April 25th, 2005 | by Tom- Comics »
- Comics »
- Guest Strip
(4 votes, average: 6.75 out of 10)
I wanted to start this week off right by showcasing Zach Miller’s great guest strip. In case you’ve been living under a rock, Zach pens and authors Joe and Monkey and he is a fellow web comic creator that I happen to consider a good friend. Zach’s always been there in the clutch and he pulls though again!
To show some of my gratitude, I’ve drawn a sketch of Joe and Monkey that you can view when you vote for Theater Hopper at buzzComix. Ironically, Joe & Monkey is creeping up on us on the Top 10 list – which I think is great. When you’re done voting for Theater Hopper, go on over to JaM and vote for Zach’s comic.
I’ve been enjoying Joe and Monkey more and more since Zach got back into the web comic game last year. I think he might really be onto something. Like, something you could syndicate. It’s that good. It’s as wholesome as Peanuts, but without that subversive religious subtext. But the comic also has a mean grip around strong non sequitur. Much more so than the actual comic Non Sequitur, authored by that web comic hatin’ meanie Wiley. Booooo!
Anyway. Quick recap. Joe & Monkey = Excellent. Non Sequitur = Crap. Got it? Good?
I have more thoughts to share, but frankly, I’ve been sitting at the computer far too long tonight burning Henry Rollins spoken word CDs that I have to overnight to Mitch later today. He asked me for copies when we were together in Kansas City so he could listen to them when he moves from Minneapolis to Austin. Well, that move is taking place on Thursday, so I needed to get off my ass and help a brother out!
Anyway, I’ll be back later in the day with a few more topics to discuss. I’m listing them as follows in hopes that they will serve to jog my own memory when I come back.
1. Seeing The Interpreter over the weekend and the mouth-breathing Abercrombie & Fitch rejects behind us that wouldn’t shut up.
2. Progress on the site redesign.
3. How many more guest strips will there be, anyway?
4. How frighteningly close Zach came to pinpointing aspects of my stamp collection.
RIVITING STUFF! See you soon.
As promised, I’m back to take aim at a couple more issues from the weekend,site related goodies and more.
Cami and I went to see The Interpreter on Friday night and had a really good time. The film is expertly put together. A well-paced adult drama that is never gratuitous, but you can tell it has a smart head on its shoulders.
I think what I appreciated most about the movie were the small charactertouches that fleshed out the lead actors performances. Sean Penn, in particular.
When we’re introduced to Penn’s weary Secret Service agent, he’s in a dive bar presumably drowning his sorrows. Penn’s body language communicates as much. In the background a grating country song is blaring out of the jukebox.
Without a word, Penn gets up and saunters over to the jukebox. He unplugs it, cutting the abrasive tune off before it’s finished. He immediately plugs the jukebox back in, puts in a dollar and punches in the digits for a different song.
Penn’s song is melancholy, wistful and romantic. He drags himself across the bar to the pay phone. We think he’s about to call someone the song reminds him of, but the pay phone is broken. He whips out his cell phone.
He calls the number and waits for someone to pick up. It’s the machine. It’s a woman’s voice. He smiles. He listens to the message and then hangs up. He immediately calls back and listens to it again. He smiles.
Without a word of dialogue, we know Penn misses this woman terribly. And the vibe isn’t creepy like he’s stalking her. It’s affectionate
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