Hey, guys. I hate to bother you with this every month, but the top list over at buzzComix has reset for the month of August. If you’d like to see Theater Hopper in the Top Ten, then don’t forget to vote everyday!
As a reward for lending your support today, you’ll be treated to a sketch of Jared treating himself! How? Click the link, lads and lassies!
Sorry for the over-use of photos in the background of today’s comic, but I was running short on time today. I actually produced TWO comics back-to-back today, but unfortunately, the majority of you won’t see the other one. I’m including it as a Wizard World Chicago exclusive in the Theater Hopper sampler booklets I’m handing out for free at the convention. If I have any copies left, I will likely offer them as donation incentives. The booklets are 20 black and white strips from the site – hand picked by me – plus the sampler bonus. Something to consider for down the road.
I didn’t get a chance to see Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle this weekend, mostly because I’m saving my movie-going dollar for when a BRAND NEW 20 SCREEN THEATER opens about 5 minutes from my house this Wednesday.
No one outside of Iowa will give a rat’s ass about this, I realize. But on August 4th, the largest commercial shopping venue in the state will open. Along with that, Century Theaters are opening their first movie house in Iowa. This is a great thing for me, because the majority of theaters are owned by the evil Carmike Cinemas.
20 screens seating anywhere from 150 to 500. REAL butter on the popcorn. No TV commercials before the trailers. For these traits ALONE, the Century 20 has it all over anything Carmike could wish to offer. Plus, it will have that “new theater smell.”
At any rate, I plan on seeing Harold and Kumar, The Village, and Napoleon Dynamite sometime this week. Then, on Friday, when Aliens Vs. Predator opens, I’ll see it there, too.
Bye-bye Wynnsong 16. You really should have done a better job trying to keep me as a customer. I doubt I’ll ever visit you again. Even for nostalgia’s sake.
That’s it for now, but I plan on coming back to talk about some big revelations in web comic circles. Plus, probably reflect on the upcoming Wizard World Comic Convention and my preparation for said event.
Come back soon!
I would notify you of the new incentive sketch I had drawn to go along with today’s comic, but as of this writing, buzzComix is experiencing some kind of outage. When their site is back up, I’ll let you know when you can check out the new sketch.
Today’s comic kicks off a new four-comic story arc. It revolves around the opening of Central Iowa’s newest theater, The Century 20.
I know that for most of you, the specifics of this announcement impacts you about as greatly as Kirstie Alley announcing she has a new show on cable announcing she’s fat. But I’ve given myself the challenge to make the experience of a new theater opening in a mid-sized metropolitan community relatable. I’ll FIND a way to make you care!
Hey, if I can do three strips in a row taking shots at the Wynnsong 16, I can unlock a method to make The Century 20 interesting! Trust me, the story line will be good.
Incidentally, Microsoft Word suggested “wincing” as a replacement for “Wynnsong.” See?! Even Bill Gates knows they suck!
The opening of The Century 20 coincides with the opening of the new Jordan Creek Town Center literally 5 minutes from my house. It’s Iowa’s largest retail complex ever and they’re expecting 100,000 people to be in attendance when they cut the ribbon on the place.
I, unfortunately, will be at work.
I think the mall will be nice, but a lot of the stores there are aiming for clients with more liquid amounts of cash. They are also targeting people who don’t care if they’re overspending 20 to 30%.
The real boon to me is the new theater. It didn’t dawn on me until Cami pointed it out a month ago, but in order for us to see any movies in the theater, we have to drive at least two towns over. That’s about 20 minutes in the car each way. Not a big deal cuz I like to drive, but it’ll be nice not to have to fight traffic just to see a simple movie. Especially after a late showing.
I’m also excited for The Century 20 because all the other theaters around us have basically given up trying to make your movie-going experience comfortable or even neutral. For the most part, they seem to go out of their way to annoy and inconvenience you.
buzzcomix still seems to be down, so no incentive sketch for you today. Sorry about that, but it’s totally beyond my control.
So, here’s part two of my special arc celebrating the opening of the Century 20 in my humble hometown digs. Maybe this is a little racier than usual for me, but why should Fenris get to draw all the hot babes?
