Even when they post the warning in big, red labels; leave it to Tom to ignore it.
Gotta say I was really happy with the way today’s comic turned out. I spent a little extra time on the shading, background lighting and smoke effects to get the mood right. I don’t usually give myself a pat on the back, but this one makes me a little proud.
Feel free to knock me down a few pegs. Keep me humble.
Another reason I liked today’s comic was because it kind of follows the emerging Theater Hopper tradition of using a wrist-mounted delivery apparatus to douse Jared’s face in dangerous chemicals.
Keeping the blog short for now, but I’ll be back later with some thoughts about Batman Begins.
My apologies for not coming back to the site Monday afternoon or all day Tuesday to give you my thoughts about Batman Begins. Perhaps the incentive sketch you get for voting for Theater Hopper at the Web Comics List will go a little ways toward appeasing you?
I’m pretty happy with the way the sketch turned out. At least happier than how today’s comic ended up. Maybe I’m just a little down on myself on the moment, but it doesn’t feel very inspired.
I’ll be truthful and let you know that my day job has been demanding a lot of my attention as of late. Since it pays the bills, that’s where my focus needs to be. At the end of the day, there hasn’t been much left for the site. I know I haven’t been responding to e-mails, so I’ll try to catch up on those.
But hey, for those of you that ordered shirts, I put those in the mail yesterday! So hopefully you’ll see them in your mailboxes in the next 3 to 5 days!
By the by, if you want to order a shirt, feel free to do so. I have a bunch in stock right now ready to ship out the door, so delays should be shorter for new orders.
Thanks to everyone who was patient in this last round of pre-orders.
Things have been kind of stressful all around. Something that I’ve announced in the THorum, but not out here on the “public-facing” side of the site, but Cami and I are moving to a new home on July 12. So there’s been a lot of stress getting ready for that. Packing, transferring services, rerouting mail, all that rig-a-ma-roll.
The move is nothing drastic. We’re not packing up and leaving the state. In truth, we’re moving about 5 minutes away from our current house into something with a little more room. We’re looking forward to it, but there are a lot of balls in the air right now. So I appreciate your patience and understanding.
Since I kind of put the moving thing out there, I suppose now is as good a time as any to ask people for guest strips?
I’m going to need at least 3 strips to get me through the move the week of July 12. If anyone is interested in a little extra coverage for their own web comics, feel free to e-mail me and I’ll hook you up. Full credit and a link to your site, of course.
I know we just had a round of guest strips back in April when Cami and I went on vacation to Texas, but this move is pretty unavoidable and it’s more than likely I won’t have access to my computer for a little while. Any support you can lend will really go a long ways.
So long as we’re talking about the future, I wanted to let you all know that I’ve sent in my registration for Wizard World Chicago August 4 – 7. That’s going to be one hell of a show. A bunch of us web comic guys are getting together and taking up a big block of tables on Artist’s Alley in hopes of promoting each other and the medium as a whole.
I heard Scott Kurtz was supposed to be at the Image booth this year. Maybe he’ll swing by Artist’s Alley and say “Hi.” to all his web comic brothers and sisters still slugging it out in the trenches. The closer we get to the actual event, the more I will suggest this scenario!
I suppose I have a few moments left before I totally collapse for the night. Maybe some reflections on Batman Begins are in order after all.
First off, Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman and Michael Caine all turned in superb performances. It’s been writing in a thousand other places, but Bale really does a good job of portraying both Bruce Wayne and Batman simotaneously. Previous actors were really only good at playing one or the other – if they were any good at all.
I really liked Gary Oldman as Detective Gordon. Although it kind of took me out of the movie for a second to see him console the young Bruce after his parents were murdered. I’ll buy Oldman playing someone middle-aged, but if you do the math, you’ll figure out Gordan had to be a beat cop in his early 20’s about the time Bruce’s parents were murdered and it didn’t look right. Would have been better to leave that little coincidence of fate on the cutting room floor.
I was kind of disappointed that we didn’t get to see more of Ken Wantanabe. He’s really not in the movie very long and that kind of bummed me out. Of course, I’m kind of glad that the character he plays really wasn’t who he says he is. If you’ve seen the movie, you know what I mean.
