Something I forgot to mention in my post this morning… Last night the good man from UPS delivered a very large box to my doorstep. What was inside? Why, only a whole gaggle of t-shirts, baby doll tees and hoodies! So that means those of you who ordered items long ago and have been exceptionally patient waiting for their delivery won’t have to wait much longer.
Thanksgiving kind of throws a wrench into things this week in terms of shipping things out. But there’s no reason I can start stuffing envelopes so they’re ready to go on Friday! Hopefully everyone will see their orders completed sometime next week. Hey, at least you get them before Christmas!
Once again, sincere thanks to everyone who has shown patience and understanding. I’m just one guy with limited resources, so unfortunately, things sometimes fall behind. In the future when I return clothing items to the store – and I don’t know when that will be, but it will likely be with new designs! – I will make a more dilligent effort to put a timeline around things. To say "pre-orders are two weeks, recieving printed shirts is two weeks, distribution is one week – you’ll get your shirt in 5 to 6 weeks." I want to be the reliable guy. That’s my New Year’s resolution. I’m making it the day before Thanksgiving.
Super shout-out to Brunetto Shirts. They are the only t-shirt printing company I’ve worked with since starting this whole thing and their excellent service ensures that I’ll continue to use them for a long time to come!