If you’re digging on the Reservoir Dogs action in today’s comic, click here for a buzzComix incentive sketch featuring more of Tom as the nefarious Mr. Blonde.
Is the story that Jared mentions in today’s comic true? You betcha. It happened a couple of days ago in St. Petersburg, Florida. A woman was maced by a security officer for answering her cell phone during the opening credits of Catwoman.
Frankly, macing the whole audience in attendance probably would have been a good idea. It would teach them never to see stupid garbage like Catwoman ever again. Y’know… as long as we’re macing people.
I know today’s comic is maybe a little more gritty and violent than you’re used to, but when I read the cell phone story, I was immediately reminded of the annoying Verizon “Can You Hear Me Now?” ad campaign and wanted to spoof it. The grisly scene in Reservoir Dogs where Michael Madsen’s sadistic Mr. Blonde lops off the ear of a cop he’s torturing seemed to fit for some odd reason.
THorum is still down. We’re just waiting for the DNS transfer to kick in before we open things up again. Once we’re rolling, all registered THorumites can expect an e-mail from yours truly with the good news.
Not much else to report. I have some thoughts on the movies coming out this weekend – there are a lot. But I have a killer migraine that I’ve been trying to shake all day and I’m thinking now might be a good time to just go to bed.
Take it easy.
Something I wanted to mention yesterday but was too busy fighting off a migraine to recall is that Zach Miller – yes THAT Zach Miller, the one from the erstwhile No Pants Tuesday – has thrown his hat back into the web comic ring with a new strip called Joe and Monkey.
What’s Joe and Monkey about? Simple, really. It’s the tale of a delivery boy named Joe and a monkey named Monkey. Oh, and be on the lookout for Kleptobot!
Anyone familiar with Zach’s work knows that Joe and Monkey has been in development for a long time. There’s a good reason for that. Y’see, Zach sometimes has a little problem with updating on time. Not a strike against him! Just stating a fact!
Well, Zach knows it just as much as we do, so he decided to do something about it. That’s why he produced A TON of comics in advance so he would never miss an update. You think I’m joking, but the amount of comics he produced weighs literally 2,000 pounds.
At any rate, I’m really excited to see Zach producing comics again and also experienced a warming of the heart when he mentioned Theater Hopper in his opening blog and had lots of nice things to say. Thank you, Zach! You cut to the core of me!
Incidentally, I will be sharing a booth with Zach at Wizard World Chicago August 13 through 15. Don’t forget Mitch Clem of Barrett’s Lament or Neil G from Robot Stories. They’ll be there, too.
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This is not me bragging. This is me sharing one of those “I am flabbergasted and alarmed” kind of moments.
In some weird quark of fate, Theater Hopper racked up 14,889 unique hits yesterday. I’m not sure what that means. Because on a normal day, we see maybe 4,000 uniques.
To help shape your perspective, that’s more hits in one day than Theater Hopper saw in the entire MONTH of December 2002. True, we were only 4 months old at the time, but that’s a pretty wide gap.
Checking the registry, I was seeing a lot of hits from the PVP Forums and the forums over at Super Hero Hype. Who ever is linking me up in those places… KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
I suppose now would also be a good time to mention that I have some advertising spots opening up soon. If you’re interested in reaching a lot of people for a little bit of expense, our extraordinarily fair rates and advertising packages are listed here.
Man, I’m sleazy!
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If any of you are interested in reading more about the Florida couple who was maced by an off-duty police office as mentioned in Wednesday’s comic, The Smoking Gun has a nice little expose that includes their mug shot photos and a copy of the police report.
Today’s buzzComix incentive sketch doesn’t have much to do directly with M. Night Shyamalan’s The Village, but it’s pretty close. It’s Tom as a pilgrim, folks. Dig in.
I had a tough time coming up with a way to make fun of The Village. Originally I was going to do a strip where Tom was in control of a nerve center dedicated to uncovering the secret “twist ending” to the film (“I’ve received a credible lead from my contact in Zurich!”). He didn’t know what the ending was, but dern-gummit, he knew there was a twist!
Ultimately I couldn’t find a punch line for the setup, so I abandoned it.
Still, I think it leads us to an interesting discussion. Jared and I were actually talking about it yesterday. How much harder has it become for Shyamalan to surprise his audience when they go into his movies EXPECTING a twist?
It’s kind of the difference between going into a haunted house when you’re a kid versus when you’re an adult. When you’re a kid, you have no idea what’s around that next corner and, in your mind, those monsters are REAL. When you’re an adult, you’re kind of predicting when something is going to leap out at you. That primal fear is gone, but you’re still being entertained because you remember how seriously you used to take this stuff when you were younger.
Out of all the movies being released this week – The Manchurian Candidate, Garden State and Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle among them, The Village is the flick I want to see the most. If anything, but to learn if my theory regarding the movie’s ending are proven true.
I haven’t spoiled the movie for myself and read anything online about it, but I have my own thoughts as to what the twist could be. If you have a brain stem, you’ve probably already established the obvious thought. But in case you’re stemless, I’ll keep my theory to myself until next week.
I have good news for fans of the THorum. I received word from my former hosting company that the DNS transfer has been submitted. So hopefully Theater Hopper will be seen from it’s new server in the next 48 hours.
You shouldn’t be able to tell a difference on your end. We’ve prepared things in advance so the change over should be pretty seamless. The biggest change will be that the THorum will be open so we can discuss all of the latest films!
Lastly, be sure to check out our new advertiser Dunn Boyz. This comic has been around for a while and it’s still as fresh as ever. I read this strip a lot before I started Theater Hopper. I love the art!
I’ll be back a little later in the day to share with you a couple of links I think you should know about…
Since it’s a Friday and we seem to be doing “shout out’s”, I’ve decided to link up a couple of dudes I think you should check out.
First, whydoncha head on over to Fuitad.com. Please do not confuse this site with my former hosting company. People in the web comic community are already familiar with Fuitad. He’s the guy who came up with Top Web Comics. Well, he owned a hosting company for a while – the one TH was having problems with – but sold it two months ago. Long before we were having any issues.
At any rate, Fuitad helped me get out from under that hosting situation and allowed for Theater Hopper to move to a new server. As a way to return the favor, I want you all to check out his site. He has a comic, by the way. It’s drawn pretty well!
Another site I want you to visit is a comic that you will be talking about for a long time to come. Don’t ask me how I know. I just know. It’s called The Useless Superheroes and the illustration on this comic is OUTSTANDING! It’s a loving parody of the superhero genre. If you read comic books like I do, you’ll appreciate all of the references. It’s extremely well done.
Also, because Zach Miller is the most handsome man in Minnesota, check out his new web comic, Joe & Monkey. Just so you know, he
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