July 14th, 2005 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(7 votes, average: 3.57 out of 10)
Although I was a little concerned with the direction the punchline might take after the mention of a “bigger Thing” in panel 3, I thought this guest strip from Phil “Insert Obligatory Shatner-esque Scream Here” Kahn did a bang up job writing dialogue that sounds fairly close to how I typically dismiss lousy movies.
Phil actually has his own web comic. But, honoring his wishes, I’m not going to tell you what it’s called! Instead, Phil has asked me to refer you to Biscuit Press – the web comic collective of which he is a member. There are five great comics there for you to check out and Phil’s is one of them. How’s ∗that∗ for solidarity!
Thanks again Phil for the great comic!
Bonus points to Ali Graham for delivering a rockin’ guest strip. Any comic that has fun with Jared’s well-document hatred of all things related to Ben Affleck warms my heart. The good lad has been paying attention to the comic!
Unless you live under a rock that doesn’t get the internet, Ali is the fevered mind behind the web comic HOUSD. Ali has been consistently knocking out great work since March of 2003 and has a jaw-dropping 750+ comics in his archive.
Ali’s really upped his profile lately, churning out not one, but TWO great guest strips for my friend Zach over at Joe and Monkey back to back! So I feel pretty honored that Ali could squeeze me in! 😉
Thanks again, Ali!
July 16th, 2005 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(6 votes, average: 5.67 out of 10)
I try to think that if this was a comic I would have written, I probably would have stopped at the domestic punchline of Cami ripping Tom out of his fantasy world to do some mundane chore and leave it at that. But Dan added the cherry to the Sunday when he included Truman (on leash!) in silhouette soaring high above Gotham City. Well played, good sir! I especially like the coloring. Kind of looks like watercolor, doesn’t it?
Dan has a regular web comic gig called Invisible Spiders, but he asked me to take a moment to tell you about his new project called Genesis 2. I said “Sure, Dan! Anything for a friend!”
…’cuz that’s how ∗I∗ roll.
Thanks again, Dan!
July 17th, 2005 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(4 votes, average: 5.00 out of 10)
You might be curious about the squat, jaundiced man sitting next to Jared in today’s guest strip. Don’t worry, I was slightly thrown for a loop as well.
Our new rotund friend is Bob, star of Krishna Sadasivam’s PC Weenies. After receiving this comic, I went out to check out Krishna’s work and it’s great. Top-notch nerd humor. I.T. guys are going to get a real kick out of it.
What I really like about this strip is how true to life it is. I could finish a full lunch – a giant hamburger cooked medium well, juices running down my chin, a side order of fries, a tall soda… and if I take one step into a movie theater not 10 minutes later, I’ll be like “Ooo! Kettle Corn! Gotta get a bag of that!”
Thanks again for the great strip, Krishna!
July 18th, 2005 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip

(5 votes, average: 7.00 out of 10)
I know you guys were probably planning on a new comic from me today since that what I’ve been promoting since last week. But the move to our new house took more out of me than I anticipated and I have the Web Comic List incentive sketch to prove it!
Basically after five days of picking up heavy things and putting them down again, my hands are totally wrecked – not to mention the rest of my body.
It wasn’t just the physical move that screwed me up, but all of the little things you need to take care of as soon as you walk in the door. Installing the mailbox. Hooking up the washer and dryer. Reassembling furniture. Let me tell you – If I don’t see another cardboard box, hammer, screwdriver or flight of stairs in the next two weeks, it’ll be too soon!
My hands are in really weird shape at the moment because I think all the gripping I’ve done has screwed up the tendons in my thumbs. They’re very tight. It’s like my thumbs want to fold in and lay flush against my palm. Nevermind the inch-long blister on the underside of my index finger I got from using a lousy mallet to pound a stake. Or the dozen or so gashes across my knuckles from scraping them across door frames while carrying furniture…
Not to sound like a big crybaby, but holding a pencil isn’t the most comfortable feeling for me right now. Plus, just getting things set up in the house so we can find them when we need to go back to work on Monday… guys, I’m just drained.
Anyway, the plan is to go back to work on Monday and hopefully start to slip back into a groove. I would like to have a new comic ready for you on Wednesday. Partially because – as a means to escape, Cami and I saw both Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and Wedding Crashers this weekend and I have ideas. The other half of this ambition is to get back into the habit of drawing so I don’t get rusty.
Switching gears, someone who certainly ISN’T rusty is Dave Buist, the nice gentleman who provided today’s guest strip!
Dave is actually the first person to do a guest strip for Theater Hopper ever! Normally that kind of thing would reside in the Bonus Materials thing – but lazy me, I haven’t set it up since I redesigned the site back in April. It never ends, folks.
