I suppose this is as good a place as any to throw in a cliff-hanger, eh?
Just imagine… a self-storage unit in Van Nuys full of Ben Affleck robotic duplicates. The possibilities! We’ll be sure to revisit the concept on Monday.
Introducing the Benbots is a bit of a patch job over Monday’s comic. I put Ben if Afghanistan. But eagle-eyed readers with pay-cable wrote in to tell me that Ben had been spotted here in the states a week ago on Real Time with Bill Maher. Well, here’s your explaination. The fact that Affleck is now rotting in some cave somewhere is almost incidental. We’re gonna have a lot of fun with these robots in the near future! This, I promise.
Because you’ve been so interested in what I’ve shared with you so far, I have one last image to share with you.
It’s the last preview image from the cover of "Theater Hopper: Year One" which will be available for pre-order in 4 short days! Monday, April 17, to be exact!
I think you guys already know the story about the book. How it collects the first 156 strips from the first year of the site and includes brand new commentary for each strip? You know, the commentary that talks about how I got Theater Hopper off the ground and what I learned along the way to help improve my art and writing? Don’t forget the 11 guest strips from that era as well as a 6 part crossover I did with Movie Punks!
I gotta tell you, you’re not going to get a bigger bang for your buck than this book. 200 pages. Full color. It can’t be beat!
Of course, don’t neglect the street team! Pre-order the book and get five of your friends to do the same and I’ll send you a $20 gift certificate from Fandango.com! If you show a lot of hussle and you’re one of the first 25 people to complete the task, I’ll throw in a FREE Theater Hopper t-shirt, too! Good deal, huh? Click here to learn more! That four page preview of the book in there will come in really handy for showing your friends what Theater Hopper is all about!
I know I’ve been a bit of a broken record this week, but I want to make sure no stone is left unturned and that all of you who read the site are aware that the book is available for pre-order Monday, April 17! It’s imperative that we get as many pre-orders as possible as quickly as possible so we can put a copy of the book into your hot little hands that much faster!
I put a lot of work into writing the commentary and I’m very interested to get feedback and hear what you guys think about it. I’m proud of the work I’ve done and I hope you guys will enjoy it, too!
I hope everyone has a good weekend. We’re supposed to have highs in the 70’s! I’ve actually talked Cami into going frisbee golfing on Saturday! How awesome is she?
So I went over to PvP today and noticed that my good buddy Wes Molebash – Boxcar associate and creator of You’ll Have That had a guest strip up and running over at Mr. Kurtz’s site! You can view it here.
I can’t quite describe the level of jealousy coursing through my viens, but it’s borderline toxic. Like Britney Spears-toxic.
But the comic is funny as all get-out and the opportunity couldn’t have been given to a nicer guy. Scott even gave Wes’s new book a plug in the blog! And since Wes once did the same for me, I’d like to return the favor now.
Be sure to check out Wes’ book "You’ll Have That: A Comic Strip by Wes Molebash" is available at Amazon.com right now. Click here to order.
See how it works, kids? You plug my book and I’ll plug your book!
I should also send a shout-out to Clay Yount over at Rob and Elliot for sending over a bunch of traffic and talking up "Theater Hopper: Year One." Thanks, Clay!
If any of you guys have web sites and are feeling generous, please let all of your readers know about the realease of "Theater Hopper: Year One" on Monday, April 17. LiveJournal, MySpace, Facebook – whatever tools you have at your disposal to share information about the book. Any mention you can give, I would appreciate. And who knows? It might put you one step closer to those street team prizes! Just a reminder!
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