry are doing great. He was sleeping about 3 hours at a stretch while we were in the hospital, so that gives us hope.
We brought him home today. It’s been a little rough because he’s been very gassy and nearly inconsolable. But as I was typing this, he let out the biggest gurgle of a fart you can imagine and I almost started crying. It sucks when you know what the problem is with your child and you can’t help him. So, just as he was relieved, so was I.
Pictures and whatnot are still forthcoming. We just have to find some gaps in the day when we aren’t sleeping to do it. It’s nice being home. All three of us were getting a little annoyed at how often people were coming into the room for one reason or another. I’m not talking about the friends and family that came to visit us. We were always thankful to see them. I’m really not even talking about the doctors or nurses. They provided us with EXCELLENT care and we were thoroughly impressed.
It’s just that… after a while… it all becomes a little overwhelming and you need a quiet moment. Coming home with Henry today was all about having that quiet time together. Phones were unhooked, televisions were turned off and we spent all of our time just staring at him.
Oh – for anyone who was wondering, Truman took to Henry immediately and their introduction couldn’t have gone smoother. We put him down in his car seat and Truman stuck his nose in under the blanket we were using to cover him up. We took the blanket away and Truman sniffed him all over, wagging his tale happily. He didn’t lick or bark or do anything to startle him. I think he was happy to see Cami and I after three days and really happy to meet the newest member of the family. He’s been great all day. He can certainly sense that Cami is a little tender from her surgery and that’s she’s recovering. He’s not as rough as he sometimes can be. He’s curling up at the foot of our bed and sometimes giving us our space by sleeping on his floor pillow – which he NEVER does.
Anyway, we were thrilled that he took to Henry so well. We were a little worried he’d get too excited and would be careless.
As for me? What can I say? I’m happy and that sums things up perfectly.
Come back to the site again on Friday. I’ll have a whole new comic from yours-truly posted on the site. Hopefully on time.
Thanks for your patience and support as we sort things out around here. Cami, Henry and I appreciate all the kind words!
By the way, I almost forgot to point you to another one of guest artist Joe Dunn’s excellent comics – Turtle Vs. Bunny.
You guys are familiar of the fable of The Tortoise and The Hare, right? Same idea, except with rocket launchers and various levels of Spy vs. Spy-like subterfuge.
What’s great about T-V-B is that you can effect it’s outcome by either buying merchandise or sending in pin-up artwork in support of your favorite four-legged critter, so it’s very interactive. I can’t think of another web comic doing anything like that.
Anyway, it’s all good fun and you should really check it out!
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