Whoops. Looks like I forgot to upload today’s incentive sketch. Oh, well. I’ll do it when I get home tonight. Besides, the Chuck Norris one is still funny, right?
So you know, this is the start of a new story arc featuring talking appliances. I have a certain statement I want to make with Tom’s new talking DVD player, but I’m going to let it unfold on its own for the time being. I don’t want to give away too much of the story right now because I’m pretty excited about where I want to take it.
Not much to report from this weekend. My good buddy Brian and I were going to try and take all of Theater Hopper and sneak it over to a new server. Weekend visitors might have noticed that the THorum was down in advance of that. But otherwise, it was supposed to be supah-smooth.
Of course me, like a dummy, forgot to forward the DNS before midnight on Saturday so that it would give us enough time to move over before todays update. Wouldn’t have mattered. I tried accessing my account at GoDaddy.com and I was getting errors when I tried it anyway.
So the hope is that everything will be moved over next week. Business as usual this week.
I got a bunch of really good work done on the book collecting the first year of Theater Hopper strips. I’m about a third of the way through it. There will be 169 comics with commentary from yours truly on each one. Probably a few extras, too. My hope is to have the book completed before March 25. That’s the first day of the Kansas City Plant Comicon Comic Book convention, which I plan on attending. If I don’t have the book, I won’t have much reason for going because all I will have to sell is overstock on my t-shirt inventory. It’s a pretty tight deadline, but if I concentrate hard, I think I can make it. It’s difficult trying to find time to squeeze in work on this book between my full-time job, updating Theater Hopper and the rest of my life! I HAVE to have the book completed by August 3 because that’s the first date of Wizard World Chicago. If I don’t have my book ready by that date, then 2006 is going to be a complete wash for me.
But like I said, if I put my nose to the grindstone, I’m sure I can do it. Who knows – the process might get streamlined to the point that I might have Year Two in production in time for Wizard World! How cool would that be!
When the book is completed, I’m going to need everyone’s help to get it made. There is a very steep up front cost to producing this book. I’m not using a print-on-demand service like LuLu. I’m going through a traditional small-press operation and they demand a minimum order amount. I’ll be doing pre-orders to help meet the up-front cost. Pre-ordering is a good idea anyway. It secures your order before the book is even published. So you know that if you want one, you won’t run the risk of me running out of books. A good deal!
Anyway, that’s about it for now. If I have something else to share, be sure to check back here!
Supercross: The Movie, here I come!
Hey! What happened to the DVD player!
Yes, sorry ol' chap. I'm afraid I can no longer be the conveyance through which you choose to ingest that cinematic tripe any longer!
A pleasure to learn last weekend's Police Academy marathon didn't obliterate your command of the obvious!