June 4th, 2006 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(4 votes, average: 8.00 out of 10)
Maybe I should be slightly disturbed by that knowing wink that Charlie and Truman share in the third panel, but how can I be wary when the ever-talented joerules and MadMup are at the helm? Seriously, these guys are Theater Hopper guest strips MVP’s. If you aren’t familiar with some of their earlier collaborations, you should darn well make yourselves accountable! When you’re done doing your homework, you should visit their individual websites as well – Digital Pimp Online and!
Come tomorrow I’ll be back in the saddle again doing comics. I always get a little nervous coming back from long breaks like this. So hopefully I’ll be able to fall into a groove fairly quickly.
Cami and I saw X-Men 3 again this afternoon – this time in English. Was it any better? Meh. It was okay. I guess I wasn’t as heartsick over some of the key character deaths as I was the first time around. My complaints are pretty much the same as everyone else’s. Too many mutants, not enough backstory. Would it have killed them to show Iceman in his full ice-form more often in the movie? Ice bridges? Anything? I guess we’re supposed to think of them still as kids becoming familiar with their powers. But a nerd can dream, can’t he?
I was particularly annoyed that Colossus seemed to be relegated to the background a lot. Especially in that last fight. Notice how he’s always over someone’s shoulder and out of focus. It’s like someone told Brett Ratner that for every shot he’s "armored up," that’s $1 million being syphoned away from Halle Berry’s "Gimme More Money Or I Walk!" fund.
I will say this – the guy who played the President in the movie? Worst actor ever. I know he’s been in a ton of stuff. Old time character actor-guy. But he was totally hamming it up. Not on the same wavelength as any of the other actors. I dunno. It’s not like the movie is all that good or any of the dialogue he was given you could say with a straight face. But everyone else played it straight.
We stuck around for the end credits and the big reveal. Again – meh. So Xavier implants his conciousness onto the guy that doesn’t have one? Wasn’t that his warning regarding the abuse of power he was talking about in his lecture to the students?
I suppose it was kind of neat that the movies were following the lead of the comics and painted Professor X as more of a manipulative jerk, but it’s inconsistent with the theme of the movie.
Oh – and no matter how many times Beast saying "Oh my stars and garters!" in the comics was funny, it’s sounds weird as hell when Kelsey Grammer says it. All things said, however – he was the best part of the Wolverine and Storm Movie – er, I mean, X-Men 3.
See you here tomorrow!