November 2nd, 2004 | by Tom(10 votes, average: 8.20 out of 10)
You might think Thunder Gut is a figment of Cami’s imagination, but he’s REAL! And if you want to see a rough sketch of the hero about to lunge into action, all you need to do is vote for Theater Hopper at buzzComix. I implore you to check it out. I had a lot of fun coming up with the costume design.
It’s very important that you guys vote for Theater Hopper on buzzComix because – unlike yesterday when the list SHOULD have updated – it really HAS updated today! I’m making a sincere effort to get to the top spot on the list and I need your help. Be sure to vote EVERY DAY!
Remember, we’re doing a full week of strips to help spur this initiative, so be sure to come back tomorrow, Thursday and Friday to lend your support!
Of course you’d have to be utterly dense to be unaware of that OTHER, possibly more important election going on today. Here’s hoping those of you of age will be performing your civic duty in the ballot box. I plan on doing so after work this evening. Afterwords, I plan on drinking a fifth of whiskey, sliding under the covers and wait for it to all blow over. This election is like a 50 car pile up we’ve been collective predicting for the last 6 months and I don’t think I can watch the carnage.
To less depressing matters, The Incredibles! Tracking has been really positive for Pixar’s latest effort. I think they’ve hit upon an awesome formula. They’re sure to snag the kids with colorful action while simultaneously hooking the adults with jokes about being middle-aged. What 40 year-old couldn’t relate to Mr. Incredible wrenching his back while attempting to hurl a robot into the sun? Brilliant!
Analysts are already predicting The Incredibles could do anywhere from $200 to $300 million in business. I think it’s safe to say that Pixar will have its sixth consecutive number one opening weekend with no competition. After the Presidential election, I imagine people will be ready for a little fantasy and comedy.
We’re already starting to chat up The Incredibles in the THorum. One of our regular posters actually just got back from an advance screening yesterday evening.
More thoughts on The Incredibles later in the week, but until then, vote, vote, vote!
You know what day it is… get out and vote if you are eligible. I thought it was funny when I saw the news headline yesterday: “Last day of early voting.” Well duh, it’s no longer early when the party has started.
“I see a red state and I want to paint it blue…” – ANYMOUSE
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