Cami and I didn’t see Nacho Libre this weekend mostly because we were busy doing errands and getting things ready for Father’s Day. We had both my folks and Cami’s folks over to the house for a bar-b-que. It was a good time. I hope you and yours had a great weekend celebrating the old man as well.
I don’t really know if I have much to say about Jack Black playing a Mexican in Nacho Libre. Some people recognize it as very poltically incorrect, but not culturally insensitive. Other people find it kind of offensive. Much like Charlie, since I haven’t seen the movie, I can’t put the performance into context. But if you want to see a truly offensive caucasian portrayal of a Mexican, rent Orson Welle’s Touch of Evil with Charlton Heston playing the latino in question. Don’t blame Welles, though. The studio pressured him into casting Heston in the role. Still a good pot-boiler mystery, though. Check it out. Just ignore Heston if you can. Amazing what they thought they could get away with in 1958.
Charlie hasn’t made an appearance in a while and I thought this was kind of a good opportunity to indirectly address the race question in Nacho Libre. Often I dangle the carrot of Charlie’s true ethnenticity, but I intentionally do not reveal it. I’ve had some people say that she’s latina, some people say that she’s Native American or even from the South Pacific. I enjoy the guessing game. It makes me think I created something more clever than I actually did and didn’t just stumble into things like I normally do.
I should mention that I received the June issue of Zoinks Magazine on my doorstep this weekend and it features my interview with the publication. I don’t know if it’s too late to grab one from them or not – although I’m sure you can backorder – but you should really check out Zoinks Magazine online and then get a subscription. I’ve been really impressed as to how they’ve been able to improve the quality of the publication in such a short amount of time!
Anyway, that’s it for me today. Talk to you soon!
Jack Black playing a Mexican seemed vaguely racist to me!
What's your take on it?
I haven't seen the movie. Why would you expect me to have an opinion about it?
Y'know... because I though you were...
I mean, aren't you..?