If all things go to plan, I should be stepping foot inside the mythical Century 20 sometime tonight. What movie will we christen this experience with? How about Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. And for the record: No, the irony in this choice does not escape me.
Yesterday was the 2-year anniversary of Theater Hopper. I wanted to make a bigger deal out of it, but right now I’m doing a pretty piss-poor job of it.
Thank goodness there are creative types like Dave Buist who send me wonderful, congratulatory pieces of fan art. Y’know, I had no idea how violent this comic was until Dave collected every instance of a character being slapped, punched or gouged in one handsome piece of work. Dave also happens to write and draw Taking the Bi-Pass which you should check out because it is hilarious.
Now is as good a time as any to reflect on the success of Theater Hopper. Scott Kurtz just offered to put PvP into newspapers for free while Eric McCurdy and Tauhid Bondia announced their comic Suzie View is being looked at by United Feature Syndicate for placement on the Comics.com website – a stepping stone to syndication in print.
Reading things like this make me contemplate how far I’ve come with my rinky-dink operation.
Is syndication a goal of mine? No. But like Scott, Eric and Tauhid, it would be nice to gain a little recognition and maybe a little money for your effort. That’s not what motivates me, though.
Cami and I were actually just talking about this last night. Realizing that Theater Hopper is reaching more people now than it ever has before, it’s easy to slip into a pipe dream where someday the comic will become our sole source of income. It’s a nice thought, but I don’t ever want to force things that would send me racing to that ultimate conclusion.
I started Theater Hopper as a dare to myself. Just to see if I could do it. Once I established myself, I made a goal to remain consistent. Once I established a work pattern, I attempted to broaden my writing and drawing skills. I feel confident that these goals have been met and continue to be built upon to this day.
In order to get to this point, I don’t feel like I whored myself out excessively. People just started finding their way to the comic organically. Throughout this process I’ve met some really great people. Other creators that I would consider close friends as well as fans who I talk to daily in the THorum. All individuals that have enriched my life through the free exchange of ideas and interests.
I can count the number of hate mails I’ve received on one hand. And I would know how many pieces of hate mail I’ve gotten because I’m sensitive to that kind of thing. After 2 years in the game, I would say that’s an accomplishment all its own.
I guess I don’t know what the point of this is. I started out talking about the success of other creators and comparing it against my own. Is that even fair? I already feel like I’ve succeeded. I get to write and draw characters I love. I get to talk with interesting people every day. And hopefully, I’ve created something that will last another 2 years and beyond and bring a little bit of happiness to people willing to receive it.
Money, recognition and anything else is just icing on the cake at this point.
Thank you for reading Theater Hopper. Here’s to another 2 years and another 2 on top of that (if we’re lucky!).
Tom cleans up pretty well in today’s incentive sketch. Click here to check it out and don’t forget to vote every day!
Still working on the storyline that I started last week regarding the opening of the Century 20 here in Iowa. I hope you’re enjoying it so far.
For those of you who are curious, yes – I did make it out to the new theater this weekend and christened the experience with a showing of Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. How was the movie? Not bad! Wasn’t a gut-buster, but I found it consistently clever. If I wasn’t laughing, I had a smile on my face throughout the whole thing. It’s definitely a step up from Dude, Where’s My Car for director Danny Leiner.
The theater itself was outstanding. I don’t think I could do it justice trying to put it in words. The seats were very comfortable and not only were there no television commercials in front of the movie, but no movie trailers either. I’m serious. It was lights out – MOVIE. I can’t remember the last time I had an experience like that!
Enough ranting. I have some site business to take care of.
First, be sure to visit our newest sponsor Digital Pimp Online. One of the artists there is Joerules from our very own THorum! You might remember that Joe did an awesome guest strip for me while I was away with Memphis with a little help from fellow THorumite, MadMup. If you want to check out a sample of his work, click here.
Second, Mitch Clem asked me to do this for him and I have no problem going out of my way to do so. To help raise awareness to his attendance at Wizard World Chicago, Mitch will be updating Nothing Nice to Say EVERY DAY this week. What are you waiting for? Check it out.
