I don’t know what it is about bad timing that I find so hilarious, but here’s another example for you.
What I find ironic about punch lines like this is how difficult it is to sometimes pull off a visual gag… in a visual medium. Especially when I don’t have complete faith in my abilities.
It’s really a catch 22. I become paranoid that what I’ve drawn won’t communicate with my intentions, but on the other hand, if I sit here and explain it to you, it ruins the joke.
I guess I shouldn’t dwell on it. After all, I usually get comments in the THorum like “I love so-and-so’s expression in panel three.” I didn’t even know I was capable of drawing expressions!..
By the way, if you want to see the aftermath of Jimmy and Charlie’s little run-in, vote for Theater Hopper at buzzComix.
I know after reading today’s comic (the 22nd installment of a story arc that began here) some of you would try to ensnare me with a reference to this comic – the one where Jimmy explains how he doesn’t check the women’s restroom.
First of all, thank you. This means you’ve been paying attention.
Second of all, this reversal of status says less about Jimmy’s previous unwillingness and more about my need to tell a more economical storyline. Besides, if Jimmy thought someone was in trouble, OF COURSE he would come to their aid. Because that’s just the kind of stand up guy he is.
I’m over-explaining it again, aren’t I?
Hey, before I forget, be sure to place your bids on the little art auction I have going on. It ends this Friday. I’m hoping to take the profits from its sale to help pay my way to the Kansas City Planet Comicon comic book convention April 2-3. If you want to help me out and get some cool original artwork in the process… well, it’s a match made in heaven.
Gabe and Tycho from Penny Arcade went to Planet Comicon a few years ago. I decided to make the three hour drive from West Des Moines to Kansas City to meet them. Theater Hopper maybe had… 30 strips at the time? So I didn’t have a lot to say to them besides “Buh… guh… I like your comic. You inspired me to start my own.” Frankly, they probably get that a lot. They’ve probably stopped checking the links of sites that have cropped up in their wake.
But I guess I’ve talked to Tycho a few times since then over e-mail and he’s very generous. Not to sound like a fan-boy kiss up, but it’s very validating to exchange thoughts of an individual who was one of the crystallizing forces behind the popularity of your medium.
Anyway, Gabe and Tycho played Kansas City two years ago, so I thought it was worth it to make my own appearance.
Of course, they FLEW from Seattle to Kansas City. I’ll be driving. But why split hairs?…
That’s about it for now. Bye!
Uh... is everything okay in there?
I heard a loud noise and an unusual amount of swearing.
Jimmy? Thank God! We're stuck in here!
Cami?! Hang on. I'll try to break the door down!