Liam Neeson was good, but my impression of his performance has been slipping in the last few days. Not that I can’t remember what he did. Far from it. I thought he did a good job, but it was basically the flip side of the Qui-Gon coin. Playing a twisted mentor instead of a positive role model.
Cillian Murphy’s Scarecrow was VERY effective when it came to the creepiness factor. This has probably been one of the best portrayals of the character outside of the comics and possibly the Batman: The Animated Series cartoon. Even though he was the “B” villain, I appreciated that they were able to weave him into the larger storyline without competing against the other threats in the picture.
Katie Holmes? Nothing but filler. The token female character inserted into the plot to prevent the picture from becoming a sausage party. She only seemed to show up when Bruce was due for a lecture. Anytime she was on screen, I was ready for something else to happen.
Maybe this is part of the TomKat backlash talking, but can anyone explain to me why she’s attractive? I think she has googley eyes. They’re REALLY obvious on the big screen. Plus, I think she has a lop-sided face.
No wonder she wasn’t invited back for the sequel.
Overall, I have to give kudos to the art direction and sound editing crews for making Gotham City this dark and pulsing environment for the Dark Knight to crawl around in. Gotham isn’t a place you want to be day or night and the design teams GOT THAT. What’s better is that you get several great shots of Gotham from the sky. You’re really allowed the opportunity to soak in all of it’s crapulence.
Like most people I’ve talked to, I’d enjoy seeing Batman Begins a second time. Although, I don’t know when that will be in the coming months, looking ahead at my schedule!
Still, it’s one of the better super-hero movies out there and as far as I’m concerned, Christopher Nolan has earned a place at the table with some of the most competent directing talents currently working in the industry. After Batman Begins, I’ll be sold on any film that has his name attached to it.
That’s all for now.
No blog just yet because it’s about 1:30 ayem as I’m wrapping things up.
But I wanted to let everyone know about the brand new Theater Hopper LiveJournal feed! If you have a LiveJournal account, add us to your friends list and you’ll be first in the loop when the comic updates!
I’ll be back later with some thoughts on the new releases this weekend including Land of the Dead, Herbie: Fully Loaded and Bewitched.
Mostly snarky comments, not much in depth. Although I plan to see Bewitched if there is time this weekend. Gots ‘ta have my Will Ferrell dosage!
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Jun 15, 2005 | BLOG SOON |
In Zombie America, Linday Lohan will still be working and she will look FABULOUS!
I’m really sorry that I didn’t come back with a blog sooner. I need to stop making promises like this to you guys.
To be fair, work has been hectic this week. I’m preparing a newly designed web site for my company and have been concentrating on it on it so diligently for the last two weeks, it feels like there has been little time for anything else.
My personal life has been cluttered as well. Relatives visiting from out of state. Cami away at her night classes. Packing up things in the house for our move on July 12. My attention hasn’t been this fractured since 1996 when – over the summer – I graduated from high school, prepared for college and watched three elderly relatives pass away.
It is 11:08 on a Saturday night and this has been my first time at the computer since I left work at 5:00 on Friday.
I’m making excuses. I know it. I’m divulging all this personal crap when you’ve come here to be entertained. I know it. Maybe I’m showing too much of my hand here. Maybe I should stick to the script, be mysterious, not let you in too much on my personal life. But I can’t do it. Because sitting here and typing everything out makes it more real, helps me deal with it and helps me move forward. And this is just as much for me as for you.
Besides, not everyone can be a tough-talkin’ hombre. Maybe in some sweet way, my insecurity endears me to you? A boy can dream, can’t he? How very emo of me.
Hey, I just saw Bewitched tonight and I would love to sit here and talk about it. But truthfully, I’m just so tired these days.
Just… bear with me for a little while. Things will get back to normal eventually. In the meantime, I appreciate your support and patience. And for everyone who sent me an e-mail, purchased a shirt or advertising to whom I haven’t responded yet, I will get to you soon.
I promise.
If you didn’t see Bewitched this weekend, today’s joke isn’t going to make a heck of a lot of sense. Go check out Joe Dunn’s most recent Joe Loves Crappy Movies for a strip that cuts to the heart of the matter. Joe and I had the same problem when it came to writing a comic about Bewitched, but I would say Joe solved it better than I did.