Mitch and I will be sharing booth 9131 A & B this Friday, Saturday and Sunday with Zach Miller from Joe & Monkey. Click here for more information about our joint appearance.
Which leads me to point number three… Check out Zach Miller’s Joe & Monkey. He’s been updating every day now for a couple of weeks and the comic is really good! Show him some support.
Fourth, congratulations to Jenny and Craig who got married this weekend. Thank you for inviting Cami and I to share in your day. Before I left their reception this weekend, Jenny said “I want to see us mentioned in your blog!” Truth is, I was already planning on it! We had a great time, guys. Many years of happiness to you both!
That’s all for shout-outs at the moment. This week is going to be really hectic in preparation of Wizard World. I’m leaving Thursday afternoon and hope to be in Chicago that night. The convention floor opens up at 10 A.M. on Friday, so I have to be ready to go!
I’m going to try and work ahead and have Friday’s comic ready for you before I leave town. I won’t have access to the internet while I’m away, so this is the best solution. I’ll probably draw next Monday’s strip while I’m at the convention and then post it once I get home Sunday night.
That’s it for now! Talk to you soon!
By the way, I wanted to let everyone know about a guest strip I did over at Filibuster. J.J. was going to be out of town for a few weeks and asked if I could whip something up for him. I don’t mind being a little political from time to time, so I decided to take him up on the opportunity. It has fun with both the Democrats and Republicans, so check it out!
I also wanted to clue everyone in on a t-shirt design I submitted to Threadless. If possible, please vote for my entry. If you could mark the box that says “I’d Buy This” along with a rating of 5, it would really help me out. You can leave comments at the bottom, if you like.
All you have to do is create an account there to vote. It doesn’t cost you anything and it doesn’t commit you to buying the shirt. Threadless just uses the votes to calculate which shirts will be considered for production. If they choose mine, then I get a percentage of every shirt sold. Plus, it would just be really cool!
Thanks to everyone for their support!
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Today’s incentive sketch has nothing to do with the culmination of this 4 strip story arc. Instead, it focuses on an upcoming movie. Since I will be out of town attending Wizard World Chicago on Friday, I need to come up with an incentive sketch that could last me the weekend. I think this one fits the bill.
To celebrate the arrival of Aliens VS. Predator, I’ve composed a sketch of Tom and Jared as the interstellar adversaries. I think you’ll really like it. Remember to vote everyday!
So what do you think about today’s comic? Any good? I figured once I had gone off the deep end by introducing Mr. Monopoly on Monday, calling up Scrooge McDuck wasn’t far off base. Anyway, that wraps up that chapter.
As I mentioned before, I’ll be out of town on Friday pressing the flesh at the Wizard World Chicago comic book convention, so I’m trying to work ahead so there are no gaps in coverage for the site. I will be at booth 9131 A & B. Come and find me!
I already have Friday’s strip drawn and inked. I just need to scan it in, add color and lettering and it will be ready to go! I’m working a half day on Thursday and leaving for Chicago straight from the office, so it’s important that I get Friday’s strip done Wednesday. Still following? Good! At any rate, I’ll share my opinions on AvP Friday.
I should have more information on Wizard World later, but for right now, all this advance preparation has made me tired! I’ll check in again soon.
I’m looking forward to the trip to Wizard World Chicago, but a little nervous, too. From Des Moines, it’s a 6 hour drive to Chicago. That’s the furthest I’ve ever driven somewhere by myself. Hopefully I won’t get desperately lost and end up dead in a crack house somewhere.
I’m also a little panicked that I didn’t bring enough stuff to sell. I only have maybe, 20 of my original posters left. Jared gave me his last 6 copies of the DVD to sell. I’m bringing, like 8 t-shirts – all mediums and larges that I’ve been waiting for someone to order and that I’ve been sitting on. I still have a lot of the Trainspotting parody poster. But the item I worked the hardest on – the 24 page sampler booklet with a new, never seen before comic – well, I only have about 150 of those. Still, if I sell out of merchandise, that’s not really a bad problem to have, is it?
I went totally D.I.Y. on this booklet. They’ve all been lovingly arranged by hand. I was going to take them to a professional printer, but they wanted $300. Sh’eah, right!
