Jared sure do love his soady-pop!
Have you guys ever tried mixing in Hot Tamales with your popcorn? It’s really good. A little bit spicy, a little bit salty, a little bit sweet. It’s like the poor man’s kettle corn.
I’m not sure where I first picked up the habit. I think it was from a babysitter that had weird taste in snack food. In retrospect, it is a little gluttonous. Popcorn isn’t good enough. It must have CANDY it in! Could be worse. I could be adding M&Ms. "Melts in your mouth" my ass!
I know today’s comic is a little ribald, what with the drinking going on in the fourth panel. But it’s not like this is the first time that alcohol has entered into the comic as a plot device. I wonder if Jared resents being characterized as a drunk from time to time? He’s actually a very respectable chap!
I want to remind everyone that I have two new shirt designs for sale in the store. The pre-sale ends Wendesday, March 8 – after which I’m going to remove them from the store so I can concentrate on getting them printed up and mailed out as efficiently as possible. If you don’t like the new designs, I brought back an old favorite!
I’m still working on the Theater Hopper: Year One book. Every time that I think I’m close to being finished, I forget about all the small details that need to be wrapped up first. Gotta go back and correct the errors Cami caught in her proof and I have to write up commentary for the photo tutorial I’m doing. I think since laying out the comics and writing the commentary for all 156 of them was 80% of the work, I keep thinking I can kick back a little bit. Last week kind of threw me off my work schedule as well, so now I have to get back on track.
It would be really great to get the cover artwork assembled and colored so I could share that with you guys. But I also have to finish doing my taxes and there’s a guy coming to the house to fix our washing machine.
It just doesn’t stop, does it folks? ;-D
So you guys may have noticed that there is a new layout on the homepage. I can’t really explain it beyond the fact that I’m still kind of toying with ad networks and trying to find the right combination that fits. It takes time for the metrics to come back on these things, so sometimes you don’t know where you stand because it takes so long to build comparative numbers.
I know some of you guys don’t like the banner ads at the top of the page. I’ll fess up and say I’m not crazy about them, either. But at the same time, there is a certain amount of cost involved with producing the comic and I’m trying to offset that cost so my Dad won’t get on my case about wasting time with cartoons! Know what I mean?
The comic is still free and will always be free. All I ask for right now is a little patience while I try my hand at a couple of different things.
That said… I have a brand new scheme to share with you!
Since instituting the ad networks into the site, I suspended open advertising slots for the everyman. This was regrettable to me, because I always appreciated people who came to the site to advertise with me because it opened my eyes to a bunch of great comics and other sites I wouldn’t have found otherwise. It was always a pleasure to work with them. Omiting the "everyman advertisers" was a downer, but a necessary part of figuring out what balance of ads would work best for the site.
Well, with this new configuration, I believe I’ve hit upon a way to have my cake and eat it, too. As you can see, the banners are still in place. But now, occupying the valuable space between the comic and the blog are eight small banners that now everyone can advertise in for $10 a month!
I must confess, this idea was not mine. I actually stole it from Yirmumah creator and Boxcar partner-in-crime DJ Coffman. He implemented it on his site not long ago and his advertisers have never been happier!
I think it’s a great sollution. I get to help promote other comics and introduce you guys to the broader world of web comics and the advertisers get EXCELLENT month-long coverage for less than it costs to get dinner at Applebee’s.
You can’t beat this deal, guys. If you’ve ever thought about advertising with Theater Hopper, now is the time. Visit our advertising page to learn how you can submit your banner to a sponsorship slot. Hurry! These babies are going to fill up fast! You don’t want to be on the waiting list for next month, do you?
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