Well, there you have it! 32 days and 15 comics later, we’ve come to the end of the storyline. Although we’ve established Jimmy as the moral center of the comic, he’s still as naive and sincere as ever. Proof of which can be witnessed in an incentive sketch you can view by voting for Theater Hopper at buzzComix.
I’m not really sure how to go about discussing this storyline without repeating a lot of what I’ve already said in earlier blogs. I’m also feeling like I’m a little “too close to the project” right now, so I fear that my analysis will be slightly more skewed than if I gave myself some time away from it.
What I CAN say is “Thank you” to all of the readers that supported me while I exercised a different set of skills. I tried my hardest to develop the characters, sharpen my dialogue, ground the situations to reality and improve my art style. Maybe I didn’t meet all the goals, but I know I’m at least half way there and I have you guys to thank for it.
Read through the blogs during this arc. You’ll witness a lot of self-doubt. I never knew from day to day if the direction I was taking things in would alienate readers. The feedback I got was invaluable. Not only did you guys tell me I was on the right track, but you instructed me to push it further! As a result, I attempted to sharpen my focus while telling a bigger story. Over a month later and this is the result.
I think it’s safe to say now that I’m very proud with the way things turned out. Sure, everyone kind of ended up back where they started. Jimmy got his old job back and Tom will probably go back to his antagonistic ways. But we learned a lot about the characters along the way. What’s that saying about “the journey, not the destination?”
As happy as I am with the result, I’m ready to start being more topical again and talking about current movies. I think we’re finally starting to emerge from the post-summer slump and we’ll start seeing some really good movies soon.
Until then, thanks again to all the readers that supported me through telling this story. I dedicate it to all of you.
Before I get too far away from the computer, I wanted to take a moment to point out our newest advertiser Awake the Witch. It’s a really cool online specialty store that sells all kind of authentic Pagan accessories.
I don’t want to trivialize things by suggesting that you could pick something up for Halloween, but it IS that time of year. If I’m wrong for pointing that out, just send me an e-mail. Don’t curse my first born, or anything. ;D
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