So it turns out Tom was the architect of Cami and Charlie’s predicament the whole time, eh? Sure puts another spin on his aloof attitude from back in January, doesn’t it?
Quick question: What do you think the old, crusty white guy has against Lifetime Original Movies? Do you suppose he worries their overwhelming quality will lure people to their basic cable subscriptions and away from his $8 admission prices and stale popcorn? I bet I could tell another epic storyline based just around that!
Joking aside, that’s it folks. That’s the end of this story arc. Two months in the telling. 25 strips in the can – from #375 to #400. I know the telling was slow going at times. I received my share of e-mails telling me that people weren’t enjoying the comic like they used to. Well, it’s over now. And thanks to the Oscars on Sunday, I’m going back to more topical and timely gag-a-day strips. The critics get way they want and I get the sense of accomplishment from trying something I never did before – Telling the longest story I’ve ever told and introducing a new character to boot. Everybody wins.
I guess I don’t know what else to say. Pardon me if I feel a little defensive. I know this arc wasn’t as entertaining or as emotionally invested as when Jimmy lost his job back in September. But I don’t regret it. If anything, it has crystallized my purpose now that I know what kind of strips I’m more adept to writing and what kind of strips you guys are more fond of reading.
Actually, I’m kind of looking forward to it. I can go back to developing wit brevity while putting pathos on the backburner. If you guys wanted a soap opera, that’s why TiVo was invented.
Anyway, thanks to everyone for sticking it out and letting me try something new. Thanks for being honest and thanks for being fair. As potentially alienating as this arc could have been, I never received a more strongly worded e-mail beyond “It’s just not my cup of tea.”
You guys are awesome. Keep up the good work.
Just like you planned. They;re all buddy-buddy now.
Wonderful. I wired a little extra money to your account.
Thanks for rigging that door.
Can I ask you something? What they hell do you care if these two get along?
Because Cami needed to let go of some resentment and I could sense Charlie needed someone to confide in.
I saw an opportunity for both of them to resolve their issues and - hopefully - learn a little something about life, friendship and forgiveness!
GEEZE! Has the WHOLE WORLD turned into a Lifetime Original Movie?!