Tom cleans up pretty well in today’s incentive sketch. Click here to check it out and don’t forget to vote every day!
Still working on the storyline that I started last week regarding the opening of the Century 20 here in Iowa. I hope you’re enjoying it so far.
For those of you who are curious, yes – I did make it out to the new theater this weekend and christened the experience with a showing of Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. How was the movie? Not bad! Wasn’t a gut-buster, but I found it consistently clever. If I wasn’t laughing, I had a smile on my face throughout the whole thing. It’s definitely a step up from Dude, Where’s My Car for director Danny Leiner.
The theater itself was outstanding. I don’t think I could do it justice trying to put it in words. The seats were very comfortable and not only were there no television commercials in front of the movie, but no movie trailers either. I’m serious. It was lights out – MOVIE. I can’t remember the last time I had an experience like that!
Enough ranting. I have some site business to take care of.
First, be sure to visit our newest sponsor Digital Pimp Online. One of the artists there is Joerules from our very own THorum! You might remember that Joe did an awesome guest strip for me while I was away with Memphis with a little help from fellow THorumite, MadMup. If you want to check out a sample of his work, click here.
Second, Mitch Clem asked me to do this for him and I have no problem going out of my way to do so. To help raise awareness to his attendance at Wizard World Chicago, Mitch will be updating Nothing Nice to Say EVERY DAY this week. What are you waiting for? Check it out.
Mitch and I will be sharing booth 9131 A & B this Friday, Saturday and Sunday with Zach Miller from Joe & Monkey. Click here for more information about our joint appearance.
Which leads me to point number three… Check out Zach Miller’s Joe & Monkey. He’s been updating every day now for a couple of weeks and the comic is really good! Show him some support.
Fourth, congratulations to Jenny and Craig who got married this weekend. Thank you for inviting Cami and I to share in your day. Before I left their reception this weekend, Jenny said “I want to see us mentioned in your blog!” Truth is, I was already planning on it! We had a great time, guys. Many years of happiness to you both!
That’s all for shout-outs at the moment. This week is going to be really hectic in preparation of Wizard World. I’m leaving Thursday afternoon and hope to be in Chicago that night. The convention floor opens up at 10 A.M. on Friday, so I have to be ready to go!
I’m going to try and work ahead and have Friday’s comic ready for you before I leave town. I won’t have access to the internet while I’m away, so this is the best solution. I’ll probably draw next Monday’s strip while I’m at the convention and then post it once I get home Sunday night.
That’s it for now! Talk to you soon!
By the way, I wanted to let everyone know about a guest strip I did over at Filibuster. J.J. was going to be out of town for a few weeks and asked if I could whip something up for him. I don’t mind being a little political from time to time, so I decided to take him up on the opportunity. It has fun with both the Democrats and Republicans, so check it out!
I also wanted to clue everyone in on a t-shirt design I submitted to Threadless. If possible, please vote for my entry. If you could mark the box that says “I’d Buy This” along with a rating of 5, it would really help me out. You can leave comments at the bottom, if you like.
All you have to do is create an account there to vote. It doesn’t cost you anything and it doesn’t commit you to buying the shirt. Threadless just uses the votes to calculate which shirts will be considered for production. If they choose mine, then I get a percentage of every shirt sold. Plus, it would just be really cool!
Thanks to everyone for their support!
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