At any rate, I thought Dave’s guest strip was very timely considering Charlie’s $50+ take at the box office this weekend. It would be a shame to waste it. Extra points for getting Jared into an Oompa-Loompa costume!
Dave has a comic called Taking the Bi-Pass that you guys should check out. It’s really great and has only gotten better with age. It’s been a lot of fun for me personally to watch Dave develop as an artist and storyteller. As I recall, Dave didn’t even have a full-time web comic until after he did his guest strip for me. So we kind of have a cool link that way. Check out his site!
Another site you should check out it is Farawayistan, our newest advertiser. The comic is kind of hard to explain, but they’re kind of single-panel non sequiturs. Fans of White Ninja Comics will probably find something to appreciate here. Tell ’em Tom sentcha!
A quick note of apology to all of the creators who had guest strips running last week without blogs telling everyone where to check out their regular strips! I had a bunch of pre-written blogs in the database, but an incorrect timecode (my fault!) prevented them from displaying. The blogs have since been re-instated and the links to the individual creators sites are functional. I suggest everyone click back a few comics in the archive and read up on these talented blokes!
I think I’m going to close for now because I need to get to bed. But I wanted to remind everyone that I will be at Wizard World Chicago this year August 4 – 7 hanging out with a bunch of my web comic buddies on Artist’s Alley. Click here for more information. I plan on promoting this pretty much every time I write a new blog, so I’m trying to get into the habit now. ;D
Talk to you all again soon!
Would Johnny Depp be any less attractive if he had the words “PUPPY KICKER” tattooed across his forehead? I dunno. You tell me.
I have to admit that I was a little bit terrified to do today’s comic. I’ve been suffering a wicked bout of writers block. I think it’s because I’m so preoccupied with the house and the move right now.
We’ve tied up most of the loose ends. Our new refrigerator was delivered today (we sold the old one with the old house), so now we can store food and eat properly again. Yay!
All the same, it felt good to draw again. I’m not as rusty as I feared. I kind of like how it turned out, even if the posing of the characters is a bit pedestrian.
As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory was one of the two movies I saw last weekend. And what can I say, except that I left the theater a little underwhelmed.
It’s disapointing because I’m a big fan of both Johnny Depp and Tim Burton, but this pairing just didn’t do it for me. Depp’s version of Wonka is probably the least interesting thing in the movie. That’s not to say his performance was ∗bad∗, mind you. Just that there is so many visually appealing things in the film, Depp’s performance seems perfunctory. He’s competing against the scenery, and that’s not a good thing.
It probably isn’t a good thing either that I found the scenes with Freddie Highmore’s Charlie and his family outside the factory much more interesting than what was going on inside the factory.
I’ll give points to Burton for adding depth and dimension to the Bucket family when their appearance was something I hated most about the original film. But the movie isn’t called “Charlie and His Four Grandparents Who Share A Bed” for a reason.
Some of the things the movie did right were the Oompa Loompas – here digitally replicated from the single performance of Deep Roy. I also enjoyed seeing what happens to the bratty kids AFTER they leave the factory. It’s good to see their comeuppance extended whereas in the original they were sort of whisked away, never to be heard from again.
However, something I didn’t like about the film was it’s over-reliance on CGI – especially during the boat ride. The main garden of the factory looked good. Tactile and approachable. But at the same time, oddly striped of any kind of fantastic charm. Instead, it seemed to communicate “Look what our big budget could buy!” but maybe that’s just me.
Overall, I felt there was very little reason to remake the film beyond the fact that the spoiled children who seem to think they know everything and are given everything they demand are perhaps more relevant with todays generation raised by Grand Theft Auto. Otherwise, there’s nothing much it adds to the table. Watching these children be dispatched one after the other holds no surprise. Veruca Salt’s exit being the only one that even slightly differs from the original. Instead of wanting a Golden Goose, she demands a nut-cracking, highly trained Squirrel. Way to go out on a limb there, Burton.
At any rate, I have hopes for The Corpse Bride when it comes out in September. Obviously it plays stronger to Burton’s visual sense. And it’s refreshing to see him return to original material rather than remaking things.
I’ll have another blog later thanking everyone who contributed to this last round of guest strips. In the meantime, be sure to swing by Alien Loves Predator. I did a guest strip of my own for Bernie as he and his wife are celebrating the July 7 birth of their twins. Wish them your best!
In my previous post, I mentioned that there was no surprise to watching the bratty children of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory being dispatched one by one. Pointing out the only exit that differed was that of Veruca Salt and her coveting of a highly-trained squirrel instead of a gold egg-laying goose.
People have since pointed out to me that the squirrels were in the original Roald Dahl book – of which I was not aware, because I never read the original book.
And before you jump down my throat for not reading the book, remember that I am a ∗movie∗ fan first.