Once I get to Chicago, I expect things to be in full swing. I’m sharing a room with Zach Miller from Joe & Monkey. Let’s hope he doesn’t snore!
The two of us are sharing a booth with Nothing Nice to Say’s Mitch Clem. We were also supposed to be booth-buddies with Neil G from Robot Stories, but he had to drop out at the last minute because he’s buying a house and needed to get his stuff together. We’ll miss Neil, but I’m sure we’ll have a good time. It’s like a reunion of the Minneapolis FallCon!
…except without Carrington, who we will also miss.
Before I wrap things up, be sure to check out our latest advertiser Built For Comfort. These guys are just getting off the ground with their comic, but I think it looks pretty good. The site design is tight. BOOKMARK’D!
I prepared Friday’s comic in advance and it’s sitting in the display cue ready to go. Hopefully I didn’t screw things up with the code and you’ll have a nice comic about Aliens vs. Predator to kick off your weekend.
See you soon!
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August 18th, 2004 | by Tom









(8 votes, average: 8.75 out of 10)
Well, I’m back in the comic saddle, as it were. There are certain perks that go along with that. Like an extra incentive sketch for you! Click here to vote for Theater Hopper on buzzComix and see what happens to Tom when he gets a little too close to one of those creepy Alien egg-things… We’ve kind of slipped down the charts a little bit at buzzComix, so hopefully this new sketch will help Theater Hopper jump up a couple places on the list.
One last shout-out to Dave Hinkle who gave me an excellent guest comic on Monday to help me get back into the groove after the Chicago convention. Check out his comic, Security’s Finest for me, will you? Dave’s guest comic has been removed from the archive and now found a home on the Bonus Materials page.
What do you think of the extra-special cameo in today’s comic?
August 20th, 2004 | by Tom









(8 votes, average: 8.50 out of 10)
Since I created an Aliens vs. Predator showdown in last Friday’s incentive sketch and depicted a face hugger attacking Tom in Wednesday’s sketch, I had a request from someone in the THorum to draw a chestburster. So I did. Vote for Theater Hopper at buzzComix if you want to see it.
I went outside the lines a little with my rendering. Since I pretty much gave you the goods in panel three of today’s strip, I decided to have a little fun with things. Anyone who’s a fan of Mel Brooks’ Spaceballs will recognize what I’m referencing.
In other buzzComix news, apparently Jeff Rowland of W.I.G.U. and John Allison of Scary Go Round have decided to join the race for the top spot and it has everyone… well, BUZZING! Why I’ve decided to help the competition by directly linking to them, I’ll never know. But both are quality comics and actually, I think their addition could really class things up at buzzComix. I say this with the full knowledge that their participation could knock me off the Top 10.
(Do I sound desperate enough, yet?)
At any rate, I’m still having a grand old time making fun of Alien vs. Predator. Truthfully, I could probably keep going with this. I have another comic idea in the bin for Monday.
Even though I complain about how poor the final movie was, that doesn’t mean it isn’t ripe for parody! Particularly the largest bone of contention in the movie among franchise fans – The gestation period of the Aliens.
I’m not going to go into a huge rant about it, but in AvP, it seems like it literally takes minutes for the Aliens to complete their life cycle from egg, to face hugger, to an implanted embryo, to chestburster and finally, to drone.
Some people have suggested the speed of the process was enhanced by the Predators who did so to accelerate the hunt. There are even reports that director Paul Anderson has said the same thing, but that it wasn’t communicated in the movie because the movie studio – Fox – mucked with the editing.
Personally, I chalk it up to piss-poor film making. It would have taken literally two minutes to explain why there are full grown Aliens running around the temple two scenes after the first group of humans were attacked by the face huggers.
And DON’T give me any crap about the audience not having an accurate reference for how much time passes in the film. I didn’t hear anyone say “I’m so tired! We’ve been running for hours! We should stop for sleep!” Especially not in a pyramid that reconfigures every 10 minutes.
At any rate, that’s my two cents. I was hoping to find something nice to wrap this up with, but I ran out of steam. So there you have it.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Stop by the THorum if you’re not busy, log in and say “Hi!”