In the meantime, anyone turned off by today’s comic might get a kick out of today’s Web Comic List incentive sketch. Click here to vote for Theater Hopper so you can see it.
Cami and I went to see Bewitched on Saturday. And despite my usual highly-attuned chick flick early warning detection system, I was eager to tag along for the ride.
After watching the film, the question to myself is “If you knew Nora Ephron was the writer/director, why did you still go anyway?” I guess in the back of my head, I was holding out hope that Will Ferrell could save the movie. Sadly, when buried under a mountain of schmaltz, he can’t.
But before we get into that, let’s make one thing clear. I HATE Nora Ephron. She has either had a hand directly or indirectly in some of the worst movies to pervade modern cinema. Look at her credits on the IMDB, it reads like a who’s-who of celluloid tripe. Sleepless in Seattle, Michael, You’ve Got Mail, Lucky Numbers, When Harry Met Sally, Hanging Up. Strike that. It reads more like a rap sheet.
Her movies are a Better Homes and Gardens photo spread disguised as entertainment. People with copper kettles dangling from racks above kitchen islands. Stories about stupid people, rote misunderstandings and problems that pale in comparison to the real life issues that we combat every day. Her movies aren’t an escape from reality. They lobotomize it.
MAYBE I can give a pass to When Harry Met Sally, because it was a unique relationship drama during the era of late 80’s blow-em-up action movies. But the clich
By the way, I want to remind all of you out there with LiveJournal accounts to add the new Theater Hopper LiveJournal feed to your “friends” list. In doing so, you’ll be privy to all of the comic and blog updates as soon as they post to the site. It’s a pretty handy tool!
I’ll be posting a permanent link for the feed soon, but until then plan to keep reminding everyone until you all sign up!
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My wife and I also saw Bewitched on Saturday night. Patti wanted to go to it bad enough that she endoured the Friday night show of Land of the Dead.
Bewitched – Be Boring. Okay, the inherent problem within the story is that Will Ferrell’s character gets too much screen time and Nicole Kidman’s character doesn’t do much of anything. I felt this was echoed and even magnified for the actual movie.
Some of the effects were cool – such as Michael Caine’s appearances in the grocery store, but it would take many more tricks to make this film interesting.
The end of the movie is a little sketchy for me as I was fighting sleep. I was doing those little head bobs during the last fifteen minutes of this movie, but I’m fairly certain I only missed a bunch of talking and an obvious ending. This A-list cast couldn’t wiggle their noses and save this script.
Land of the Dead: I am a fan of this series and am also pretty certain that the dead will walk one day, but this film was just okay. I’d say it was much better than Day of the Dead, but it doesn’t hold a candle to Night of the Living Dead or Dawn of the Dead (original or remake). If they have spent so much time with Zombies and are short on supplies, why do they fire 30 rounds on full automatic into the torsos of the Zombies? Use your head man! (and shoot theirs!)
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Dec 21, 2011 | TRAILER – CASA DE MI PADRE |
Explosions really do make things better.
Are Cami and I really thinking about boycotting Tom Cruise and Stephen Spielberg’s newest sci-fi horror remake The War of the Worlds? Let me tell you – it’s crossed our mind.
This is kind of a weird thing to proclaim. Particularly in the light that I am a fairly large Spielberg fan and had begrudgingly come to respect Cruise as an actor in the last few years. I enjoyed what he did with the character of Frank T.J. Mackey in Magnolia. I thought the intensity he brought to Vincent in Collateral was layered and made a lot of sense. Hell, I was one of like, FIVE people who really enjoyed The Last Samurai.
But in light of his progressive meltdown taking place in front of any camera he gets in front of, Cruise has repulsed me to the point that I don’t much feel like supporting his latest effort.
I know, big deal, right? As if my paltry 8 bucks is going to make a difference in the grand scheme of things? War of the Worlds is one of THE tent pole flicks of the summer. A sure-fire blockbuster that brings together one of America’s most popular actors and one of its most popular directors.
