Shamefully I wasn’t aware of Rob and Elliot until Zach over at Joe and Monkey made me aware of them just this year. Good thing – it’s probably one of my most favorite new discoveries.

I don’t know how to explain it. The look is manga-esque, but not annoying like most of that stuff. Expressions aren’t overtly exaggerated. It plays closer to reality.

The pacing of the dialogue is a real plus. Very witty without being too eager. Still, you have to give it up for a concept like the adorable – but deadly! – iMonkey.

Honestly, if I had created that, I would have kicked my feet up and said “Looks like I’m on auto-pilot from here on out!” That’s the kind of great idea you could hang an entire strip from.

But Clay and Hampton Yount don’t stop there. Oh, no! They’ve got a real swinging comic going on and you should all check it out. Thanks for the great guest strip!

Incidentally, if you want to see my rendering of their characters, vote for Theater Hopper at buzzComix and laugh at my inferior interpretation!

↓ Transcript
Seen it, seen it, seen it...

Geez, there's nothing playing in the theaters, and we've seen practically every movie in this store!

Well, there is ONE section that we almost never rend from...

Oh, this one's SCARY!

Oh no! Don't go in there!

Don't worry, I'll handle this.

Hey, Jared, don't go in there!

Look can one of you play now? My thumbs are getting tired...

Silence, game-slave!