I’m reminded of a quote from comedian Jim Gaffigan. “Whenever someone tells me they liked the book better than the movie, here’s what I always say: ‘What I enjoyed about the movie? No reading.‘”
If I had my own clone, in all likelihood I would be overly critical. What a lousy father I would make.
Today’s comic is short on the lengthy exposition. Partially due to time constraints in my personal life, I set out to see if I could write an economical punchline.
Theater Hopper – Now with 20% less fat!
Personally, I think Tom’s complaint in the last panel holds water. There have been an unusual number of remakes this summer even without counting the quasi-meta Bewitched. Don’t forget the sequels, either. Batman Begins and Star Wars – Episode III: Revenge of the Sith could be considered guilty parties since they’re also peddling the same characters and stories we seen before.
Does anyone in Hollywood remember how to write an original screenplay anymore? The Oscars only give out 5 nominations in this category every year. Not because five is some kind of pre-determined cap. But because there were literally only five movies last year that had an original idea. Concepts that weren’t mined from a book, television show, or previous film.
To be fair, Hollywood has been strip mining other mediums since the invention of celluloid. If it wasn’t Gone With The Wind they were adapting, it was some Broadway musical or Vaudeville act.
But all of these recent remakes are really turning me off. There have been all these reports that box office numbers are down from last year (as has been the trend since about 2001) and analysts can’t figure it out. Even with rising ticket costs, overall sales are down.
I suggest the industry put itself under the microscope and realize that people by-in-large aren’t willing to spend $10 to see The Dukes of Hazzard when it hits big screens in August because they already had enough of the television show 20 years ago!
Of course, true cinemaphiles like myself will go out of plan curiosity. But the Mother with 3 kids and no time to spare? The cash-strapped college student? The casual movie-goers? It’s no wonder they’re saving their money when Hollywood keeps trying to pass off old as new. It’s insulting!
Something else that is insulting is not thanking all of the guest comic artists who helped me out last week like I said I would on Wednesday. So it’s time to amend that mistake right now.
Big thanks to Beefy, Vic Taplin and Ding, The Bros. Porter, Phil Khan, Ali Graham, Dan Beeston, Krishna Sadasivam and Dave Buist for their contributions. Without them, things would have been pretty dire around here while I was moving to my new house and totally without internet access for the week. Be sure to show them your appreciation by visiting their web sites and sending them many hugs and kisses.
Something else I don’t want you guys to forget is that I will be attending Wizard World Chicago on August 4-7 with a bunch of really cool people.
In fact, my table is smack in the middle of an awesome sandwich as I am sitting in between my friends Joe and the Digital Pimp Online crew, Zach Miller from Joe and Monkey and Mitch Clem from Nothing Nice to Say.
What? I like an extra slice of bread on one end of my sandwich!
All of us will be on Artist’s Alley, so you should certainly plan on visiting us if you’re in the area. It will be a good time.
Sidebar: I keep forgetting to post what my table number will be. Gotta remember to put that up in the near future. I want as many of you to visit as possible.
Sidebar #2: I’m planning on taking every t-shirt I have in stock to the convention, so if you’re on the fence about wanting to buy one from the store right now, I would get off the fence and make your purchase if I were you. I can’t promise that when I come back from Chicago that I won’t be totally sold out of merchandise. Just a little head’s up.
Also, if you’re in town for the convention, I’m informally trying to set up a little excursion to one of the local theaters on Friday or Saturday night. It’s been the tradition of Zach, Mitch and myself to see a movie whenever we get together for a convention. I think it would be a real trip if we tried to pull together as many of our fans as possible so we can all go as one giant web comic mass of nerd! So when people see us strolling through the lobby, they’ll ask “Who are they?” And we can respond, “We read web comics!”
Oh, yeah. So nerdy.
Anyway, swing by our booths the day of the con for the details. Like I said, we’ll probably play it by ear.
Everyone have a good weekend!
Speaking of movie clones, every time I see the preview for The Island I can’t help but think it may be a remake of Logan’s Run. I haven’t done any research on this, so I could be way off, but that is the feeling I get.
On a different note, I am in the home stretch of completing my New Year’s resolution. In past years I have made resolutions to work out more or drink less rat poison. This year I chose something obtainable. I decided to complete my viewing of the AFI Top 100 Movies list.
I only have eight movies left, so I should be done soon! Most of these films are truly cinematic gems. I highly recommend viewing as many as you can.
As I said above, I didn’t do any research about The Island. Many of you did. It appears that this movie is based on the film Parts: The Clonus Horror. Hopefully this clone will be higher rated than the
Thanks to all of you who were willing to go the extra mile and shed some light on this.
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Jul 22, 2005 | LOGAN’S ISLAND |