I don’t know if you guys are aware of the minor controversy that sprang up between Penny Arcade and buzzComix regarding PA’s charity effort Child’s Play, but basically Gabe took some members of the community to task for some rather disparaging remarks they made. Some had the audacity to suggest that Gabe and Tycho developed Child’s Play as a way of raising their own profile and that their motives weren’t completely altruistic.
What’s important about this story is that Gabe actually linked to the thread in the buzzComix forum where these comments were being made. (the link has since been taken down from the PA main page)
Kind of as a half goof/half publicity stunt, I decided to hop into the middle of the fray to promote Theater Hopper and placed a link for people to click. PA’s fan base is legendary. I knew they would swoop into action immediately after Gabe pointed out people bad mouthing them. So, I decided to capitalize on it a little. If nothing else, I thought I could insert a little ironic levity into what would assuredly become a lot of self-important bickering.
I’m mentioning this because astonishing, my plan seems to have worked! I’ve gotten a few e-mails from people saying they read my post and decided to give Theater Hopper a try.
I just want to say to those of you who came from Penny Arcade by-proxy and found yourself here, WELCOME! I hope you enjoy the comic. We have over 325 comics in our archive, so I’m sure you’ll find something you’ll like. If you’re looking for an introduction to the cast, you can find it here. And if you like online communities give our THorum a try! We have lots of really cool people in there and we’ve managed to stay relatively drama-free for the last year or so.
Y’know, the Internet is a pretty crazy place to live and do business, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
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Is it possible that humble theater employees leap into action as dashing super heroes when you’re not looking? Hey, stranger things have happened!
For those of you wondering how I am planning to wrap up this now month-long story arc like I said I would on Monday… Well, I’m not. I’ve decided that I can’t deliver the emotional closer of the arc in the time I allotted myself, so I’m stringing things out for another week. Hopefully that is satisfactory with everybody. Even though I am having some of the most fun I’ve ever had drawing these strips and telling these stories, I fret every day that there are readers out there rolling their eyes and saying “GET ON WITH IT, MAN!”
But trust me. After next Friday, it’ll be done. I have the conclusion plotted out, written down. It’s 90% in stone. I say 90% because I’m sure there will be some small dialogue revisions here and there. But as far as the pacing and the structure are concerned, it’s set.
Oh, and did I mention there will be SPECIAL CAMEO APPEARANCES in the upcoming strips? I figured the story had grown to epic enough proportions that a little cameo action wasn’t out of the question. Be on the lookout for that.
Is anyone going to be that upset that I’m not talking about movies for another couple weeks? There really isn’t that much out there worth “Ooohing!” and “Aaahing!” about. I guess I was pretty surprised that the new Julianne Moore flick The Forgotten pulled in $22 million this last weekend. Especially considering that Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow has only made $26 million in TWO weeks. Considering it cost $70 million to make, I think we can label it a flop. I haven’t seen it yet, but I have a feeling I would like it. Too bad it’s not doing so well. Hopefully it can make up the difference on home video in a couple of months…
I’m still kicking around the idea of collecting these strips into a mini trade paperback. It’s probably a good thing that it’s going on a little longer. I can add a few more strips to the book to keep it from being pamphlet size. Of course, I’m still considering the option of adding extra bonus strips to sneak into the story between comics that appear on the site. That’s so you’ll sleep a little better a night having bought something a little more exclusive than what you can already get on the site for free.
First day sales of the brand new Spoiler t-shirt have been strong. People seem to be really enjoying the color and style options. I know some of you are waiting for payday before buying your shirt, but don’t worry. I’m accepting pre-orders through October 15. Many thanks to those who have already purchased your shirt!
That about does it for me. Not much news to report. I’m just plugging away at the comic, hoping you’re enjoying it! I’ll be in touch again soon!