Hey, guys. By the way, I have a couple of sponsorhip ad spots open below the comic and above the blog if you’re interested in getting some inexpensive coverage for your site. $10 for 30 days can’t be beat! I’ll tell you, the number of impressions you see with these ads are insane. And I give everyone who advertises with me a username and password to log into the ad server and see how their ads are doing. It’s really cool! Click here to learn how to take advantage of this deal!

I’m scrambling a little bit because in exactly one month I’ll be going to Wizard World Texas. I need to come up with a little more dough to pay for "Theater Hopper: Year Two." I suppose the more financially responsible thing to do would be to wait until I had all of the money before sending the artwork to the printer. But I didn’t have that much time. I pretty much had a month and a half to turn the book around. I did it, but the money wasn’t there yet. So, if you want to help me out, even the smallest gesture counts. Get a sponsorship link for $10 and it’ll make a difference!

Or, of course, you could pre-order a copy of "Theater Hopper: Year Two" and help me out even more! I’m expecting to get the books back from the printer on November 8, so you won’t have long to wait! Order the Year One and Year Two bundle for $25 and I’ll send you Year One today!

I think next week I’m going to get off my can and post that eBay auction I’ve been talking about. Cami also stitched up a few more of those hand-made Truman dolls from the Year Two presale for me to take to the Minneapolis Fallcon. I sold a few, but I still have a few left over and I think I’m going to put those up for sale on the site next week as well.

Just giving you the head’s up! Thanks!