I think if I just… try… a little HARDER! – I could have gotten more panels and more text in today’s comic.
I don’t know where this recent influx of married humor is coming from. It’s kinda developing organically. I say roll with it!
You guys should really check out our latest sponsor – The Asylumantics. It’s a wonderfully illustrated comic about a bunch of mental patients and they recently updated their schedule to an aggressive (but satisfying!) 5 times a week!
By the by, why not vote for Theater Hopper at buzzComix too? It’s good for the soul.
Since there really aren’t any interesting movies coming out this weekend that I can talk about, I’m going to shift focus for a minute.
Way back in September when I embarked on the aforementioned large story arc about Jimmy losing his job, my good friend Joe Dunn – illustrator at Digital Pimp Online sent me this awesome artwork:

I clutched it to my chest and held it close for the longest time because I thought that I would use the artwork in book collecting the Jimmy arc that I would later sell on the site.
As I get further and further away from that period in the strip, the collected book feels less likely. So to make amends for my selfish sins, I wanted to share this artwork with the world. Frankly, it’s too good NOT to share.
Of course, the fact that Joe recently sent me another piece of fan art to commemorate Charlie’s introduction certainly pushed my hand to a degree:

What can I say about Joe’s talent that isn’t blatantly obvious? All I can say is that he draws my characters better than I could ever hope to. The real turn of the screw is that Joe’s versions are how I envision them in my head. I just can’t get my brain and my right hand to agree in that regard.
So many thanks to Joe Dunn for all his hard work and support. I appreciate it. Everyone needs to check out Digital Pimp Online right this very minute and soak up as much of Joe’s work as possible. You won’t regret it!