Like most kids his age, Truman is is pretty embarrassed by his parents.
C’mon. You don’t think I could let a movie with a title like Must Love Dogs could slip past my radar without an affectionate tribute to my one and only beagle Truman?
I wish I had a cute new photo of him to post for you guys, but since the move, I think our digital camera is still buried in a box somewhere.
It’s unbelievable how often I get e-mail asking me when I’m going to put Truman into the strip next. Odd because he’s only been in three or four that I can recall off the top of the head and he never has a speaking line. I guess he must make an impression.
Should Truman become a regular character in the comic? The Scooby to Tom’s Shaggy? Or perhaps more accurately, the Snoopy to Tom’s Charlie Brown? Food for thought.
I don’t have a lot to say about Must Love Dogs except that it looks like a perfectly serviceable romantic comedy. Even though I know that it’s aimed squarely at the middle-aged divorced market – and let’s face it, how often is THAT demographic being played to? – I don’t even view it within the context of the treacly genre it clearly aspires to.
Casting Diane Lane as the lead goes a long way in this respect. Her unflinching work in Unfaithful three years ago saw to that. And, of course, by adding John Cusack to ANYTHING, you increase your film’s ranking on the Tom Brazelton Cool-O-Meter(tm).
I’d really like to take Cami to the movie this weekend and I wanted to admit it publicly so you guys don’t think I’m some kind of curmudgeon 100% of the time when it comes to romantic comedies.
Hey, does anyone out there have any experience with PHP? Or more specifically, any kind of scripting similar to that which helps display the comics on the site in the timely manner we’ve all come to appreciate?
I’m looking for a way to insert ALL of the guest strips that have been given to me back into the archive so that people can view them. But at the same time, I need to figure out a way that they system won’t officially “count” them. That is, figure out a way that the script can skip over assigning the guest strip a number like in the upper right hand corner of the comic.
Basically what I want to do is give an exact numerical representation of the number of comics I’ve actually sit down to write and draw rather than include guest strips in the archive and say they were mine.
For example, I always hate it when I read some kind of web comic press release that says “The Adventures of Pixel and Poxel recently celebrated 500 comics!” Not so fast, pal! I noticed you had 47 guest comics in your archive. So shouldn’t you be celebrating your 453rd comic?
Does that make sense? If any of you guys think you might have a solution or would like copies of the files you could maybe toy around with, drop me a line.
I’d like to acknowledge the people who’s hard work has helped me through hard times by giving them the continued exposure that the deserve, but I also want an honest representation of my own investment. Just a little piece of mind.
I wanted to let everyone know that I’ve updated my information regarding my appearance at Wizard World Chicago. You can learn everything from what time I’ll arrive, to where you can find my booth, to what we’ll be doing after the shows if you want to hang out all right here. Rather than type it all out a second time, I just wanted to call your attention to it.
Last year I needed a little bit of help getting to Chicago after Truman came down with his mystery intestional ailment and we have to perform emergency exploritory surgery on him.
Luckily, we’ve had no such crisis this year and my money situation is looking pretty good in terms of getting me to Chicago and back. But if you’re unable to make it to Wizard World Chicago and want to show me a little support, feel free to donate a little gas money. I’m looking at a 6 hour drive each way and I’m sure I’ll need it.
Maybe that’s kind of skeevy to ask, but the worst you can say is “No,” right? Besides, it’s not like you won’t be compensated for your generosity. Learn more about that and The Walk of Fame here.
Thanks to everyone for their support! I hope to see as many of you in Chicago as possible!
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I just wanted to take a moment and send my sincere thoughts out to my good friend Zach Miller in acknowledgement of his first anniversary with Joe and Monkey.
Zach has been kicking ass this year, holding fast and true to his insane schedule of a new comic every day of the week. He’s managed to balance his workload and continue to pump out quality strips. His art has improved and his writing is better than ever.
This is no small task.
I remember when there would sometimes be months between updates back when he was doing No Pants Tuesday and how upset I would get about it. I loved that comic almost as much as I love Joe and Monkey. It angered me that I had to wait so long between comics.
Zach, consider yourself absolved!
Zach has been working on a book that collects the first year of Joe and Monkey and it will get its d…
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