At this point my disgust really has nothing to do with his laughable “engagement” to Katie Holmes. It has nothing to do with his beliefs as a Scientologist. It has nothing to do with the highly misinformed sparring matches he’s having with the press over the practice of psychiatry. At the end of the day, it comes down to one thing: Cruise is a smug bastard who DESERVES to be taken down a few pegs.
There seem to be very few people who can break the meniscus of Cruise’s very small world and let him know what everyday people think about him. His level of denial is deeper than a Nuremberg war criminal. It doesn’t help much that most people in the media continue to kiss his ass because he’s “Mr. Hollywood” and is good for ratings.
I think the other shoe dropped when Cruise appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman last week and Dave crawled so far up his ass I could barely see that gap-toothed grin.
It all had to do with the recent events in London where Cruise was squirted with water from a disguised microphone while at the UK premiere of War of the Worlds. Letterman applauded Cruise for not beating the crap out of the offending prankster and showing true composure.
Okay, points there. Because if he had taken a swing at the guy, it would have looked bad. But in all honesty, I got a real kick out watching it all go down. In turn, watching Letterman effuse his admiration of Cruise resulted in me losing a lot of respect for him. This was the guy who is ALL ABOUT taking celebrities down a few pegs with a few cutting remarks when they’re sitting right in front of him. All of a sudden he goes soft?
Then I realized it wasn’t Letterman’s fault. It’s the Culture of Celebrity. Cruise is high-profile right now and not just because of the movie. If you can snag him while he’s on his promotional rounds, that’s gonna bring great ratings because you don’t know what he’ll say or do next. Don’t piss him off or else he might not come back next time. NBC should FTD Cruise a basket of flowers for all the attention he brought to The Today Show after his spat with Matt Lauer.
But kissing Cruise’s ass doesn’t solve the problem, it makes it worse. Because it continues the notion that his public outbursts are acceptable. Getting sprayed in the face with water was the public saying “No it’s not.”
Don’t get me wrong. The implications of the water-squirting incident are really scary for a public figure. Because if someone can get that close to you and humiliate you that thoroughly, what are the odds the next guy will be a real nut who might try to take you out?
By no means do I wish any harm to befall the guy. Because despite how loony tunes he appears in public, no one deserves to have their safety threatened.
But at the same time, you can’t jump on couches, deride psychiatry, get engaged to someone after 10 weeks under questionable circumstances and not expect some kind of backlash.
The water-squirting incident was benign enough as to not frighten people while simultaneously being the utmost effectiveness tactic in knocking Cruise down a few pegs. It’s like throwing a cream pie at Ann Coulter or Bill Gates. It clearly communicates, “We don’t like what you’re doing. You’re abusing your status as a celebrity/commentator/entrepreneur/whatever.” It’s a way to punctuate the contrary opinion that isn’t being absorbed within the target’s circle of influence.
And, in its own way, reserving my entertainment dollar and saving it for something other than War of the Worlds is my cream pie in the face of Tom Cruise.
While I have your attention, I wanted to point our a couple new advertisers on the site. Blue Host and Amazing Super Zeroes.
Blue Host is a great hosting company that can help you get your web site set up fast and affordable. Tons of features and consistent support options make Blue Host a great company to go with if you’re looking to get your new site off the ground.
Amazing Super Zeroes is a relatively new web comic about a group of clueless capes by Jason Sigler and Nick Ruffilo. It has a great cartoon style. Very bright and sunny. Check it out now and you should be able to catch up on all the comics in the archive. I got a real kick out of it.
If you’re interested in advertising with Theater Hopper, we have a few spots available. For information on our rates, please click here!
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I know I was a little late with the blog this morning, so now might be a good opportunity for you to hook up with the Theater Hopper Live Journal Feed. Through the magical powers of RSS, it automatically updates whenever new information is added to the front page. You’ll never be out of the loop again!
Furthermore, I appreciate everyone’s patience right now. Things have been really hectic for me as I’m packing everything up and preparing for our move into a new home on July 12.
Remember that I still need guest strips for that week, so if you have a comic and would like a little extra exposure, I’m accepting all submission! E-mail me with your creations. JPG format (if possible) and no wider than 525 pixels or else it will break the layout of the site.
Many thanks for your support!
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